英语 中的 trafficking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 trafficking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 trafficking 的说明。

英语 中的trafficking 表示路上来往的车辆 lù shàng lái wǎng de chē liàng, 客流量 kè liú liàng, 流量 liú liàng, 非法交易,非法买卖 fēi fǎ jiāo yì,fēi fǎ mǎi mài, 流量 liú liàng, 非法交易,非法买卖 fēi fǎ jiāo yì,fēi fǎ mǎi mài, 买卖, 做…生意, 空中交通 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng, 空中交通管制 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì, 空中交通管制员 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì yuán, 人流,步行交通 rén liú, 货运(交通) huò yùn jiāo tōng, 交通阻塞 jiāo tōng zǔ sè, 纾缓交通拥堵, 交通事故,车祸 chē huò, 环形交叉路口 huán xíng jiāo chā lù kǒu, 交通锥 jiāo tōng zhuī, 交通管制 jiāo tōng guǎn zhì, 交通警察,交警 jiāo tōng jǐng chá,jiāo jǐng, 交通(事故)法庭 jiāo tōng shì gù fǎ tíng, 交通违章罚款, 车流,交通流, 交通岛, 堵车, 塞车, 车道,行车线 chē dào, 交通信号灯 jiāo tōng xìn hào dēng, 运输经理 yùn shū jīng lǐ, 交通标识 jiāo tōng biāo shí, 交通信号灯 jiāo tōng xìn hào dēng, 交通罚单 jiāo tōng fá chán, 交通违章,交通违规,违反交通规则, 交通管理员 jiāo tōng guǎn lǐ yuán, 网站流量。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 trafficking 的含义

路上来往的车辆 lù shàng lái wǎng de chē liàng

noun (uncountable (cars)

There is a lot of traffic on the roads this evening.

客流量 kè liú liàng

noun (mainly US, uncountable (customers in a store) (商店的)

Business is good; the store has seen a lot of traffic today.

流量 liú liàng

noun (uncountable (visitors to a website) (网站)

Posting daily on social media can drive traffic to your site.

非法交易,非法买卖 fēi fǎ jiāo yì,fēi fǎ mǎi mài

noun (uncountable (illegal selling) (人口贩卖、毒品贩卖等)

Local police said they were aware of the traffic in illegal goods.

流量 liú liàng

noun (communications: volume transmitted) (宽带、手机等)

Our broadband speed isn't fast enough to deal with this amount of traffic.

非法交易,非法买卖 fēi fǎ jiāo yì,fēi fǎ mǎi mài

transitive verb (sell illegally) (人口贩卖、毒品贩卖等)

The gang had been trafficking drugs for years before they were caught.

买卖, 做…生意

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (sell, deal in) (常指非法交易)

Many criminal enterprises traffic in illegal drugs and prostitution.

空中交通 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng

noun (aircraft when flying)

Air traffic depends on airport controllers who know how to read radar information.

空中交通管制 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì

noun (directing and monitoring aircraft)

Air traffic control is one of the most stressful occupations.

空中交通管制员 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì yuán

noun (person: directs aircraft)

The air-traffic controller directed the plane to a runway.

人流,步行交通 rén liú

noun (pedestrians)

Be careful driving on this street; there is a lot of foot traffic because the university is nearby.

货运(交通) huò yùn jiāo tōng

noun (transport that carries cargo)

交通阻塞 jiāo tōng zǔ sè

noun (vehicle congestion)

Jeff was late to work after being stuck in a jam for three hours.


verbal expression (improve the flow of vehicles)

交通事故,车祸 chē huò

noun (vehicle collision)

环形交叉路口 huán xíng jiāo chā lù kǒu

noun (US (roundabout)

In the United States cars go round traffic-circles counter-clockwise.

交通锥 jiāo tōng zhuī

noun (conical road markers)

The hole was surrounded by traffic cones so that no one would step in it.

交通管制 jiāo tōng guǎn zhì

noun (management of road use)

交通警察,交警 jiāo tōng jǐng chá,jiāo jǐng

noun (slang (police officer in charge of roads) (俚语)

She was going too fast so the traffic cop pulled her over.

交通(事故)法庭 jiāo tōng shì gù fǎ tíng

noun (US (court that handles traffic violations)

When she hit a street sign with her car, she had to go to traffic court.


noun (charge made for a driving offence)


noun (movement of road vehicles)


noun (traffic)

堵车, 塞车

noun (queue of traffic)

Our journey was delayed by a traffic jam on the A40.

车道,行车线 chē dào

noun (traffic stream marked off on a road)

交通信号灯 jiāo tōng xìn hào dēng

noun (usually plural (signal)

When the traffic lights turn red, you must stop.

运输经理 yùn shū jīng lǐ

noun (good transport) (企业)

The traffic manager is responsible for monitoring cargo handling activities.

交通标识 jiāo tōng biāo shí

noun (notice to vehicles)

Some drivers seem incapable of even seeing traffic signs.

交通信号灯 jiāo tōng xìn hào dēng

noun (lights controlling traffic flow)

Traffic signals in the U.S. go from red to green to amber.

交通罚单 jiāo tōng fá chán

noun (notice of traffic violation)


noun (driving offence)

交通管理员 jiāo tōng guǎn lǐ yuán

noun (UK (officer who monitors parking, etc.)

The traffic warden gave him a ticket for being parked on double yellow lines.


noun (visitors to website)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。