英语 中的 plural 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 plural 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 plural 的说明。

英语 中的plural 表示复数,复数形式 fù shù ,fù shù xíng shì, 复数的 fù shù de, 复数的 fù shù de, 算盘 suàn pán, 顶板 dǐng bǎn, 横坐标,横轴线 héng zuò biāo,héng zhóu xiàn, 髋臼, 补遗,追加部分 bǔ yí ,zhuī jiā bù fèn, 补充,后补内容,附加项目 bǔ chōng,hòu bǔ nèi róng, 腺瘤, 腺瘤, 成年子女, 有奖竞赛, 主要人物间的冲突, 酗酒者 xù jiǔ zhě, 女校友 nǚ xiào yǒu, 男校友 nán xiào yǒu, 肺泡, 牙槽, 小窝, 变形虫 biàn xíng chóng, 双耳细颈圆瓶, 圣瓶, 壶腹, 血管瘤, 触角 chù jiǎo, 天线 tiān xiàn, 门齿, 开胃品 kāi wèi pǐn, 窦 dòu, 概述 gài shù, 理解 lǐ jiě, 顶点 dǐng diǎn, 附录 fù lù, 乳房晕, 一抱之量 yí bào zhī liàng, 屋脊, 关节疾病, 关节 guān jié, 德和东欧系犹太人, 德和东欧系犹太人的, 自动装置, 轴 zhóu, 轴心 zhóu xīn, 坐标轴, 乳牙 rǔ yá, 杆菌 gǎn jūn, 细菌 xì jūn, 隔水加热烤盘, 隔水炖锅,双层蒸锅 shuāng céng zhēng guō, 班卓琴 bān zhuó qín, 梭鱼 suō yú, 根据 gēn jù, 期,时, 基本准则, 月桂叶 yuè guì yè, 聚会, 宴会, 男朋友 nán péng yǒu, 情书 qíng shū, 天堂鸟,极乐鸟 tiān táng niǎo,jí lè niǎo, 鹤望兰 hè wàng lán, 书 shū, 鲇鱼 nián yú, 三明治 sān míng zhì, 野猪 yě zhū, 喝彩声 hè cǎi shēng, 支气管 zhī qì guǎn, 小伙子 xiǎo huǒ zi, 江鳕, 树羚,薮羚, 商人 shāng rén, 仙人掌 xiān rén zhǎng, 牛犊,小牛 niú dú,xiǎo niú, 腿肚子,小腿 tuǐ dǔ zi ,xiǎo tuǐ, 小海豹 xiǎo hǎi bào, 小象 xiǎo xiàng, 小鲸鱼, 加拿大黑雁 jiā ná dà hēi yàn, 犬牙,犬齿 quǎn yá,quǎn chǐ, 犬牙,尖牙 quǎn yá,jiān yá, 画布 huà bù, 油画 yóu huà, 汽车销售人员, 贲门, 手腕 shǒu wàn, 被阉的男歌手, 词语误用,用词不当, 专业丛书, 洞穴人, 豚鼠 tún shǔ, 存单,存款单,存款证明书 cún kuǎn dān, 清洁擦拭用的软皮 qīng jié cā shì yòng de ruǎn pí, 红点鲑, 代表作 dài biǎo zuò, 鳌,钳爪, 门徒 mén tú, 交叉 jiāo chā, 交叉 jiāo chā, 孩子,小孩 hái zi ,xiǎo hái, 子女 zǐ nǚ, 鼠尾草, 漏刻,漏壶,水钟, 牧师 mù shī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 plural 的含义

复数,复数形式 fù shù ,fù shù xíng shì

noun (grammar: not singular form) (语法)

Some languages have no plural; nouns are the same whether you talk about one or many.

复数的 fù shù de

adjective (not singular, multiple) (语法)

The students discussed the plural meanings of the essay in class today.

复数的 fù shù de

adjective (grammar: denotes more than one)

The word children is the plural form of child.

算盘 suàn pán

noun (counting instrument)

My grandfather used to use an abacus to do math.

顶板 dǐng bǎn

noun (architecture: horizontal slab) (建筑)

The column's abacus has deteriorated and needs to be repaired.

横坐标,横轴线 héng zuò biāo,héng zhóu xiàn

noun (mathematics: coordinate) (数学)


noun (hip socket)

补遗,追加部分 bǔ yí ,zhuī jiā bù fèn

noun (book: text added) (书籍)

An addendum at the back includes some later discoveries.

补充,后补内容,附加项目 bǔ chōng,hòu bǔ nèi róng

noun (agenda: item added) (日程中的)

Look at the bottom of your agenda to see the addendum.


noun (secretory gland tumor) (长在腺体上)


noun (tumor in glandlike structure) (有类似腺体的结构特征)


noun (offspring: grown up)

I have three adult children, two of whom have children of their own.


noun (historical (ancient Greece: contest) (古希腊)


noun (literature (conflict between characters)

酗酒者 xù jiǔ zhě

noun (informal (alcoholic)

女校友 nǚ xiào yǒu

noun (Latin (female former or graduate student)

Hillary Clinton is an alumna of Yale law school.

男校友 nán xiào yǒu

noun (Latin (male former or graduate student)

The university has an impressive list of alumni, including several of my idols.


noun (anatomy: air sac in lungs) (解剖)


noun (anatomy: tooth socket) (解剖)


noun (anatomy: small pit, cavity) (解剖)

变形虫 biàn xíng chóng

noun (single-celled life form)

An amoeba reproduces by splitting into two.


noun (ancient Rome: flask) (古罗马)


noun (ecclesiastical: vessel) (宗教)


noun (anatomy: cavity) (解剖)


noun (pathology: benign tumor) (病理学)

触角 chù jiǎo

noun (insect: sense organ) (昆虫)

The bug lay on its back, totally still except for its twitching antennae.

天线 tiān xiàn

noun (aerial)

We took the antenna off our house and put up a satellite dish.


noun (often plural (one of the front teeth)

She has had problems with her anterior teeth since she was a child.

开胃品 kāi wèi pǐn

noun (Italian (food: appetizer)

Beginning a meal with antipasto is nice, especially on hot summer days.

窦 dòu

noun (anatomy: natural cavity)

概述 gài shù

noun (summary)

理解 lǐ jiě

noun (insight)

顶点 dǐng diǎn

noun (summit)

The hikers approached the apex of the mountain in the pouring rain.

附录 fù lù

noun (to document)

The interview data is included in the appendix to the report.


noun (skin around nipple)

The areola is usually darker than the surrounding breast.

一抱之量 yí bào zhī liàng

noun (amount carried on one or both arms)

The gardener came in with an armful of roses.


noun (technical (architecture: ridge) (建筑)


noun (bone disease)

关节 guān jié

noun (rare (juncture between bones)


noun (eastern European Jewish person)


noun as adjective (relating to an Ashkenazi)


noun (robot, mechanical device)

The Victorians created many ingenious automatons, including a machine that drew spiral designs.

轴 zhóu

noun (planet, etc.: line of rotation)

The earth rotates on its axis.

轴心 zhóu xīn

noun (figurative (alliance of countries)

The Sino-American axis will be strengthened with this treaty.


noun (geometry: reference line) (几何)

The points were scattered along the y axis.

乳牙 rǔ yá

noun (milk tooth)

My husband is 58, but he still has one baby tooth where a permanent tooth never grew. Children start to lose their baby teeth at about age six.

杆菌 gǎn jūn

noun (bacterium)

细菌 xì jūn

noun (formal (microorganism)


noun (pan for cooking by heated bath)

隔水炖锅,双层蒸锅 shuāng céng zhēng guō

noun (double boiler)

班卓琴 bān zhuó qín

noun (music: string instrument) (弦乐器)

A banjo can have four or five strings.

梭鱼 suō yú

noun (large eel-like fish) (大型的形似鳗鱼的鱼类)

Attacks on humans by barracudas are rare.

根据 gēn jù

noun (base or reason for [sth])

The basis for standardized testing in elementary schools is the need for all students to be at the appropriate level for their age.


noun (occurrence, routine)

Dogs need to be walked on a regular basis.


noun (principle [sth] depends on)

Trust and communication are the basis of a good relationship.

月桂叶 yuè guì yè

noun (aromatic leaf used in cooking) (调味品)

Whenever I make a casserole, I add a bay leaf from my garden.

聚会, 宴会

noun (UK, slang (party, celebration)

男朋友 nán péng yǒu

noun (dated, French (boyfriend)

It seems that Helena has a new beau; he's taking her to the pictures tonight.

情书 qíng shū

noun (dated, Gallicism (love letter)

天堂鸟,极乐鸟 tiān táng niǎo,jí lè niǎo

noun (tropical bird: Australasian)

鹤望兰 hè wàng lán

noun (flower of genus strelitzia) (植物)

书 shū

noun (written, abbreviation (book)

鲇鱼 nián yú

noun (saltwater fish)

三明治 sān míng zhì

noun (informal, initialism (sandwich: bacon, lettuce and tomato) (培根、生菜、番茄组成)

野猪 yě zhū

noun (wild pig)

While hiking, Danny saw a boar in the forest.

喝彩声 hè cǎi shēng

noun (from Italian (shout of approval)

The singer received several bravos from the audience.

支气管 zhī qì guǎn

noun (bronchial tube, airway)

小伙子 xiǎo huǒ zi

noun (Irish, informal (young man)


noun (freshwater fish)


noun (small antelope: southern Africa)

商人 shāng rén

noun (commercial executive)

仙人掌 xiān rén zhǎng

noun (spiky desert plant)

The only plants the hiker could see from the top of the mesa were many sizes and forms of cacti.

牛犊,小牛 niú dú,xiǎo niú

noun (baby cow, bull)

A cow and her calf are grazing in the field.

腿肚子,小腿 tuǐ dǔ zi ,xiǎo tuǐ

noun (human anatomy: fleshy lower leg) (人的)

Jeff frequently gets cramps in his calf.

小海豹 xiǎo hǎi bào

noun (baby seal)

The seal left her calf on the ice while she went hunting.

小象 xiǎo xiàng

noun (baby elephant)

The elephant looked around warily, guarding her calf.


noun (baby whale)

A new calf was spotted in the pod of whales.

加拿大黑雁 jiā ná dà hēi yàn

noun (bird)

You know it´s autumn when the Canada geese start flying south.

犬牙,犬齿 quǎn yá,quǎn chǐ

noun (human: eyetooth) (人类)

犬牙,尖牙 quǎn yá,jiān yá

noun (animal: fang) (狗等动物的)

Next to the horse's skeleton the archaeologists found several canine teeth and bones.

画布 huà bù

noun (fabric for painting)

The art students were supplied with several blank canvasses each.

油画 yóu huà

noun (painting)

The newly discovered canvas by Monet is expected to fetch $80 million.


noun (person who sells automobiles)


noun (anatomy: between esophagus and stomach)

手腕 shǒu wàn

noun (Latin (anatomy: wrist)


noun (historical (male singer castrated in youth)


noun (misuse of words)


noun (linked readings, comments)


noun (prehistoric human)

豚鼠 tún shǔ

noun (S. American rodent)

存单,存款单,存款证明书 cún kuǎn dān

noun (financial account)

清洁擦拭用的软皮 qīng jié cā shì yòng de ruǎn pí

noun (chamois leather: soft cleaning cloth)

Tina uses a chamois to dry her car after washing it.


noun (fish: northern waters)

Julia is fishing for char.

代表作 dài biǎo zuò

noun (French (masterpiece)


noun (claw of crab, scorpion, etc)

门徒 mén tú

noun (disciple: Hindu) (印度教)

交叉 jiāo chā

noun (pairing of chromosomes) (染色体)

交叉 jiāo chā

noun (anatomy: crossing of nerves) (解剖学:神经)

孩子,小孩 hái zi ,xiǎo hái

noun (boy, girl)

A child needs love.

子女 zǐ nǚ

noun (son, daughter)

We have just had our first child.


noun (Mediterranean herb)


noun (ancient time-keeping device)

牧师 mù shī

noun (Christian church minister)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。