英语 中的 sided 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sided 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sided 的说明。

英语 中的sided 表示表面 biǎo miàn, 一旁,一边,一侧 yì páng ,yì biān,yí cè, 一面 yí miàn, 侧面 cè miàn, 边 biān, 边缘 biān yuán, 一侧,侧边 yí cè ,cè biān, 队,队伍 duì,duì wǔ, 一派, 一方, 一边, 侧面的 cè miàn de, 补充的 bǔ chōng de, 次要的 cì yào de, 朝向侧边的 cháo xiàng cè biān de, 侧路的,支路的, 家族 jiā zú, 舷侧 xián cè, 方面 fāng miàn, 地区,区域,部分 dì qū ,qū yù,bù fèn, 侧面 cè miàn, 肋肉, 配菜,佐菜 pèi cài, 把…并排摆放, 站...那边, A面, 在…旁边, 在某人身旁,在某人身边, 和某人站在一起,站在某人一边, B面, 弱点,没防范的方面 ruò diǎn, 在…旁边, 悬崖边的,靠近悬崖那面的, 支持 zhī chí, 赞成 zàn chéng, 偏向于, 另一边,另一侧,对面 duì miàn, 五人制足球, 反面 fǎn miàn, 负面, 前前后后 qián qián hòu hòu, 从一侧到另一侧,从一边到另一边 cóng yì biān dào lìng yì biān, 左侧 zuǒ cè, 左侧,左边 zuǒ cè ,zuǒ biān, 看光明面 kàn guāng míng miàn, 往好处想, 近侧 jìn cè, 北边 běi biān, 朝北的一面 cháo běi de yí miàn, 四周 sì zhōu, 片面地 piàn miàn de, 在(其中的)一面 zài qí zhōng de yí miàn, 远端, 好处在于,加分项是, 在…右边 zài yòu biān, 讨…的欢心, 在...道义的一边,在...正义的一边, 合法的 hé fǎ de, 此外 cǐ wài, 私密地 sī mì de, 在旁边,在侧边 zài páng biān, 支持地 zhī chí de, 阴间,冥间 yīn jiān, 对手 duì shǒu, 另一边, 事物的另一面, 外侧 wài cè, 偏瘫, 积极一面,积极的方面, 储存, 存, 不理会, 忽视, 不顾, 把…放在一边, 将…搁到一旁, 右边 yòu biān, 正确的一边 zhèng què de yì biān, 喜欢,支持 xǐ huān,zhī chí, 右手边 yòu shǒu biān, 侧道 cè dào, 随身武器 suí shēn wǔ qì, 肩并肩地 jiān bìng jiān de, 一起 yì qǐ, 配菜 pèi cài, 副作用 fù zuò yòng, 副作用 fù zuò yòng, 副业, 配菜,小菜 pèi cài, 旁路 páng lù, 配餐色拉, 边道 biān dào, 角桌, 侧视图,侧面图, 连鬓胡子 lián bìn hú zi, 手枪 shǒu qiāng, 侧光, 侧灯, , 舷灯, 侧窗, 侧面了解到的情况 cè miàn liǎo jiě dào de qíng kuàng, 横坐马鞍地 héng zuò mǎ ān de, 供骑手横坐的马鞍 gōng qí shǒu héng zuò de mǎ ān, 非常滑稽的,极其搞笑的 fēi cháng huá jī de ,jí qí gǎo xiào de, 向一边跨一步 xiàng yì biān kuà yí bù, 向一边跨一步以避免, 避免, 回避, 角响尾蛇 jiǎo xiǎng wěi shé, 侧击 cè jī, 响尾蛇自动导航导弹 xiǎng wěi shé zì dòng dǎo háng dǎo dàn, (一面绷有响弦的)小鼓, 乐观的一面 lè guān de yí miàn, 向阳面 xiàng yáng miàn, 只煎一面地, 只煎一面的, 供应方,供给方, 供应方的,供给方的, 眼中钉,肉中刺,让人烦心的人或事 yǎn zhōng dīng ,ròu zhōng cì, (放)在一边 fàng zài yì biān, (放)在一边 fàng zài yì biān, 向一侧地 xiàng yí cè de, 放到一边,抛开,弃置 pāo kāi, 上西区, 后视镜 hòu shì jìng, 某物错误的一边。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sided 的含义

表面 biǎo miàn

noun (surface)

You need to paint all sides of the box.

一旁,一边,一侧 yì páng ,yì biān,yí cè

noun (location) (分隔开的)

This side of the river is greener than the other.

一面 yí miàn

noun (surface of flat object) (平而薄的东西(纸、纸板、木板等的))

Turn the paper over to the other side.

侧面 cè miàn

noun (lateral part)

There is a hole in the side of the box.

边 biān

noun (geometry: polygon) (几何,多边形的)

A square has four sides.

边缘 biān yuán

noun (edge)

She wrote notes along the side of the page.

一侧,侧边 yí cè ,cè biān

noun (body: flank) (身体)

My side hurts. I wonder why.

队,队伍 duì,duì wǔ

noun (sports: team) (体育运动)

We're going out to root for our side.

一派, 一方, 一边

noun (figurative (contesting group) (比赛、竞争、斗争、战斗)

Whose side are you on? The two sides called a truce.

侧面的 cè miàn de

adjective (lateral)

Please go out the side door.

补充的 bǔ chōng de

adjective (supplementary)

Marvin started a side job.

次要的 cì yào de

adjective (secondary)

The salary is a side benefit to this job.

朝向侧边的 cháo xiàng cè biān de

adjective (directed toward a side)

The player made a side kick.


adjective (road/street: not main) (道路)

The main road was closed because of an accident, so we had to find our way through a maze of side streets.

家族 jiā zú

noun (family lineage)

Our side of the family has distinctive facial features.

舷侧 xián cè

noun (edge of a boat)

The sailors threw the trash over the side.

方面 fāng miàn

noun (figurative (aspect)

She saw a side of him that she hadn't seen before.

地区,区域,部分 dì qū ,qū yù,bù fèn

noun (region of a city) (城市的区域)

The south side of the city is known for its shops.

侧面 cè miàn

noun (adjacent space)

The side of the house is a fun place to play.


noun (cut of meat) (动物)

Please give me a side of beef.

配菜,佐菜 pèi cài

noun (informal (food: accompaniment)

Would you like any sides with your meal--fries, for example?


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (align, put next to each other)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (support in a disagreement)

The party hopes the minister will side with them.


noun (main side of a pop single) (唱片)

The record company decided that the song should be the A-side of the band's first single.


expression (the length of, beside)

We built a retaining wall along the side of the terrace.


adverb (beside) (本义)

I will sit at your side during the banquet.


adverb (figurative (supporting, comforting) (比喻,表示支持)

Fortunately, your husband will always be at your side because he loves you.


noun (flip side of a pop single) (流行音乐唱片)

弱点,没防范的方面 ruò diǎn

noun (side one is looking away from)


expression (next to)

Our fishing camp is built by the side of the lake.


adjective (situated on the side of a cliff)

支持 zhī chí

verbal expression (choose to support)

赞成 zàn chéng

verbal expression (decide in favor of)


verbal expression (act in a certain way)

另一边,另一侧,对面 duì miàn

noun (the other side)


noun (UK (a form of soccer)

反面 fǎn miàn

noun (reverse, other side)

The flip side of the album also had some good songs.


noun (figurative (another, less attractive, aspect)

The flip side of the new product is that it wastes electricity.

前前后后 qián qián hòu hòu

adverb (movement: back and forth)

The boat was rocking from side to side in the rough sea.

从一侧到另一侧,从一边到另一边 cóng yì biān dào lìng yì biān

adverb (measurement: sideways) (测量)

The room was square, and measured about two metres from side to side.

左侧 zuǒ cè

noun (side opposite the right)

The patient has a pain in the left side of her abdomen.

左侧,左边 zuǒ cè ,zuǒ biān

noun (side opposite the right)

Turn right, walk two blocks, and you'll see my house on the left hand side of the road.

看光明面 kàn guāng míng miàn

verbal expression (informal (consider positive aspects)

If you always look on the bright side, you will be a much happier person.


interjection (informal (consider positive aspects)

Look on the bright side: if you have nothing, you've got nothing to lose!

近侧 jìn cè

noun (side which is closest)

北边 běi biān

noun (side or aspect facing the north)

The shop is on the north side of the street.

朝北的一面 cháo běi de yí miàn

noun (building: side that faces north) (建筑物)

My bedroom is on the north-facing side of the house and so is always cold.

四周 sì zhōu

adverb (all around)

The house he bought had trees on every side. The politician felt there were traitors on every side.

片面地 piàn miàn de

adverb (unilaterally)

We are all on one side.

在(其中的)一面 zài qí zhōng de yí miàn

adverb (on one surface only)

An image of George Washington can be found on one side of a US dollar bill.


expression (at the distant end)


expression (positive point)

On the plus side, you'll be in a better school catchment area if you move there.

在…右边 zài yòu biān

expression (to the right of)

British and Japanese automobiles have the steering wheel on the right side of the car.


expression (figurative (in favour with)

You'll need to stay on the right side of your boss if you want to get that promotion.


expression (figurative (on moral side of)

When future generations look back on this moment, they will be able to see who was on the right side of this issue.

合法的 hé fǎ de

expression (legal)

The protesters felt that they were on the right side of the law.

此外 cǐ wài

adverb (in addition)

She worked all day in an office and babysat on the side.

私密地 sī mì de

adverb (secretly)

She found out her husband had a girlfriend on the side.

在旁边,在侧边 zài páng biān

adverb (food: to one side) (指食物)

I'll have the apple pie, with ice cream if you have it, but I want the ice cream on the side, not on top of the pie.

支持地 zhī chí de

adverb (supporting a cause)

If the workers want to go home early to watch the game this afternoon, they'll need to get the boss onside.

阴间,冥间 yīn jiān

noun (afterlife)

对手 duì shǒu

noun (sports: opposing team)


noun (opposite end)


noun (figurative, informal (opposite aspect, converse)

外侧 wài cè

noun (exterior)

Be sure to wash blue jeans with the outer side facing in to prevent fading.


adjective (hemiplegic)

Ever since my uncle had his stroke, he's been paralyzed on one side.


noun (good point or aspect)

储存, 存

verbal expression (figurative (save) (钱等)

I'll put it to one side and eat it later.

不理会, 忽视, 不顾

verbal expression (figurative (disregard)

Let's put this problem to one side for the moment and consider more important issues. He found it too hard, so he just put it to one side.

把…放在一边, 将…搁到一旁

verbal expression (place to the side)

Put the cake to one side and start making the icing.

右边 yòu biān

noun (right-hand side)

In the U.S., we drive on the right side of the road, not the left. I'm sitting in church with my mum on my right side and my sister on the left side.

正确的一边 zhèng què de yì biān

noun (correct or appropriate side)

You've put your rug down with the right side facing the floor! The inmate swore that if he was released he would stay on the right side of the law.

喜欢,支持 xǐ huān,zhī chí

noun (figurative ([sb]'s favour or approval)

He tried to stay on his boss's right side, though it was difficult.

右手边 yòu shǒu biān

noun (side opposite the left)

侧道 cè dào

noun (lateral walkway in a church)

随身武器 suí shēn wǔ qì

plural noun (small handguns)

He was packing several side arms when he went to the dangerous section of town.

肩并肩地 jiān bìng jiān de

adverb (in a row)

The two ducks waddled side by side to the pond.

一起 yì qǐ

adverb (figurative (together)

Our two countries stand side by side in the face of this new threat.

配菜 pèi cài

noun (food served as an accompaniment)

His steak was served with a side dish of mashed potatoes.

副作用 fù zuò yòng

noun (secondary effect: of drug) (药物)

Side effects of this drug may include nausea and a skin rash.

副作用 fù zuò yòng

noun ([sth] incidental) (比喻)

Losing weight is a welcome side effect of fasting in Lent.


noun (informal (second job)

配菜,小菜 pèi cài

noun (restaurant: not main dish)

旁路 páng lù

noun (small street)

Phil parked the car on a side road.


noun (small salad meant as a side dish)

边道 biān dào

noun (small road leading off larger street)

I drive down side streets to avoid the traffic.


noun (furniture)


noun (lateral aspect, [sth] seen from sideways on)

连鬓胡子 lián bìn hú zi

plural noun (sideburns: hair at side of man's face)

手枪 shǒu qiāng

noun (weapon, gun)

The game warden was required to carry a sidearm when he was on duty.


noun (natural light: from the side)


noun (artificial lighting: from the side)

noun (UK (vehicle lights)


noun (ship's lights)


noun (door glass)

侧面了解到的情况 cè miàn liǎo jiě dào de qíng kuàng

noun (figurative (extra information from a different point of view)

横坐马鞍地 héng zuò mǎ ān de

adverb (horseriding: legs to one side) (马术术语)

With their long skirts, ladies found it easier to ride sidesaddle.

供骑手横坐的马鞍 gōng qí shǒu héng zuò de mǎ ān

noun (horseriding seat: legs to one side)

非常滑稽的,极其搞笑的 fēi cháng huá jī de ,jí qí gǎo xiào de

adjective (figurative (hilarious, very funny) (比喻)

向一边跨一步 xiàng yì biān kuà yí bù

noun (step to one side)

Andy avoided the puddle with a quick sidestep.


transitive verb (step around to avoid)

Nicki skillfully sidestepped the patch of ice on the sidewalk.

避免, 回避

transitive verb (figurative (avoid)

The company sidestepped serious financial difficulties, but it is not safe yet.

角响尾蛇 jiǎo xiǎng wěi shé

noun (small desert rattlesnake)

侧击 cè jī

noun (US (sports: punch delivered from the side) (体育比赛中的)

响尾蛇自动导航导弹 xiǎng wěi shé zì dòng dǎo háng dǎo dàn

noun (US (Sidewinder: missile with homing device)


noun (percussion)

Tim played a drum roll on the snare drum.

乐观的一面 lè guān de yí miàn

noun (figurative (positive aspect)

Whenever I was depressed my grandfather told me to look on the sunny side of life.

向阳面 xiàng yáng miàn

noun (sunlit side: of street)

The sunny side of the street is always the hottest, obviously.


adverb (fried egg: runny yolk) (煎蛋)

For breakfast I had toast, bacon and two eggs sunny side up.


adjective (eggs: fried on just one side) (煎蛋)


noun (economics: production) (经济学)


adjective (relating to production)

眼中钉,肉中刺,让人烦心的人或事 yǎn zhōng dīng ,ròu zhōng cì

noun (figurative (aggravating thing, person) (比喻)

That new trainee is so annoying; he's a thorn in my side.

(放)在一边 fàng zài yì biān

adverb (put [sth]: aside)

She set her book to one side and picked up the newspaper.

(放)在一边 fàng zài yì biān

adverb (movement: to the side)

The cars all moved to one side of the road so the ambulance could pass.

向一侧地 xiàng yí cè de

adverb (laterally, sideways)

Turn off to the side and you should find the bakery.

放到一边,抛开,弃置 pāo kāi

adverb (aside, out of the way)

He put it to the side because it was useless.


noun (district of Manhattan in New York) (曼哈顿)

后视镜 hòu shì jìng

noun (small mirror at either side of a vehicle)


noun (incorrect side)

The old man was driving on the wrong side of the road.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。