英语 中的 sugar apple 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sugar apple 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sugar apple 的说明。

英语 中的sugar apple 表示糖,食糖 táng,shí táng, 糖 táng, 甜心,宝贝,心肝 tián xīn,bǎo bèi,xīn gān, 做枫糖 zuò fēng táng, 给…加糖 gěi jiā táng, 在…上面覆上糖 zài shàng miàn fù shàng táng, 使…容易被接受 shǐ róng yì bèi jiē shòu, 糖粉 táng fěn, 甜菜糖 tián cài táng, 血糖 xiě táng / xuè táng, 血糖指数 xiě táng zhǐ shù / xuè táng zhǐ shù, 血糖水平, 红糖 hóng táng, 半成品糖, 蔗糖 zhè táng, 砂糖 shā táng, 糖粉 táng fěn, 绘画纸 huì huà zhǐ, 德麦拉拉蔗糖, 砂糖 shā táng, 一块糖, 方糖, 枫糖 fēng táng, 原糖, 甜豌豆,食荚豌豆 tián wān dòu, 荷兰豆 hé lán dòu, 在…上撒点糖, 甜菜 tián cài, 盛放糖的碗 chéng fàng táng de wǎn, 甘蔗 gān zhè, 甘蔗 gān zhè, 方糖, 包养年轻情妇的有钱老男人 bāo yǎng nián qīng qíng fù de yǒu qián lǎo nán rén, 蜜袋鼯, 糖面包山, 方糖, 糖枫,糖槭, 糖梅仙子, 炼糖厂 liàn táng chǎng, 食糖后兴奋感, 裹有糖衣的, 表面上吸引人的, 包着糖衣的药丸 bāo zhe táng yī de yào wán, 富含糖分的, 美化,粉饰,使...变得容易接受 měi huà,fěn shì, 给…裹上糖衣 gěi guǒ shàng táng yī, 无糖的, 锥形糖块, 塔糖。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sugar apple 的含义

糖,食糖 táng,shí táng

noun (kitchen) (调味品)

I like sugar in my coffee.

糖 táng

noun (chemistry) (化学)

Glucose is a natural sugar.

甜心,宝贝,心肝 tián xīn,bǎo bèi,xīn gān

noun (informal (honey, sweetie) (非正式用语)

Hey, sugar, how's it going?

做枫糖 zuò fēng táng

intransitive verb (make maple sugar)

Sugaring begins with maple tree sap.

给…加糖 gěi jiā táng

transitive verb (add sugar)

She sugared her coffee.

在…上面覆上糖 zài shàng miàn fù shàng táng

transitive verb (cover with sugar)

Sugar the candies so they will not stick.

使…容易被接受 shǐ róng yì bèi jiē shòu

transitive verb (figurative (make agreeable)

I will sugar what I have to say to him, so as not to upset him too much.

糖粉 táng fěn

noun (fine powdered sugar)

I always give my mince pies a sprinkling of caster sugar on top.

甜菜糖 tián cài táng

noun (sugar from beets)

Some beverage companies add beet sugar to their juice.

血糖 xiě táng / xuè táng

noun (glucose in blood)

Hypoglycemia means you have a low level of blood sugar.

血糖指数 xiě táng zhǐ shù / xuè táng zhǐ shù

noun (glucose in blood: level)

High blood sugar is a sign of diabetes.


noun (glucose in blood: amount)

Sometimes my blood sugar level drops and I pass out.

红糖 hóng táng

noun (US (sugar coated in molasses)

This cookie recipe calls for one cup of brown sugar.


noun (UK (unrefined or partially unrefined sugar)

蔗糖 zhè táng

noun (sugar from sugarcane)

I had no idea that beet sugar would taste different than cane sugar.

砂糖 shā táng

(powdered sugar)

糖粉 táng fěn

noun (fine sugar for frosting) (做甜点用)

Ellen usually dusts her brownies with powdered sugar before she serves them.

绘画纸 huì huà zhǐ

noun (rough art paper)

The kids made decorative chains from construction paper.


noun (brown sugar)

砂糖 shā táng

noun (coarse sugar crystals)

The fruit jellies were dipped in granulated sugar after solidifying, to prevent sticking.


(piece of sugar)


noun (sugar in small blocks)

枫糖 fēng táng

noun (sugar made from maple-tree sap)


noun (unprocessed cane sugar)

甜豌豆,食荚豌豆 tián wān dòu

noun (edible legume)

荷兰豆 hé lán dòu

noun (pea with edible pod)


verbal expression (put powdered sugar onto)

甜菜 tián cài

noun (plant from which sugar is obtained)

The EU expects a bumper sugar beet harvest this year.

盛放糖的碗 chéng fàng táng de wǎn

noun (receptacle: holds sugar)

Never put a wet teaspoon back in the sugar bowl.

甘蔗 gān zhè

noun (tall plant from which sugar is obtained) (植物)

甘蔗 gān zhè

noun (stem of sugarcane plant) (杆)

The children liked to suck the sweet juice from the sugar cane.


noun (small block of sugar)

包养年轻情妇的有钱老男人 bāo yǎng nián qīng qíng fù de yǒu qián lǎo nán rén

noun (slang (rich older male lover) (俚语)

I see Tonya's on the prowl for a sugar daddy again.


noun (animal: possum) (一种哺乳动物)


noun (mountain in Rio de Janeiro)


noun (cube of sugar for coffee or tea)


noun (tree with sweet sap)


noun (ballet: character in The Nutcracker) (芭蕾《胡桃夹子》》)

炼糖厂 liàn táng chǎng

noun (place where sugar is processed)


noun (informal (energy boost)

A sugar rush is followed by a quick dip in stamina.


adjective (food: sweet exterior layer)


adjective (figurative (made more pleasant)

包着糖衣的药丸 bāo zhe táng yī de yào wán

noun (figurative ([sth] made superficially more pleasant)

I'm sure these new job titles are just a sugar-coated pill.


adjective (food: sugary, full of sugar)

美化,粉饰,使...变得容易接受 měi huà,fěn shì

transitive verb (figurative (disguise [sth]'s unpleasantness)

Although the teacher tried to sugarcoat it, the students understood the seriousness of the news.

给…裹上糖衣 gěi guǒ shàng táng yī

transitive verb (cover with sugar)

The chef sugarcoated some grapes to decorate the top of the cake.


adjective (gum, soda: artificially sweetened)

锥形糖块, 塔糖

noun (cone of refined sugar)

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