英语 中的 runner 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 runner 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 runner 的说明。

英语 中的runner 表示赛跑者 sài pǎo zhě, 滑槽 huá cáo, 信差 xìn chāi, 跑垒员, 雪橇滑板, 桌巾,桌旗, 长条地毯, 长匐茎,匍匐茎 pú fú jīng, 轮缘, 跑鞋, 青鲹, 通道地毯, 不给钱就走,匆忙离开 cōng máng lí kāi, 毒品贩子 dú pǐn fàn zǐ, 领先的人 lǐng xiān de rén, 领先的有力竞争者 lǐng xiān de yǒu lì jìng zhēng zhě, 领跑者, 领先者, 马拉松选手 mǎ lā sōng xuǎn shǒu, 替补跑垒员 tì bǔ pǎo lěi yuán, 接力选手 jiē lì xuǎn shǒu, 红花菜豆 hóng huā cài dòu, 亚军,第二名 yà jūn,dì èr míng, 非冠军的获奖者, 跑步高潮, 长方桌布。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 runner 的含义

赛跑者 sài pǎo zhě

noun (athlete: sprinter)

Only the world's best runners will be competing tomorrow.

滑槽 huá cáo

noun (gliding mechanism)

The runners are broken on this drawer.

信差 xìn chāi

noun (person who carries out errands)

Have a runner take this package to headquarters.


noun (baseball: player on base) (棒球)

The White Sox have runners on first and second.


noun (usually plural (part of a sled, skate)

We can't use the sled because one of the runners is broken.


noun (strip of fabric for table)

Jan spread the decorative runner along the dining table.


noun (narrow rug or carpet)

长匐茎,匍匐茎 pú fú jīng

noun (creeping plant stem) (植物)


noun (rotating blades in turbine) (涡轮机)


plural noun (informal (running shoes)

I wear my runners when I play basketball.


noun (fish)


noun (long narrow rug)

不给钱就走,匆忙离开 cōng máng lí kāi

verbal expression (UK, slang (escape, run away)

We had to do a runner when we realized we had no money to pay at the café.

毒品贩子 dú pǐn fàn zǐ

noun (person who trafficks drugs)

The drug runners were picked up at the airport.

领先的人 lǐng xiān de rén

noun (competitor most likely to win) (赛跑)

He's currently the front runner, but we'll have to wait for the election results to see what happens.

领先的有力竞争者 lǐng xiān de yǒu lì jìng zhēng zhě

noun (figurative (leading competitor)

领跑者, 领先者

noun (athlete leading a race) (体育比赛等)

马拉松选手 mǎ lā sōng xuǎn shǒu

noun (person who runs in a marathon race)

The marathon runner collapsed from exhaustion as soon as he crossed the finishing line.

替补跑垒员 tì bǔ pǎo lěi yuán

noun (baseball: [sb] running bases as substitute) (棒球术语)

After the pitch hit the batter, injuring him, the coach substituted a pinch runner to replace him.

接力选手 jiē lì xuǎn shǒu

noun (sports: relay race)

红花菜豆 hóng huā cài dòu

noun (edible green bean)

We had cod in parsley sauce served with runner beans and new potatoes.

亚军,第二名 yà jūn,dì èr míng

noun (competitor: 2nd place) (竞赛中的)

Linda won the school's talent contest and her friend Amy was the runner-up.


noun (competitor: placed, but not first) (竞赛中的)

He finished the marathon in third place, as second runner-up.


(state of euphoria)


noun (fabric strip used to decorate a table)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。