英语 中的 suit 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 suit 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 suit 的说明。

英语 中的suit 表示套装 tào zhuāng, 套裙 tào qún, 一组同花色的牌 yì zǔ tóng huā sè de pái, 诉讼 sù sòng, 与…搭, 对...合适, 使适合 shǐ shì hé, 穿西装的男士, 游泳衣 yóu yǒng yī, 请愿 qǐng yuàn, 求婚 qiú hūn, 穿上全套制服, 泳衣 yǒng yī, 裸体 luǒ tǐ, 紧身衣 jǐn shēn yī, 连衫裤工作服, 西装 xī zhuāng, 共同起诉 gòng tóng qǐ sù, 潜水衣 qián shuǐ yī, 男礼服 nán lǐ fú, 金玉其外的商人, 动力外骨骼, 跟着做 gēn zhe zuò, 慢跑服, 伞兵服 sǎn bīng fú, 连衣裤, 女士西裤套装 nǚ shì xī kù tào zhuāng, 生父确认诉讼案, 海军装 hǎi jūn zhuāng, (儿童的)水手服 ér tóng de shuǐ shǒu fú, 保暖外套,滑雪衫, 太空服 tài kōng fú, 强项 qiáng xiàng, 同样花式的一组牌, 非常适合 fēi cháng shì hé, 西装 xī zhuāng, 一身铠甲,盔甲 kuī jiǎ, 随意 suí yì, 请随君便, 运动服 yùn dòng fú, 三件套 sān jiàn tào, 运动套装,运动服,运动衣裤 yùn dòng tào zhuāng,yùn dòng fú,yùn dòng yī kù, 衫裤套装, 光着身体, 潜水服 qián shuǐ fú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 suit 的含义

套装 tào zhuāng

noun (clothing: jacket and trousers)

He wore his new suit to the wedding.

套裙 tào qún

noun (clothing: jacket and skirt)

She wore her suit to the job interview.

一组同花色的牌 yì zǔ tóng huā sè de pái

noun (cards: clubs, spades, etc.)

You need to match three cards of the same suit.

诉讼 sù sòng

noun (lawsuit)

The suit alleged that the company stole their intellectual property.


transitive verb (harmonize or be compatible with)

Yes, that dress suits you well.


transitive verb (be OK with [sb])

What time would suit you? We can go out to eat Friday night. How does that suit you?

使适合 shǐ shì hé

transitive verb (adapt)

We can suit the training to fit your needs.


noun (slang, pejorative (man dressed in a suit)

The suits say that we need to change the process? What do they know?

游泳衣 yóu yǒng yī

noun (US (swimsuit)

I bought a new suit to wear to the beach; it is a lot smaller than the last one.

请愿 qǐng yuàn

noun (petition, appeal)

Do you think she will hear my suit sympathetically?

求婚 qiú hūn

noun (courtship)

He pleaded his suit, but she still would not agree to marry him.


phrasal verb, intransitive (put on uniform)

The forensics team suited up before entering the crime scene.

泳衣 yǒng yī

noun (dated (swimsuit)

I was so embarrassed to see my teacher when I was only wearing my bathing suit.

裸体 luǒ tǐ

noun (slang, figurative (nakedness)

"What do you wear in bed?" "My birthday suit."

紧身衣 jǐn shēn yī

noun (tight-fitting garment that covers body and arms)


noun (mainly UK (clothing: overalls)

西装 xī zhuāng

noun (businessperson's formal outfit)

Liam was wearing a smart business suit for his job interview.

共同起诉 gòng tóng qǐ sù

noun (lawsuit brought by a group)

A lot of us are involved in a class action suit against the company for discrimination against women.

潜水衣 qián shuǐ yī

(diving equipment)

男礼服 nán lǐ fú

noun (man's formal outfit for evening)

My husband looks very elegant in his dress suit.


noun (US, figurative, pejorative, informal (powerful, ineffectual person)


noun (military device)

跟着做 gēn zhe zuò

intransitive verb (figurative (do the same, copy: [sb] else)

He was such a copycat; if his brother did something he would always follow suit. After the first bank started giving away toasters, the rest of the banks followed suit.



伞兵服 sǎn bīng fú

noun (pilot's all-in-one garment)

The pilot put on his jumpsuit and climbed into the cockpit for takeoff.


noun (women's all-in-one garment) (女式)

I think I'm going to buy this jumpsuit; it's really cute!

女士西裤套装 nǚ shì xī kù tào zhuāng

noun (US (women's shirt and trousers)

Sheryl bought herself a new pantsuit that really looks good on her.


noun (legal dispute over identity of father)

海军装 hǎi jūn zhuāng

noun (naval uniform)

(儿童的)水手服 ér tóng de shuǐ shǒu fú

noun (child's navy-style outfit)

Nineteenth century children were often dressed in sailor suits.


noun (padded outfit worn in cold weather)

太空服 tài kōng fú

noun (outfit worn by astronaut)

I can't go out in this coat: it's like walking around in a space suit.

强项 qiáng xiàng

noun (figurative ([sb]'s talent, strong point)


noun (card game suit)

非常适合 fēi cháng shì hé

verbal expression (informal (be ideal)

西装 xī zhuāng

noun (men's formal jacket)

Normal business attire for bankers includes suit jacket and tie.

一身铠甲,盔甲 kuī jiǎ

noun (historical (protective battle gear)

随意 suí yì

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (do what you want)

If Ben doesn't want to come to the party, he can suit himself; I'll go without him.


interjection (do what you want)

I think that’s a stupid idea, but suit yourself; do it, if you want to.

运动服 yùn dòng fú

noun (outfit worn for sport)

三件套 sān jiàn tào

noun (men's formal outfit) (男子的正式服装)

My brother looks surprisingly good in a three-piece-suit.

运动套装,运动服,运动衣裤 yùn dòng tào zhuāng,yùn dòng fú,yùn dòng yī kù

noun (athlete's trouser suit) (运动员训练时所穿)

The members of the gymnastics team wore matching tracksuits and hair ribbons.




verbal expression (slang, figurative (be naked)

潜水服 qián shuǐ fú

noun (diver's rubber outfit)

The police put on wetsuits to search for the victim in the icy river.

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suit 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。