英语 中的 pull 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pull 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pull 的说明。

英语 中的pull 表示拉 lā, 拉 lā, 扣动 kòu dòng, 从…中取出, 拉 lā, 吸引力,吸引人的魅力 xī yǐn lì,xī yǐn rén de mèi lì, 拖 tuō, 划船,划桨 huá chuán,huá jiǎng, 吸引性伙伴, 耍, 实施, 划船 huá chuán, 拔出, 掏出, 使离开, 调走, 打印, 试印, 拉伤 lā shāng, 拔牙 bá yá, 对…耍花招, 吸引,让…着迷 xī yǐn, 移至前方, 赶上 gǎn shàng, 超过 chāo guò, 胜过 shèng guò, 撕开, 分开, 拉开, 拆开, 离开 lí kāi, 起步,开动 qǐ bù,kāi dòng, 甩开,超过 chāo guò, 撤退 chè tuì, 划向,向…靠拢 huá xiàng,xiàng … kào lǒng, 进站,停车,停下 jìn zhàn,tíng chē ,tíng xià, 获得 huò dé, 吸引 xī yǐn, 拘留..., 脱下 tuō xià, 成功做某事, 做到, 顺利完成, 驾驭, 把…停靠在路边 bǎ tíng kào zài lù biān, 拉弦, 穿上 chuān shàng, 拉扯 lā chě, 离站,离开,驶出,驶离 lí zhàn,lí kāi,shǐ chū,shǐ lí, 退出 tuì chū, 退出 tuì chū, 靠边停车 kào biān tíng chē, 让…把车停靠路边, 渡过难关 dù guò nán guān, 撕碎, 把…撕成碎片, 批判, 把…说得一文不值, 把…批评得一无是处, 把…卷到水底, 停下,停止,停住 tíng xià,tíng zhǐ,tíng zhù, 升空 shēng kōng, 拉铃索, 引力, 做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn, 肌肉拉伤 jī ròu lā shāng, 做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn, 欺骗 qī piàn, 肌肉拉伤 jī ròu lā shāng, 恶作剧 è zuò jù, 可拖拽的, 拉车玩具, 大肆批评, 严厉批评, 把某人拉到一边, 把...拉开, 拿掉 ná diào, 把 …往后拉 bǎ … wǎng hòu lā, 拉下 lā xià, 拆毁,拆除 chā huǐ,chāi chú, 开向 kāi xiàng, 拉弦, 让某人退出, 拉扯 lā chě, 拔出 bá chū, 拉出 lā chū, 退出 tuì chū, 活页 huó yè, 竭尽全力,全力以赴 jié jìn quán lì,quán lì yǐ fù, 把…拉过去 bǎ lā guò qù, 不用全力打, 手下留情, 滥用职权 làn yòng zhí quán, 欺骗某人 qī piàn mǒu rén, 走后门, 拉环 lā huán, 关掉生命维持设备, 终止 zhōng zhǐ, 在幕后操控,暗中操纵 zài mù hòu cāo kòng,àn zhōng cāo zòng, 欺骗 qī piàn, 齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì, 组织起, 责难, 责备, 因为…训斥, 取笑 qǔ xiào, 加油努力,振作起来 zhèn zuò qǐ lái, 做份内的事, 使自由 shǐ zì yóu, 振作起来 zhèn zuò qǐ lái, 抓片, 下拉式的, 下拉的, 路边饮食店, 套穿的, 套穿衣物, 擦枪筒用的带绳刷子, 引体向上 yǐn tǐ xiàng shàng, 尿布拉拉裤 niào bù lā lā kù, 引体向上的, 裤式的, 套穿的, 活页 huó yè, 活页的 huó yè de, 沙发床 shā fā chuáng, 折叠床 zhé dié chuáng, 通过推拉操作的,推挽式的, 推挽电路的, 销售期限, 拉环 lā huán, 不再拖延。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pull 的含义

拉 lā

transitive verb (draw nearer)

He pulled the computer towards himself.

拉 lā

transitive verb (tug)

The girl pulled her father's coat.

扣动 kòu dòng

transitive verb (squeeze)

Pull the trigger firmly.


(take out)

The secretary pulled the file from the cabinet.

拉 lā

noun (physical: tug)

His strong pull finally got the rope to release.

吸引力,吸引人的魅力 xī yǐn lì,xī yǐn rén de mèi lì

noun (figurative (emotional: lure)

The pull of the beach finally made him move to California.

拖 tuō

intransitive verb (tug, haul)

Don't stop pulling, even if you get tired.

划船,划桨 huá chuán,huá jiǎng

intransitive verb (row) (划船)

Keep pulling! We need to get to shore in fifteen minutes.


intransitive verb (UK, slang (find sexual partner)

Gemma and Jim were getting on so well, he was sure he'd pulled.

耍, 实施

transitive verb (slang (do: [sth] sneaky) (花招、计谋)

Don't pull any silly tricks at dinner.

划船 huá chuán

transitive verb (row with oars)

She pulled the oars as hard as she could in an attempt to win the race.

拔出, 掏出

transitive verb (informal (take out)

The policeman pulled a gun on the robber.

使离开, 调走

transitive verb (slang (remove)

We had to pull the item from our stores when it was found to be faulty.

打印, 试印

transitive verb (printing: take a sample) (印刷)

The printer pulled a proof of the new plate.

拉伤 lā shāng

transitive verb (strain: a muscle) (肌肉)

He pulled his leg muscle and had to stop playing in the game.

拔牙 bá yá

transitive verb (informal, often passive (tooth: extract)

I've just had a tooth pulled and it hurts.


transitive verb (US, slang (stunt, trick: play)

How could you pull such a mean trick on me?

吸引,让…着迷 xī yǐn

transitive verb (UK, slang (attract [sb] sexually)

You'll never pull a bird with that awful chat-up line!


phrasal verb, intransitive (move to the front)

赶上 gǎn shàng


超过 chāo guò

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (excel, outdo: competitors)

胜过 shèng guò

(figurative (excel, outdo)

撕开, 分开, 拉开, 拆开

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (disassemble, take to pieces)

When she saw that her inquisitive son had pulled apart the stereo, she scolded him.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive ([sb]: retreat)

She pulled away just as he was about to kiss her.

起步,开动 qǐ bù,kāi dòng

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: move off) (车辆)

After he received his food, the driver pulled away from the drive-through window.

甩开,超过 chāo guò

phrasal verb, intransitive (move ahead)

The sprinter pulled away from the rest of the runners.

撤退 chè tuì

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, flinch)

The child pulled back as the nurse tried to inject him.

划向,向…靠拢 huá xiàng,xiàng … kào lǒng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (favour, support)

You can win! We're all pulling for you.

进站,停车,停下 jìn zhàn,tíng chē ,tíng xià

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: stop, park) (车辆等)

When her dad's car pulled in beside the house, she ran out to greet him.

获得 huò dé

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (earn, acquire)

The movie pulled in $20 million in its first week of release.

吸引 xī yǐn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (crowds: attract, draw)

Circuses are not so popular today, but they used to pull in huge crowds.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (mainly UK (police: detain, arrest)

The police pulled Jake in for questioning about the burglary.

脱下 tuō xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (remove: clothing) (衣服)

He pulled off his shirt.

成功做某事, 做到, 顺利完成

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (succeed in doing [sth]) (非正式用语)

The spy was able to pull off his mission with none the wiser. He surprised me - I didn't think he could pull it off.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (look, clothing) (衣服、打扮)

Not many people could pull off that shirt with those trousers, but it actually looks good on you!

把…停靠在路边 bǎ tíng kào zài lù biān

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: turn off road) (车辆)

We should pull off at the restaurant ahead.


phrasal verb, intransitive (guitar-playing technique) (吉他技巧)

Knowing how to pull off will help a guitarist to play faster.

穿上 chuān shàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (clothing: put on)

She pulled on a sweater and jeans and went to investigate the noise.

拉扯 lā chě

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (stretch)

Please don't pull on that sweater, you will ruin it.

离站,离开,驶出,驶离 lí zhàn,lí kāi,shǐ chū,shǐ lí

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: move off) (车辆等)

Remember to check your mirror and signal before you pull out.

退出 tuì chū

phrasal verb, intransitive (withdraw involvement)

It is too late to pull out once you have signed the contract.

退出 tuì chū

(withdraw involvement in)

The new president was forced to make a decision as to whether or not to pull out of the war.

靠边停车 kào biān tíng chē

phrasal verb, intransitive (move vehicle to kerb)

When he saw the flashing lights in the rear-view mirror, he pulled over.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (often passive (police: stop vehicle) (警察)

The police pulled us over for speeding.

渡过难关 dù guò nán guān

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (survive, recover)

After her terrible accident, we weren't sure if she would pull through, but she did, thank God!

撕碎, 把…撕成碎片

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (take or tear apart)

批判, 把…说得一文不值, 把…批评得一无是处

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (criticize, discredit: idea)

The teacher pulled my essay to pieces.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tide: drag beneath the water)

The strong tide pulled the young girl under and she drowned.

停下,停止,停住 tíng xià,tíng zhǐ,tíng zhù

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: stop) (车辆)

The taxi pulled up to the curb, and the woman got out.

升空 shēng kōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (pilot: raise aircraft) (飞行员)

The plane was losing altitude when suddenly the pilot pulled up.


noun (cord that rings a bell)


noun (force of gravity)

做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn

verbal expression (informal (make silly facial expression)

To make me laugh, my dad made funny faces at me.

肌肉拉伤 jī ròu lā shāng

noun (injury: strained muscle)

做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn

verbal expression (make a facial expression)

The little girl pulled a face when her mother told her they were having fish for dinner.

欺骗 qī piàn

verbal expression (informal (trick [sb] stealthily)

肌肉拉伤 jī ròu lā shāng

verbal expression (muscle: injure by overstretching)

恶作剧 è zuò jù

verbal expression (US, informal (play a practical joke)

Schoolchildren love to pull a prank on a substitute teacher.


adjective (able to be pulled)


noun (toy for pulling)

大肆批评, 严厉批评

(figurative (criticize harshly)

The following speaker pulled my theory apart.


([sb]: take to one side)

The teacher quietly pulled the student aside after class to discuss her inappropriate behavior.


(draw back: curtains, cover) (窗帘等)

The elderly woman pulled the curtains aside to peer out the window.

拿掉 ná diào


She pulled away the sheet to reveal the sculpture.

把 …往后拉 bǎ … wǎng hòu lā

(draw aside: curtain, cover)

Doris pulled the curtain back and peered out of the window.

拉下 lā xià

(draw downwards)

I always pull down the shades at night.

拆毁,拆除 chā huǐ,chāi chú

(building: demolish) (建筑)

They pulled down the old movie theater to make way for new houses.

开向 kāi xiàng

(park vehicle beside)


noun (guitar-playing technique) (吉他技巧)

The guitar player was practising his pull-offs.


(figurative, informal (person: remove from project) (项目)

My boss pulled me off the project with no explanation.

拉扯 lā chě

(tug at)

The little boy pulled impatiently on his mother's arm.

拔出 bá chū

(extract, remove)

The dentist pulled out the infected tooth.

拉出 lā chū


Shay's parents were unhappy with the academic standards at her school, so they pulled her out.

退出 tuì chū

noun (withdrawal, esp. of involvement)

Following the army's pull-out from the region, their bases fell into disrepair.

活页 huó yè

noun (part of magazine) (杂志的一部分)

This magazine includes an eight-page pull-out on the royal wedding.

竭尽全力,全力以赴 jié jìn quán lì,quán lì yǐ fù

verbal expression (do everything possible) (书面)

把…拉过去 bǎ lā guò qù

(draw aside)

She pulled him over and had a quiet word about his behaviour.


verbal expression (reduce force of blows)


verbal expression (figurative, often in negative (restrain yourself)

Wow, you didn't pull any punches in that meeting; you told them exactly what you thought!

滥用职权 làn yòng zhí quán

(figurative (assert your authority)

The sergeant always pulled rank and moved to the front of the food line at mealtimes.

欺骗某人 qī piàn mǒu rén

verbal expression (slang (trick, deceive)

Jane tried to pull the old "I'm staying at my friend's house" line on her mother, but her mother remembered being a teenager and didn't believe her for a minute.


verbal expression (figurative (use influence) (比喻义)

拉环 lā huán

(for opening can) (易拉罐等的)


verbal expression (informal (turn off life support)

Janet made her husband promise that, if she ever ended up in a vegetative state, he would pull the plug.

终止 zhōng zhǐ

verbal expression (informal, figurative (cause abrupt end)

This project is losing us money; it's time we pulled the plug on it.

在幕后操控,暗中操纵 zài mù hòu cāo kòng,àn zhōng cāo zòng

verbal expression (figurative (be in control) (比喻)

She's the one who pulls the strings in that marriage.

欺骗 qī piàn

verbal expression (figurative (deceive [sb])

齐心协力 qí xīn xié lì

(figurative, informal (make a joint effort)

Everyone pulled together to make the concert a success.


(assemble, gather)

Brian pulled a team together to come up with a plan.

责难, 责备

(figurative, informal (reprimand)

Whenever I use bad grammar, my English teacher pulls me up.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (reprimand for [sth])

Ruth pulled her son up on his bad language.

取笑 qǔ xiào

verbal expression (figurative, informal (tease)

Stop pulling my leg - I know perfectly well what you're up to!

加油努力,振作起来 zhèn zuò qǐ lái

verbal expression (UK, figurative, informal (make an effort)

You need to pull your socks up at school if you're going to get good grades in your exams.


verbal expression (do your share of work)

Stuart needs to start pulling his weight on this project if he wants to keep his job.

使自由 shǐ zì yóu

verbal expression (informal, figurative (free yourself from [sth] by hard work) (通过努力工作)

By working three jobs, Manny managed to pull himself out of poverty.

振作起来 zhèn zuò qǐ lái

interjection (informal (regain composure)

Stop crying and pull yourself together.


noun (movies: film advancement) (电影)


adjective (furniture: made to be pulled down) (家具)


adjective (computing: shown below an icon) (电脑)


noun (UK, dated (café for motorists)


adjective (clothing, shoes: easy to put on) (衣服、鞋)


noun (easily put-on clothing, shoes) (衣服、鞋)


noun ([sth] used to clean gun barrel)

Henry used a pull-through to clean his rifle.

引体向上 yǐn tǐ xiàng shàng

noun (usually plural (gym exercise)

Pull-ups are good for building up your arm muscles.

尿布拉拉裤 niào bù lā lā kù

noun (nappy pants: type of diaper)


noun as adjective (used for pull-up exercises)

There is a pull-up bar in the park.

裤式的, 套穿的

adjective (diaper: can be pulled up) (尿布)

活页 huó yè

noun (magazine section) (杂志中的)

活页的 huó yè de

adjective (of magazine section) (杂志中的)

沙发床 shā fā chuáng

noun (sofa bed)

折叠床 zhé dié chuáng

noun (folding furniture for sleeping on)

When we have guests at our house they usually sleep on the pull-out bed.


adjective (operated by pushing and pulling)


adjective (electronics: out of phase) (电子学)


noun (on food packaging)

拉环 lā huán

noun (ring pull on drink can) (易拉罐等的)

Hannah pulled off the tab to open the can.


verbal expression (slang, figurative (stop delaying or procrastinating) (俚语)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。