英语 中的 pumped 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pumped 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pumped 的说明。

英语 中的pumped 表示泵 bèng, 水泵 shuǐ bèng, 加油站 jiā yóu zhàn, 用泵抽吸 yòng bèng chōu xī, 给…充, 喷出,喷射出 pēn chū, 给...加油, 不断地推或压, 芭蕾舞鞋 bā lěi wǔ xié, 橡胶底帆布鞋, 船型高跟鞋, 向…打探 xiàng … dǎ tàn, 灌输, 注入, 追问, 向...大量提供, 将...连续射入, 发布 fā bù, 泵出, 打气 dǎ qì, 增加 zēng jiā, 推动, 促进, 提振, 打气筒 dǎ qì tǒng, 空气压缩泵 kōng qì yā suō bèng, 啤酒泵, 自行车打气筒 zì xíng chē dǎ qì tǒng, 抽乳器 chōu rǔ qì, 脚踏打气泵 jiǎo tà dǎ qì bèng, 燃油泵, 加油机, 加油站服务人员 jiā yóu zhàn fú wù rén yuán, 汽油泵工人 qì yóu bèng gōng rén, 手泵, 热泵, 液力驱动泵 yè lì qū dòng bèng, 刺激某事发展 cì jī mǒu shì fā zhǎn, 练举重,做重量训练, 胃泵机,洗胃器,洗胃机, 抽水机 chōu shuǐ jī, 有压力 yǒu yā lì, 水泵 shuǐ bèng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pumped 的含义

泵 bèng

noun (device for inflating [sth])

Marilyn's bike tyre has gone flat, so she's looking for a pump to blow it back up again.

水泵 shuǐ bèng

noun (water pump)

Tom bought a pump after his cellar had been flooded three times.

加油站 jiā yóu zhàn

noun (gasoline dispenser)

William pulled up beside the pump, got out of the car, and began to fill the tank.

用泵抽吸 yòng bèng chōu xī

transitive verb (force: liquid, air)

Ursula is pumping the water out of her cellar, following the recent floods.


(insert: air) (气体)

The gas station attendant pumped air into the tires.

喷出,喷射出 pēn chū

intransitive verb (liquid: spurt) (液体)

Water pumped from the burst pipe.


transitive verb (dispense: gasoline)

Petra pumped petrol into her car's tank.


transitive verb (push repeatedly)

Max pumped the handle, desperately trying to open the door.

芭蕾舞鞋 bā lěi wǔ xié

noun (UK, often plural (ballet shoe)

Janet likes wearing heels, but carries a pair of pumps in her bag for her long walk home.


noun (UK, often plural (sports, ballet: slip-on shoe)

Neil has forgotten his pumps, so he can't do PE today.


noun (US, usually plural (high-heeled shoe)

Linda always wears pumps in the office.

向…打探 xiàng … dǎ tàn

transitive verb (figurative, informal (interrogate)

The cops were pumping the suspect, trying to get a confession out of him.

灌输, 注入

(figurative (inject)

The addict pumped the drug into her vein.


(figurative, informal (interrogate)

Karen's colleagues keep pumping her for information about the merger, but she won't tell them anything.


(figurative (invest: money, etc.)

The project is failing, but the backers keep pumping money into it anyway.


(bullets: fire repeatedly) (子弹)

The gunman pumped bullets into the car.

发布 fā bù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (emit, produce)

The tabloid newspapers keep pumping out stories about celebrities.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (extract by pumping)

Ursula is pumping out her cellar.

打气 dǎ qì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (inflate)

Marilyn is pumping up her bike tyre.

增加 zēng jiā

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (volume: increase)

The DJ pumped up the music and people flooded onto the dancefloor.

推动, 促进, 提振

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, slang (cause excitement)

The cheerleaders did a great job of pumping up the crowd.

打气筒 dǎ qì tǒng

noun (device: inflates tyres)

To inflate our car tires, we use the air pump at the gas station instead of the bicycle pump at home.

空气压缩泵 kōng qì yā suō bèng

noun (device: compresses air)


noun (draws beer from keg)

自行车打气筒 zì xíng chē dǎ qì tǒng

noun (device: inflates bicycle tyres)

Peter's bicycle had a flat tyre, so he went to get his bike pump.

抽乳器 chōu rǔ qì

noun (device for expressing breast milk)

I extract milk with a breast pump so the nanny can feed the baby while I'm at work.

脚踏打气泵 jiǎo tà dǎ qì bèng

noun (foot-operated pumping device)

We inflated the dinghy with a foot pump.


noun (engine part)

My car doesn't run because the fuel pump is broken.


noun (fuel dispenser for vehicles)

加油站服务人员 jiā yóu zhàn fú wù rén yuán

noun (person who works petrol pumps)

I can't remember the last time I saw a petrol pump attendant in the UK.

汽油泵工人 qì yóu bèng gōng rén

noun (person who works gas pumps)

Self service has made gasoline pump attendants a thing of the past.


noun (device for inserting air or liquid)



液力驱动泵 yè lì qū dòng bèng

noun (pump powered by hydraulics)

刺激某事发展 cì jī mǒu shì fā zhǎn

verbal expression (stimulate [sth] to happen)

The new frozen yogurt shop primed the pump with a day-long giveaway.


intransitive verb (lift weights for exercise) (健身)


noun (device for emptying stomach contents)

抽水机 chōu shuǐ jī

noun (mechanism for drawing up liquid)

有压力 yǒu yā lì

expression (AU, informal (under pressure)

水泵 shuǐ bèng

noun (device that moves water)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。