英语 中的 ray 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ray 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ray 的说明。

英语 中的ray 表示光线 guāng xiàn, 鳍刺 qí cì, 大音阶的第二音, 一丝 yì sī, 射线, 蓝光碟, 阴极射线管,电子射线管 yīn jí shè xiàn guǎn,diàn zǐ shè xiàn guǎn, 胸透 xiōng tòu, 胸透X光片 xiōng tòu guāng piàn, 阴极射线管 yīn jí shè xiàn guǎn, 蝠鲼 fú fèn, 蝠鱼 fú yú, 激光枪, 玩具枪, 一线希望 yí xiàn xī wàng, 一缕光线 yì lǚ guāng xiàn, 给人带来温暖幸福的人, 一缕阳光, 快乐的源泉,让人感到快乐温暖的人或物 kuài lè de yuán quán,ràng rén gǎn dào kuài lè wēn nuǎn de rén huò wù, X射线, X射线成像图, X光照片, 照X光 zhào guāng, X光机, X光技师,放射技师, X射线视觉,透视眼。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ray 的含义

光线 guāng xiàn

noun (shaft of light)

The sun's rays broke through the clouds.

鳍刺 qí cì

noun (fish)

Dave saw a ray swim past the boat.


noun (re: second note of musical scale)

"Ray" comes after "do."

一丝 yì sī

noun (figurative (small amount)

The news gave Linda a ray of comfort.


noun (mathematics: part of a line)


noun (digital video disc)

阴极射线管,电子射线管 yīn jí shè xiàn guǎn,diàn zǐ shè xiàn guǎn

noun (TV: device to display images) (电视的显像管)

The cathode ray tube, or CRT, is being replaced by newer display technologies, such as LCD (liquid crystal display) or plasma.

胸透 xiōng tòu

noun (examination of chest by radiograph)

He had annual chest x-rays but they failed to detect his lung cancer.

胸透X光片 xiōng tòu guāng piàn

noun (radiograph picture of [sb]'s chest)

The chest x-ray shows a small spot on the right lung.

阴极射线管 yīn jí shè xiàn guǎn

noun (initialism (cathode ray tube)

蝠鲼 fú fèn

noun (manta ray: flat-bodied fish)

Steve Irwin met his death when he was stung by a devil ray on the Great Barrier Reef.

蝠鱼 fú yú

noun (marine fish) (一种身体扁平的深海鱼)

Although similar in appearance to the sting ray, the manta ray is a different species.


noun (gun that fires rays)


noun (child's toy gun)

一线希望 yí xiàn xī wàng

noun (reason for optimism)

There was a ray of hope for the economy when the stock market improved. The advances in medicine give a ray of hope for a cancer cure.

一缕光线 yì lǚ guāng xiàn

noun (light beam)

Suddenly a ray of light beamed in the darkness, helping us climb to safety.


noun (figurative (source of rare joy)

You, my precious, are a true ray of light in my troubled life.


noun (beam of sunlight)

A ray of sunshine came in through the window.

快乐的源泉,让人感到快乐温暖的人或物 kuài lè de yuán quán,ràng rén gǎn dào kuài lè wēn nuǎn de rén huò wù

noun (figurative (source of joy or cheer)

My daughter is a little ray of sunshine.


noun (radiograph)

He had to have an x-ray as they thought he might have broken a bone.


noun (radiograph image)

He showed me a copy of the x-ray.


plural noun (type of radiation)

The Earth's atmosphere absorbs most X-rays and gamma-rays.

照X光 zhào guāng

transitive verb (examine by radiograph)

The doctor will x-ray your leg to see if any bones are broken.


noun (medical apparatus for radiography)

My doctor's office doesn't have an x-ray machine so they sent me to the hospital.


noun (radiographer)


noun (ability to see through solid matter)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。