英语 中的 pocket 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pocket 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pocket 的说明。

英语 中的pocket 表示口袋 kǒu dài, 把…放入衣兜中,把…装进口袋, 将…据为己有,将…装入自己的腰包, 能放进口袋里的, 小袋 xiǎo dài, 小兜,球袋 xiǎo dōu,qiú dài, 小群体 xiǎo qún tǐ, 财力 cái lì, 气阱, 气穴,气窝 qì wō, 胸袋 xiōng dài, 挥霍无度, 裤子表带, 后口袋,后兜 hòu kǒu dài,hòu dōu, 在某人控制之下, 在你的口袋里, 你身边地 nǐ shēn biān de, 受你控制地 shòu nǐ kòng zhì de, 在你可及范围内地 zài nǐ kě jí fàn wéi nèi de, 自掏腰包垫付的, 亏本的,赔钱的 kuī běn de,péi qián de, 扒窃 pá qiè, 袖珍书,口袋书 kǒu dài shū, 笔记本 bǐ jì běn, 暗藏推拉门, 袖珍本 xiù zhēn běn, 小折刀, 零花钱 líng huā qián, 零用钱 líng yòng qián, 怀表 huái biǎo, 便携的,口袋型,袖珍式, 袖珍的,口袋大小的 xiù zhēn de, 钱包,皮夹,小皮包 qián bāo,pí jiā ,xiǎo pí bāo, 钱包 qián bāo, 小笔记本, 袖珍本, 平装本, 随身折叠刀 suí shēn zhé dié dāo, 表袋 biǎo dài, 西装袋, 落入…的口袋之中。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pocket 的含义

口袋 kǒu dài

noun (in clothes)

Pete put his wallet in his pocket.


transitive verb (put in pocket)

Polly locked the door and pocketed the keys.


transitive verb (take unlawfully) (非法地)

James pocketed some money from the till while the boss wasn't looking.


adjective (able to be carried in a pocket)

William takes his pocket calculator everywhere.

小袋 xiǎo dài

noun (pouch)

Vera slipped the brooch into a pocket she was wearing on a strap hanging from her shoulder.

小兜,球袋 xiǎo dōu,qiú dài

noun (pool table) (撞球桌上的)

Lisa potted the black in the top right pocket.

小群体 xiǎo qún tǐ

noun (small group or area)

The invading army has won, but there are still pockets of resistance in some places.

财力 cái lì

noun (figurative (financial resources)

I'm afraid my pocket can't stretch to that price.


noun (aeronautics: current of air) (使飞机突然下降的低气压区)

When the plane hit an air pocket, the turbulence knocked the flight attendants off their feet.

气穴,气窝 qì wō

noun (air trapped in liquid) (沉船时空气聚集的地方)

She survived in an air pocket under the capsized boat.

胸袋 xiōng dài

noun (shirt, jacket: pocket on the chest)

The groom kept his hand-written wedding vows in his breast pocket.


verbal expression (US (eager to spend money)


noun (pants, trousers: small front pocket)

后口袋,后兜 hòu kǒu dài,hòu dōu

noun (back pocket of trousers) (裤子的)

It is dangerous to keep your money in your hip pocket.


expression (under [sb]'s control)

It's well-known that the mafia in this town have the mayor in their pocket.


adverb (inside one of your clothes pockets)

Put your wallet in your pocket, so you won't lose it.

你身边地 nǐ shēn biān de

adverb (figurative (person: always with or close to you)

She keeps her son in her pocket even though he's 21 years old now.

受你控制地 shòu nǐ kòng zhì de

adverb (figurative ([sb]: subject to your control)

Just because you're pretty it doesn't mean you have all the boys in your pocket.

在你可及范围内地 zài nǐ kě jí fàn wéi nèi de

adverb (figurative ([sth]: within your grasp)

When you go for an interview, never assume that the job is in your pocket.


adjective (expenses: paid by individual)

亏本的,赔钱的 kuī běn de,péi qián de

adjective (UK (having made a loss, short of money)

By the time I'd paid for all the repairs, I was seriously out of pocket.

扒窃 pá qiè

verbal expression (steal money from [sb])

The thief picked the passengers' pockets.

袖珍书,口袋书 kǒu dài shū

noun (US (book: small paperback)

笔记本 bǐ jì běn

noun (UK (notebook)


(type of sliding door)

袖珍本 xiù zhēn běn

noun (book in small paperback format)


noun (knife that fits in a pocket)

零花钱 líng huā qián

noun (child's allowance) (给小孩子的)

When I was a child I got ten cents a week in pocket money, which I usually spent on candy.

零用钱 líng yòng qián

noun (small amount of spending money) (日常的)

Laura had worked for what amounted to pocket money.

怀表 huái biǎo

noun (small clock kept in a pocket)

My grandfather had a pocket watch that he kept in his waistcoat.


noun as adjective (small enough to fit in a pocket)

袖珍的,口袋大小的 xiù zhēn de

adjective (small enough to fit in a pocket)

钱包,皮夹,小皮包 qián bāo,pí jiā ,xiǎo pí bāo

noun (US (woman's handbag)

The woman reached into her pocketbook for a mint.

钱包 qián bāo

noun (US, figurative (money, ability to pay) (比喻财力)

The BMW is too expensive for my pocketbook.


noun (small notebook)

袖珍本, 平装本

noun (small paperback book)

随身折叠刀 suí shēn zhé dié dāo

noun (small portable knife)

Bob accidentally packed a pocketknife in his carry-on luggage and was detained in the airport.

表袋 biǎo dài

noun (dated (small pocket in clothing for a watch) (过时,衣服上的)


noun (type of pocket)


verbal expression (US, figurative, informal (be controlled) (比喻)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。