英语 中的 passed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 passed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 passed 的说明。

英语 中的passed 表示经过 jīng guò, 穿过 chuān guò, 超过 chāo guò, 递, 把…递给 bǎ dì gěi, 通过 tōng guò, 通过,批准 tōng guò ,pī zhǔn, 通过(考试等) tōng guò ( kǎo shì děng ), 经过 jīng guò, 跳过,过 tiào guò ,guò, 山口 shān kǒu, 水渠 shuǐ qú, 通行证 tōng xíng zhèng, 考试通过 kǎo shì tōng guò, 普通学士学位 pǔ tōng xué shì xué wèi, 传球 chuán qiú, 手的动作 shǒu de dòng zuò, 巧妙手法,敏捷手法 qiǎo miào shǒu fǎ,mǐn jié shǒu fǎ, 调情 tiáo qíng, 休假证 xiū jià zhèng, 关口,关头 guān kǒu,guān tóu, 传, 传球 chuán qiú, 过去,流逝 guò qù,liú shì, 发生 fā shēng, 过,不要 guò ,bú yào, 结束 jié shù, 离世 lí shì, 通过 tōng guò, 经过 jīng guò, 传, 让…通过考试 ràng tōng guò kǎo shì, 排出(结石、尿液等) pái chū jié shí niào yè děng, 发表对…的批评 fā biǎo duì de pī píng, 通过, 宣布, 超过 chāo guò, 传, 传递, 把(球)传给, 传送 chuán sòng, 从 …旁边经过 cóng … páng biān jīng guò, 从 …旁边经过 cóng … páng biān jīng guò, 不予理会 bù yǔ lǐ huì, 没有被 …注意到就过去了, 将...传下来, 遗传 yí chuán, 成为 chéng wéi, 发生并顺利进展下去, 把…冒充成 bǎ … mào chōng chéng, 遗赠 yí zèng, 把…给下一个人, 拒绝,放弃 jù jué,fàng qì, 去世 qù shì, 昏倒 hūn dǎo, (军校学生)毕业 jūn xiào xué shēng bì yè, 分发 fēn fā, 对…不予考虑 duì bù yǔ kǎo lǜ, 对…不加讨论 duì bù jiā tǎo lùn, 飞过 fēi guò, 用…轻轻擦干净, 放弃(机会等) fàng qì ( jī huì děng ), 登机卡 dēng jī kǎ, 放屁 fàng pì, 绕过 rào guò, 旁道 páng dào, 发生 fā shēng, 免费入场 miǎn fèi rù chǎng, 来宾通行证 lái bīn tōng xíng zhèng, 离校假条, 允许…过去, 不计较,不对…做出反应 bú jì jiào, 骚扰 sāo rǎo, 山口 shān kǒu, 不行 bù xíng, 考试失败 kǎo shì shī bài, 通过法案 tōng guò fǎ àn, 通过考试, 分发 fēn fā, 传递, 传阅, 被认作, 放屁 fàng pì, 作出批评, 给出判断, 符合要求, 答不出, 漏掉,忘记 lòu diào,wàng jì, 薪火相传 xīn huǒ xiāng chuán, 踢皮球,推卸责任 tuī xiè zé rèn, 募捐 mù juān, 击鼓传花, 转走烫手山芋, 穿过 chuān guò, 通过..., 墙上的上菜窗口, 途径地, 穿过 chuān guò, 墙上窗口, , 转嫁, 转嫁, 免缴所得税的, 关于纳税中间实体的,纳税中间实体相关, 打发时间 dǎ fā shí jiān, 悄然过去 qiǎo rán guò qù, 万能钥匙 wàn néng yào shi, 季票,季度通票 jì piào, 交通月票(季票、年票等) jiāo tōng yuè piào jì piào nián piào děng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 passed 的含义

经过 jīng guò

transitive verb (go past)

The bus passed me without stopping.

穿过 chuān guò

transitive verb (get through)

First you need to pass customs, then you have to wait for your luggage.

超过 chāo guò

transitive verb (driving: overtake) (驾驶)

The racecar passed his opponent at the last minute to win the race.

transitive verb (object: hand to [sb])

Could you please pass the salt?

把…递给 bǎ dì gěi

(object: give, hand)

He passed the pen to her.

通过 tōng guò

transitive verb (candidate: succeed) (考试等)

She passed her driving test on her first attempt.

通过,批准 tōng guò ,pī zhǔn

transitive verb (law: approve) (法律)

The law was passed by a vote of seventy to thirty.

通过(考试等) tōng guò ( kǎo shì děng )

transitive verb (not fail: exam)

I passed the test!

经过 jīng guò

intransitive verb (go by)

The bus passed without stopping for us.

跳过,过 tiào guò ,guò

interjection (I don't know the answer) (表示不知道答案)

"Jenna, what's the answer to number twelve?" "Pass."

山口 shān kǒu

noun (mountain pass)

There is a pass through the mountains thirty kilometres north of here.

水渠 shuǐ qú

noun (river channel)

Be careful when kayaking through the pass.

通行证 tōng xíng zhèng

noun (document giving entry)

He showed his summer pass and was admitted to the pool.

考试通过 kǎo shì tōng guò

noun (success in exam)

He achieved ten straight passes in his exams.

普通学士学位 pǔ tōng xué shì xué wèi

noun (UK (university degree)

His sister got a first class degree, but he only got a pass.

传球 chuán qiú

noun (sport: ball transfer)

The pass was intercepted by the opponent.

手的动作 shǒu de dòng zuò

noun (hand gesture)

The pass of the psychic's hand over the table seemed to set off a strange series of events.

巧妙手法,敏捷手法 qiǎo miào shǒu fǎ,mǐn jié shǒu fǎ

noun (sleight of hand) (隐蔽的)

The tabletop conjuror amazed us with his passes.

调情 tiáo qíng

noun (sexual advance)

Becky wasn't interested in Tom and pretended she hadn't even noticed his pass.

休假证 xiū jià zhèng

noun (military: leave of absence) (部队)

The soldier was granted a pass to attend his mother's funeral.

关口,关头 guān kǒu,guān tóu

noun (figurative (important point) (比喻)

What has brought us to such a pass in our relationship?

intransitive verb (be transferred)

The birthday card passed from person to person.

传球 chuán qiú

intransitive verb (sport: transfer the ball)

He passed, then ran towards the goal.

过去,流逝 guò qù,liú shì

intransitive verb (time: go by) (指事件或时间)

It seems that time passes faster every year.

发生 fā shēng

intransitive verb (formal (happen)

You would be amazed at what has come to pass after the accident.

过,不要 guò ,bú yào

intransitive verb (games: decline) (游戏)

You can either play a card or pass.

结束 jié shù

intransitive verb (end)

That opportunity has now passed.

离世 lí shì

intransitive verb (US euphemism (die)

I'm sorry to tell you that your husband has passed.

通过 tōng guò

intransitive verb (not fail exam) (考试)

"How was the test?" "I passed!"

经过 jīng guò

transitive verb (movement: cross)

They passed each other while running errands this morning.

transitive verb (ball: transfer) (球类)

To play well as part of a team, it's important to pass the ball, rather than just keeping it to yourself.

让…通过考试 ràng tōng guò kǎo shì

transitive verb (examiner: give pass mark)

The student's grades were much better this year, so the teacher was happy to pass him.

排出(结石、尿液等) pái chū jié shí niào yè děng

transitive verb (euphemism (excrete, discharge)

They say it is painful to pass a kidney stone.

发表对…的批评 fā biǎo duì de pī píng

transitive verb (judgement: criticism)

The columnist passed judgement against the candidate's plans.

通过, 宣布

transitive verb (judgement: a sentence) (判决)

The judge passed a sentence of five years' imprisonment on the criminal.

超过 chāo guò

transitive verb (exceed)

The rocket's speed quickly passed two hundred kilometres per hour.

传, 传递

transitive verb (circulate)

They passed the popcorn around the table.


(ball: transfer to [sb]) (体育运动)

He passed the basketball to his teammate, then his teammate shot it.

传送 chuán sòng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (hand round, circulate)

Please pass along these hints for healthy living.

从 …旁边经过 cóng … páng biān jīng guò

phrasal verb, intransitive (go past)

When Emily was sick, she sat near the window and waved at everyone who passed by.

从 …旁边经过 cóng … páng biān jīng guò

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (go past)

It's hard to pass by a mirror without looking at your reflection.

不予理会 bù yǔ lǐ huì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (ignore, overlook)

The shoppers passed by the tomatoes even though they were reduced in price.

没有被 …注意到就过去了

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (go unnoticed by)

Sadly, my brilliant joke passed him by.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (often passive (property, etc.: be bequeathed) (财物等)

My mother gave me a quilt that had been passed down over many generations.

遗传 yí chuán

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (usually passive (genetic: be inherited) (基因)

The gene responsible for red hair has been passed down through Ron's family.

成为 chéng wéi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (become part of)

After the king's death, the power passed into the hands of his son.


phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (happen)

Although the event has attracted violence in the past, the latest march passed off without incident.

把…冒充成 bǎ … mào chōng chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (present falsely)

He tried to pass himself off as an expert, but we could tell he didn't know much.

遗赠 yí zèng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (bequeath)

The house and all its belongings were passed on to her.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (give to next person)

Take a cookie and pass them on.

拒绝,放弃 jù jué,fàng qì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (reject, not take)

I'm afraid I must pass on your kind invitation - I'm not free that evening.

去世 qù shì

phrasal verb, intransitive (euphemism (die)

Uncle James passed on a couple of years ago. // His grandfather passed away after a five-year struggle with cancer.

昏倒 hūn dǎo

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (faint, lose consciousness)

I took one look at the bloody cut on my arm and passed out.

(军校学生)毕业 jūn xiào xué shēng bì yè

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (soldier: complete training)

650 cadets from the Army Foundation College in Harrogate have passed out.

分发 fēn fā

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (distribute, hand out)

The priest is passing out the communion wafers.

对…不予考虑 duì bù yǔ kǎo lǜ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (not give consideration to)

Even though Mary had worked as a manager in that department she was passed over for promotion.

对…不加讨论 duì bù jiā tǎo lùn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (not discuss)

Mary glibly passed over the topic Eric most wanted to discuss.

飞过 fēi guò

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (fly over)

We live near the airport and hundreds of planes pass over our house every day.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (rub lightly with [sth] to clean)

Mark passed the cloth over his spectacles to give them a quick clean.

放弃(机会等) fàng qì ( jī huì děng )

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (forgo, deny oneself)

Val simply couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend the summer in the South of France.

登机卡 dēng jī kǎ

noun (passenger ticket)

All passengers must present their boarding passes before entering the airplane.

放屁 fàng pì

verbal expression (pass gas)

绕过 rào guò

transitive verb (go around)

The truck driver bypassed the small towns in order to arrive quicker.

旁道 páng dào

noun (road around area)

We took the bypass because it's quicker.

发生 fā shēng

verbal expression (literary (happen, occur)

免费入场 miǎn fèi rù chǎng

noun (access to [sth] at no cost)

The package includes free passes to all the park attractions.

来宾通行证 lái bīn tōng xíng zhèng

noun (privileged access)

We were issued with guest passes for the VIP area.


noun (US (permit to leave classroom)

Don't be caught out of class without a hall pass!


transitive verb (allow to pass)

Let the waiter through.

不计较,不对…做出反应 bú jì jiào

verbal expression (not react to)

Jeremy let Liz's rude comment pass because he did not want to argue with her.

骚扰 sāo rǎo

verbal expression (slang (make a sexual advance)

He was disciplined for sexual harassment after he made a pass at one of the secretaries.

山口 shān kǒu

noun (route through a mountain range)

不行 bù xíng

verbal expression (not be accepted)

The soldier did not pass inspection for parade duty because his uniform was dirty.

考试失败 kǎo shì shī bài

verbal expression (fail: an exam or test)

I did not pass my exams, so I will have to take them again.

通过法案 tōng guò fǎ àn

verbal expression (make [sth] legal or illegal)

In 1647 Parliament passed a law making the celebration of Christmas illegal.


verbal expression (abbr (be successful in a formal test)

Once you have passed the exam you will be awarded with a diploma.

分发 fēn fā


They passed around sandwiches and drinks at the party.

传递, 传阅


Please sign the petition and pass it round the office.


(be taken to be)

He could easily pass for his brother, they look so much alike.

放屁 fàng pì

(US (emit wind)

A baby can pass gas up to 20 times a day.



We shouldn't pass judgement on him; he's doing the best that he can.


(give opinion)

I won't pass judgement until I've heard the whole story.


(figurative (be of satisfactory quality)

The proposals are defective and will not pass muster.


(be unable to answer)

The quiz contestant passed on two questions.

漏掉,忘记 lòu diào,wàng jì

(US (fail to make payment) (付款等)

Unfortunately, you have passed on the last five payments and are heavily in debt.

薪火相传 xīn huǒ xiāng chuán

verbal expression (figurative (transfer responsibility)

I've been secretary of this club for too long: it's time to pass on the torch to someone else.

踢皮球,推卸责任 tuī xiè zé rèn

verbal expression (slang, figurative (put blame on [sb] else)

He never admits to his mistakes at work but always passes the buck instead.

募捐 mù juān

verbal expression (ask for contributions of money)

After the buskers had stopped playing, they passed the hat round.


noun (UK (children's party game) (游戏)

The children were playing a game of pass the parcel.


verbal expression (UK, informal, figurative (pass on unwanted responsibility)

None of the government departments want to deal with the problem; they just keep passing the parcel.

穿过 chuān guò

(get through)

It took us 20 minutes to pass through the Mont Blanc Tunnel.


(get through [sth])

Glass allows light to pass through.


noun (US (serving hatch in a wall)


noun (a place you travel through)

穿过 chuān guò

noun (act of passing through a place)


noun (opening between rooms) (常开在厨房与客厅之间)

noun (place funds flow through)


noun (cost passed to customer) (成本)


adjective (cost: passed to customer) (成本)


adjective (company: not subject to income tax) (公司)


adjective (relating to a pass-through)

打发时间 dǎ fā shí jiān

verbal expression (avoid boredom)

Carol was doing a crossword to pass the time.

悄然过去 qiǎo rán guò qù

(not be seen, noted)

The events passed unnoticed, until someone wrote to the local paper about them.

万能钥匙 wàn néng yào shi

noun (key that opens many locks)

Bob used his passkey to open several doors in the office building.

季票,季度通票 jì piào

noun (ticket: unlimited entry) (无限制入场)

You can save a lot of money if you buy a season pass.

交通月票(季票、年票等) jiāo tōng yuè piào jì piào nián piào děng

noun (US (season ticket for public transport)

The transit pass allows you to travel on all the city's buses with a discounted fare.

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passed 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。