英语 中的 self 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 self 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 self 的说明。

英语 中的self 表示个性 gè xìng, 本性 běn xìng, 自...的, 私利 sī lì, 沉着的, 冷静的 chén zhuó de, 经济上的自给自足 jīng jì shàng de zì jǐ zì zú, 自我认同为, 内在自我, 缺乏自信 quē fá zì xìn, 不再自信 bú zài zì xìn, 真实的自我, 自我贬斥,自卑, 自我克制,克己 zì wǒ kè zhì, 自恋的,只关注自我的, 专心致志 zhuān xīn zhì zhì, 自我吸收, 自残, 自虐, 手淫 shǒu yín, 自动的,自主的 zì dòng de ,zì zhǔ de, 寄给自己的,回邮的, 回邮信封, 自粘的, 自我拥护, 自我肯定, 自我夸大, 自我分析,自我剖析, 自明的, 自封的, 自我评价, 自行组装的, 自我装配, 自信 zì xìn, 有主见的, 自我评估, 自行计算税单, 自信 zì xìn, 有自信的 yǒu zì xìn de, 自信的 zì xìn de, 自我审计, 自知的, 有自知之明的, 自我意识 zì wǒ yì shí, 自信心,自我肯定 zì xìn xīn, 自我护理, 自备食物, 自备食物的, 自我审查, 以自我为中心的 yǐ zì wǒ wéi zhōng xīn de, 自我证明,自己证实, 自动清洗的, 自净的, 自动关闭的, 单色的 dān sè de, 镇定,镇静,冷静 zhèn dìng,zhèn jìng,lěng jìng, 自命不凡 zì mìng bù fán, 自己承认的, 自己坦白的, 自信 zì xìn, 自信的 zì xìn de, 自傲,自夸,自得 zì ào,zì kuā, 不自然的 bú zì rán de, 不自然的, 刻意的, 有自我意识的, 害羞地 hài xiū de, 刻意地, 害羞 hài xiū, 自我意识 zì wǒ yì shí, 独门独户的,设施齐备的, 沉默寡言的 chén mò guǎ yán de, 自给自足的 zì gěi zì zú de, 自相矛盾 zì xiāng máo dùn, 自相矛盾的 zì xiāng máo dùn de, 自我控制 zì wǒ kòng zhì, 能自我控制的, 自我纠正的,自行修正的, 自我批评的, 自我批评, 自欺 zì qī, 自称的,自命的, 弄巧成拙的,自己拆台的,适得其反的 shì dé qí fǎn de, 自行辩护 zì xíng biàn hù, 自我防卫 zì wǒ fáng wèi, 正当防卫, 自卫, 自我欺骗, 无私 wú sī, 自贬的, 自我描述的, 自爆, 自毁 zì huǐ, 自动销毁机制 zì dòng xiāo huǐ jī zhì, 自我毁灭 zì wǒ huǐ miè, 自我毁灭的, 自决,自主 zì zhǔ, 自治 zì zhì, 自主决定的, 自我诊断, 自我诊断, 自我诊断的, 自我诊断的, 指向自己的,自我指涉的, 自我管理的,自己掌控的, 自主的 zì zhǔ de, 自我决断,自主 zì zhǔ, 自放电 zì fàng diàn, 自律 zì lǜ, 自我训练, 律己的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 self 的含义

个性 gè xìng

noun (individuality, identity)

She's back to her old self again.

本性 běn xìng

noun (true nature)

He showed his true self by that act of courage.


prefix (independent, automatic)

The virus is self-limiting and needs no treatment.

私利 sī lì

noun (personal interest, advantage)

Most religions require some sacrifice of self.

沉着的, 冷静的 chén zhuó de

adjective (person: calm)

Even in stressful situations, Cameron is composed.

经济上的自给自足 jīng jì shàng de zì jǐ zì zú

noun (uncountable (can support self)

The program helps unemployed residents to achieve economic self-sufficiency.


verbal expression (consider as your identity)


noun (spiritual and emotional part of [sb])

Meditation can help you find your inner self.

缺乏自信 quē fá zì xìn

noun (insecurity)

His lack of self-confidence held him back in his relationships with women.

不再自信 bú zài zì xìn

verbal expression (become less confident)

Don't lose your self-assurance because of one mistake.


pronoun (dated (your inner nature)

Travel and meditation have long been considered good ways to find one's self.


noun (degradation of yourself)

自我克制,克己 zì wǒ kè zhì

noun (denying yourself [sth])


adjective (selfish, narcissistic)

You're so self-absorbed; try thinking of someone besides yourself for a change!

专心致志 zhuān xīn zhì zhì

noun (preoccupation with yourself)

Michael's self-absorption is typical of boys his age; he has no idea what's going on in the world.


noun (physics: process) (物理)

自残, 自虐

noun (harming yourself)

手淫 shǒu yín

noun (euphemism (masturbation)

自动的,自主的 zì dòng de ,zì zhǔ de

adjective (acting by itself)


adjective (envelope: to sender) (信封)


noun (envelope addressed to self)


adjective (label, tape: sticks by itself) (标签、胶带)


noun (empowerment of disabled people)


noun (recognition of yourself)


noun (promoting oneself aggressively)


noun (evaluating yourself)


adjective (evident by itself)


adjective (without agreement of others)


noun (assessment of yourself)


adjective (chiefly UK (to be assembled by buyer)


noun (biology, chemistry: spontaneous ordering) (生物、化学)

自信 zì xìn

noun (confident expression of opinions)


adjective (expressing one's views)


noun (evaluation of oneself on one's own behalf)


noun (UK (calculating own tax bill)

自信 zì xìn

noun (confidence in yourself)

有自信的 yǒu zì xìn de

adjective (confident)

自信的 zì xìn de

noun (confidence)


noun (evaluation done on one's own behalf)

自知的, 有自知之明的

adjective (conscious of your qualities and flaws)

Being self-aware is important if you want to fix your flaws.

自我意识 zì wǒ yì shí

noun (understanding of yourself)

Self-awareness and meditation are central to Buddhism.

自信心,自我肯定 zì xìn xīn

noun (confidence in yourself)


noun (keeping healthy without assistance)


noun (holiday accommodation not including meals)

Jose booked his family into a self-catering.


adjective (holiday accommodation: not including meals)

Mary didn't like all-inclusive hotels, so she booked a self-catering motel down by the beach.


noun (suppressing your own expression)

以自我为中心的 yǐ zì wǒ wéi zhōng xīn de

adjective (concerned only with yourself)

I'm so tired of your self-centered behavior!


noun (statement of sick leave)

自动清洗的, 自净的

adjective (automatically cleans itself)


adjective (can close by itself)

单色的 dān sè de

adjective (of uniform colour)

Keith keeps and races self-coloured pigeons.

镇定,镇静,冷静 zhèn dìng,zhèn jìng,lěng jìng

noun (calmness)

自命不凡 zì mìng bù fán

noun (arrogance)

自己承认的, 自己坦白的

adjective (admitted by self)

自信 zì xìn

noun (assurance in own qualities)

On stage the band's lead singer was full of self-confidence.

自信的 zì xìn de

adjective (assured)

Janice isn't self-confident enough to ask for a promotion.

自傲,自夸,自得 zì ào,zì kuā

noun (smugness, being pleased with yourself)

不自然的 bú zì rán de

adjective (embarrassed, too self-aware)

Knowing that everyone was watching made me feel very self-conscious.

不自然的, 刻意的

adjective (action, gesture: too self-aware)

Edward gave a self-conscious laugh.


adjective (aware of own existence)

The robots in this sci-fi movie are self-conscious.

害羞地 hài xiū de

adverb (shyly, with embarrassment)

Jacob looked at the floor self-consciously when Celia told him he was handsome.


adverb (by design, with awareness)

The novel is written in a self-consciously literary style.

害羞 hài xiū

noun (embarrassment)

Self-consciousness is normal among teenagers, especially if they move to a new school.

自我意识 zì wǒ yì shí

noun (philosophy: awareness of self)

The philosopher wrote extensively about self-consciousness.


adjective (independent, separate and complete) (公寓等)

All of our accommodation is fully self-contained.

沉默寡言的 chén mò guǎ yán de

adjective (person: unsociable)

My father was a quiet, shy, self-contained man.

自给自足的 zì gěi zì zú de

adjective ([sth]: operating without outside support)

The self-contained ecosystem around the reef is vulnerable to climate change.

自相矛盾 zì xiāng máo dùn

noun (internal inconsistency)

自相矛盾的 zì xiāng máo dùn de

adjective (statement, behaviour) (说法、行为)

自我控制 zì wǒ kòng zhì

noun (restraint, discipline)

Please try to exercise a little bit of self-control today; this is a very important meeting.


adjective (exercising moderation)


adjective (fixes itself)


adjective (judgmental of oneself)


noun (critiquing yourself)

自欺 zì qī

noun (fooling yourself)


adjective (proclaiming oneself to be)

弄巧成拙的,自己拆台的,适得其反的 shì dé qí fǎn de

adjective (causing problems for oneself)

You'll never get anywhere with a self-defeating attitude like that!

自行辩护 zì xíng biàn hù

noun (justifying yourself)

自我防卫 zì wǒ fáng wèi

noun (skill: fending off attack)

正当防卫, 自卫

noun (law: protecting self and family)


noun (believing [sth] false)

无私 wú sī

noun (unselfishness, self-sacrifice)


adjective (critical of yourself)

My older sister is far too self-deprecating for her own good.


adjective (considering yourself as)


intransitive verb (object: destroy itself) (物)

自毁 zì huǐ

intransitive verb (figurative (person: treat yourself abusively) (人)

自动销毁机制 zì dòng xiāo huǐ jī zhì

noun (automatic destroy mechanism)

自我毁灭 zì wǒ huǐ miè

noun (self-hating behaviour)

The rebellious teenager seemed bent on self-destruction.


adjective (harming oneself)

自决,自主 zì zhǔ

noun (person: controlling own life) (人)

自治 zì zhì

noun (country: governing itself) (国家)


adjective (without outside influence)


intransitive verb (make diagnosis)


transitive verb (identify an illness)


adjective (illness: diagnosed by yourself) (病症)


adjective (person: diagnosing self as) (个人情况)


adjective (aimed at yourself)


adjective (controlled by yourself)

自主的 zì zhǔ de

adjective (person: having initiative)

自我决断,自主 zì zhǔ

noun (determination and independence)

自放电 zì fàng diàn

noun (gradual decrease in battery charge)

自律 zì lǜ

noun (control of yourself)

Showing incredible self-discipline, Irene refused the chocolate cake.


noun (dedication, training)

You need a lot of self-discipline to be a top athlete.


adjective (careful, controlled)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。