英语 中的 sauce 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sauce 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sauce 的说明。

英语 中的sauce 表示酱油 jiàng yóu, 酱料, 无礼的话, 烈酒 liè jiǔ, 苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng, 苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng, 烧烤酱 shāo kǎo jiàng, 贝亚尔奈斯酱 bèi yà ěr nài sī jiàng, 辣椒酱 là jiāo jiàng, 巧克力酱, 开胃用沙司 kāi wèi yòng shā sī, 鸡尾酒酱 jī wěi jiǔ jiàng, 小红莓果酱 xiǎo hóng méi guǒ jiàng, 奶油沙司 nǎi yóu shā sī, 咖喱沙司 gā lí shā sī, 蘸酱, 蒜汁, 荷兰调味酱 hé lán tiáo wèi jiàng, 辣酱 là jiàng, 蘑菇沙司 mó gū shā sī, 蚝油, 意大利面酱, 辣椒沙司 là jiāo shā sī, 披萨酱, 船状调味碟 chuán zhuàng tiáo wèi dié, 酱油 jiàng yóu, 酸甜调味汁 suān tián tiáo wèi zhī, 塔塔酱,韃靼酱 tǎ tǎ jiàng,dá dá jiàng, 番茄调味酱,番茄沙司 fān qié tiáo wèi jiàng,fān qié shā sī, 番茄酱 fān qié jiàng, 一律平等, 白汁。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sauce 的含义

酱油 jiàng yóu

noun (liquid condiment)

Peter made a sauce to go with the fish.


noun (syrup, coulis) (如枫蜜、果酱等)

Fiona drizzled the sauce onto the ice cream.


noun (figurative, informal, dated (impudence)

Mrs. Brown couldn't believe the young man's sauce; how dare he say such a thing to her!

烈酒 liè jiǔ

expression (figurative, slang (drinking alcohol)

Martin's been on the sauce again.

苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng

noun (fruit purée)

Roast pork is traditionally served with apple sauce.

苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng

noun (sweetened stewed apples)

Roast pork is traditionally served with applesauce.

烧烤酱 shāo kǎo jiàng

noun (spicy condiment)

You can buy barbecue sauce, or make your own with tomato sauce, vinegar, sugar, and spices.

贝亚尔奈斯酱 bèi yà ěr nài sī jiàng

noun (sauce made with eggs and butter) (用蛋和黄油制成的酱)

Béarnaise sauce is similar to hollandaise, but it has tarragon added.

辣椒酱 là jiāo jiàng

noun (spicy condiment)

I love chips with chilli sauce.


noun (syrup: liquid chocolate)

Vanilla ice cream smothered in dark chocolate sauce is both a decadent and divine after-dinner treat.

开胃用沙司 kāi wèi yòng shā sī

noun (UK (ketchup and mayonnaise)

What the British call Mary Rose sauce or cocktail sauce the Americans call Thousand Island dressing.

鸡尾酒酱 jī wěi jiǔ jiàng

noun (US (ketchup and horseradish)

Mix ketchup and horseradish to make a great cocktail sauce for shrimp.

小红莓果酱 xiǎo hóng méi guǒ jiàng

noun (fruit relish)

Cranberry sauce is a traditional part of the Thanksgiving dinner.

奶油沙司 nǎi yóu shā sī

noun (US (cookery: white sauce)

The secret to French cooking is making a good cream sauce.

咖喱沙司 gā lí shā sī

noun (sauce made from Asian spices)

Biryani is a rice based dish which is often accompanied by a simple curry sauce.


noun (condiment: for dunking)


noun (liquid garlic-flavored condiment)

荷兰调味酱 hé lán tiáo wèi jiàng

noun (buttery sauce)

Hollandaise sauce must be prepared on the spot because it spoils rapidly.

辣酱 là jiàng

noun (spicy liquid condiment)

Eating too much hot sauce can make you feel as if your tongue were on fire.

蘑菇沙司 mó gū shā sī

noun (sauce of mushrooms and cream)

We're going to have pasta with mushroom sauce for dinner.


noun (thick oyster-flavored Asian relish)


noun (savory liquid for a pasta dish)

辣椒沙司 là jiāo shā sī

noun (sauce made with peppercorns)

Steak with pepper sauce was his favourite meal.


noun (tomato-based pizza topping)

船状调味碟 chuán zhuàng tiáo wèi dié

noun (vessel for pouring sauce)

The maid placed a sauce boat on the dining table. A sauce boat is pretty but it never keeps the gravy as hot as a jug does.

酱油 jiàng yóu

noun (food seasoning)

He sprinkled soy sauce over his chicken chow mein.

酸甜调味汁 suān tián tiáo wèi zhī

noun (Oriental sauce of honey and vinegar)

Cubes of meat are battered and deep-fried and put in a sweet-and-sour sauce.

塔塔酱,韃靼酱 tǎ tǎ jiàng,dá dá jiàng

noun (sharp mayonnaise dressing for fish) (一种调味酱)

I'll have fish sticks with tartar sauce, please.

番茄调味酱,番茄沙司 fān qié tiáo wèi jiàng,fān qié shā sī

noun (UK (ketchup) (英国英语)

Lots of people put tomato sauce on their hamburgers.

番茄酱 fān qié jiàng

noun (spiced sauce with tomato base) (美国英语)

I ordered a plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce.


expression (figurative ([sth] should apply equally)



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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。