英语 中的 pointed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pointed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pointed 的说明。

英语 中的pointed 表示锐利的 ruì lì de, 尖锐的 jiān ruì de, 尖锐的,锐利的 jiān ruì de ,ruì lì de, 犀利的 xī lì de, 指,指明,指示 zhǐ,zhǐ míng,zhǐ shì, 指着,指向 zhǐ xiàng, 指向 zhǐ xiàng, 尖 jiān, 中心 zhōng xīn, 主旨 zhǔ zhǐ, 点,小数点 diǎn,xiǎo shù diǎn, 细节 xì jié, 特点 tè diǎn, 点 diǎn, 点 diǎn, 地点 dì diǎn, 交叉点 jiāo chā diǎn, 一时,一刻 ,时刻,瞬间,刹那 yì shí,yí kè,shí kè,shùn jiān ,chà nà, 分, 基点,点 jī diǎn,diǎn, 点 diǎn, 点 diǎn, 电插座 diàn chā zuò, 尖形突出的部分,岬 jiǎ, 意义, 用处, 道岔 dào chà, 指向 zhǐ xiàng, 面向,面朝 miàn xiàng,miàn cháo, 对准,瞄准 duì zhǔn,miáo zhǔn, 表明 biǎo míng, 将...瞄准, 填充砖石的缝隙, 给...指出, 削尖 xiāo jiān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pointed 的含义

锐利的 ruì lì de

adjective (with a sharp tip)

Adam uses the tip of a pointed knife to check whether the potatoes are ready.

尖锐的 jiān ruì de

adjective (figurative (sharp, cutting)

Some people don't appreciate Emma's pointed wit.

尖锐的,锐利的 jiān ruì de ,ruì lì de

adjective (figurative (remark: sharply critical) (言辞)

Ben made a pointed remark about people who expect everything done for them.

犀利的 xī lì de

adjective (figurative (meaningful) (眼神等)

Realizing that Glenn was about to spill their secret, Shirley gave him a pointed look.

指,指明,指示 zhǐ,zhǐ míng,zhǐ shì

intransitive verb (indicate [sth], esp. with finger) (方向等)

She pointed to show where we should stand.

指着,指向 zhǐ xiàng

(indicate, esp. with finger) (用手指)

The little boy pointed at the sky, following a plane with his finger.

指向 zhǐ xiàng

(figurative (suggest, indicate)

All the signs point to Smith being the murderer.

尖 jiān

noun (tip)

There's a sharp point on this pencil.

中心 zhōng xīn

noun (objective)

We mustn't forget the point of the exercise.

主旨 zhǔ zhǐ

noun (reason, significance)

I didn't grasp the point of what he was saying.

点,小数点 diǎn,xiǎo shù diǎn

noun (mathematics: decimal point) (数学)

The value of pi is about three point one four.

细节 xì jié

noun (detail)

My speech is divided into three points.

特点 tè diǎn

noun (characteristic)

Plot is not the film's strong point.

点 diǎn

noun (UK (dot)

Finally, the travellers saw a point of light in the distance.

点 diǎn

noun (degree, level)

The water reached boiling point.

地点 dì diǎn

noun (geography: location)

This train serves Birmingham and all points south.

交叉点 jiāo chā diǎn

noun (intersection)

The line cuts the circle at two separate points.

一时,一刻 ,时刻,瞬间,刹那 yì shí,yí kè,shí kè,shùn jiān ,chà nà

noun (moment) (时间)

At that point I realized the danger of the situation.

noun (score)

The highest possible score in darts is 180 points.

基点,点 jī diǎn,diǎn

noun (finance: hundredth of a cent) (金融,汇率)

The dollar fell by eighty points against the yen.

点 diǎn

noun (finance: index measure) (金融指数)

The Dow Jones lost thirty-two points today.

点 diǎn

noun (printing: 1/72 inch)

The main text should be twelve point; titles should be sixteen point.

电插座 diàn chā zuò

noun (outlet) (电器)

There aren't enough power points for all our equipment.

尖形突出的部分,岬 jiǎ

noun (geography: headland) (地形)

Every morning, Nancy rows around the point and back again.

意义, 用处

noun (good, worth)

Every time I do the housework, the house just gets dirty again, so what's the point? What's the point of putting on your best clothes if no one is going to see you?

道岔 dào chà

plural noun (UK (railway junction) (铁轨交叉处的)

Points allow the train to pass from one track to another.

指向 zhǐ xiàng

intransitive verb (tend towards a given direction)

The road points southerly.

面向,面朝 miàn xiàng,miàn cháo

intransitive verb (face a given direction)

Their house points towards the sea.

对准,瞄准 duì zhǔn,miáo zhǔn

intransitive verb (gun, camera: aim) (枪、镜头等)

Lift the gun, point and fire.

表明 biǎo míng

(show, indicate [sth])

The survey points to his deep unpopularity.


transitive verb (aim)

Don't point that knife at me.


transitive verb (fill gaps in mortar) (用水泥等)

He has pointed all the brickwork.


transitive verb (direct)

She pointed us to the door.

削尖 xiāo jiān

transitive verb (sharpen)

Could you point this pencil, please?

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pointed 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。