英语 中的 UK 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 UK 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 UK 的说明。

英语 中的UK 表示英国 yīng guó, 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 dà bú liè diān jí běi ài ěr lán lián hé wáng guó, -色的, 一毛钱一打,不值钱 yì máo qián yì dá,bù zhí qián, 沧海一栗 cāng hǎi yí lì, 近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ, 如同套在脖子上的磨盘, 差十五分钟到…(点), ...点差一刻, 掉头,掉转方向,往反方向 diào tóu,diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,wǎng fǎn fāng xiàng, 按周长算 àn zhōu cháng suàn, 彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn, 向后转, 向后转!, 向后转, 大转变, 诚实的 chéng shí de, 光明正大, 上述的,上文提及的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén tí jí de, 缩略 suō lüè, 缩略版 suō lüè bǎn, 缩略, 节略, 心不在焉的 xīn bú zài yān de, 佩戴饰品 pèi dài shì pǐn, 用饰品装饰, 给…装配(附件等), 适应过程 shì yìng guò chéng, 适应 shì yìng, 使适应 shǐ shì yìng, 使适应 shǐ shì yìng, 适应气候 shì yìng qì hòu, 使...适应气候 shǐ shì yìng qì hòu, 为...提供装备,配备 pèi bèi, 为...装备..., 饰品 shì pǐn, 军用装备, 对乙酰氨基酚 duì yǐ xiān ān jī fēn, 搭理,理会 dā lǐ,lǐ huì, 承认 chéng rèn, 表彰 biǎo zhāng, 致谢,鸣谢 zhì xiè,míng xiè, 实现 shí xiàn, 实现 shí xiàn, 实现 shí xiàn, 发信人, 行政中心 xíng zhèng zhōng xīn, 夸大某事的重要性, 夸大某人的重要性, 扩大 kuò dà, 扩大 kuò dà, 变老 , 苍老 biàn lǎo, 变老的 biàn lǎo de, 挣扎,困扰,折磨 zhēng zhá ,kùn rǎo,zhé mó, 为…而纠结痛苦, 为…而挣扎, 使…感到非常痛苦, 使人非常痛苦的 shǐ rén fēi cháng tòng kǔ de, 令人苦恼的 lìng rén kǔ nǎo de, 极度的疼痛 jí dù de téng tòng, 空运单, 飞机场 fēi jī chǎng, 机翼 jī yì, 飞机 fēi jī, 警告, 提醒, 碱化 jiǎn huà, 使碱化, 各个方面 gè gè fāng miàn, 所有人 suǒ yǒu rén, 在各方面, 周围 zhōu wéi, 多才多艺的 duō cái duō yì de, 全面的 quán miàn de, 通用面粉, 写寓言, 寓言化, 接线夹 jiē xiàn jiá, 按字母顺序排列 àn zì mǔ shùn xù pái liè, 按照字母顺序排列 àn zhào zì mǔ shùn xù pái liè, 按字母顺序排列事物的人, 铝 lǚ, 铝制的 lǚ zhì de, 铝箔纸 lǚ bó zhǐ, 氢氧化铝 qīng yǎng huà lǚ, 变形虫的 biàn xíng chóng de, 似变形虫的 sì biàn xíng chóng de, 闭经, 美国文化影响 měi guó wén huà yǐng xiǎng, 美国化 měi guó huà, 使美国化, 美国化 měi guó huà, 在…中间,在…之中 zài … zhōng jiān ,zài zhī zhōng, 属于其中,…之一 shǔ yú qí zhōng ,zhī yī, 对…中的大多数人而言,根据…的普遍看法 duì … zhōng de dà duō shù rén ér yán,gēn jù … de pǔ biàn kàn fǎ, 在…之间,在…当中 zài … zhī jiān ,zài dāng zhōng, 摊销的 tān xiāo de, 摊销,摊还 tān xiāo,tān huán, 分期付款时间表 fēn qī fù kuǎn shí jiān biǎo, 摊销表 tān xiāo biǎo, 对…进行分期付款, 摊销 tān xiāo, 露天竞技场 lù tiān jìng jì chǎng, 室内观众席,(剧场中的)阶梯式座位区 shì nèi guān zhòng xí,jù chǎng zhōng de jiē tī shì zuò wèi qū。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 UK 的含义

英国 yīng guó

noun (initialism (United Kingdom) (联合王国:英格兰、苏格兰与爱尔兰)

How long have you lived in the UK?

大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 dà bú liè diān jí běi ài ěr lán lián hé wáng guó

noun (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales make up the United Kingdom.


adjective (colored a certain way)

一毛钱一打,不值钱 yì máo qián yì dá,bù zhí qián

adjective (figurative, informal (common) (非正式用语)

In Hollywood, aspiring young actresses are a dime a dozen.

沧海一栗 cāng hǎi yí lì

noun (UK, figurative, informal (amount: trivial)

The money I give to charity is a drop in the ocean compared to some people.

近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

expression (figurative (very close)

The house that I bought was a hair's breadth away from the sea.


expression (figurative (burden: mental or emotional)


expression (15 minutes before the hour)

I'll meet you at a quarter till one... in the afternoon, of course.


expression (informal (15 minutes before the hour)

掉头,掉转方向,往反方向 diào tóu,diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,wǎng fǎn fāng xiàng

adverb (in the opposing direction)

He whirled about and saw that his girlfriend was behind him.

按周长算 àn zhōu cháng suàn

adverb (in circumference)

The lake is approximately three miles about.

彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn

noun (figurative (policy, opinion: reversal) (观点、政策的)

Following a strong public outcry, the politician did an about-face regarding his position on global warming.


noun (military: turn)


interjection (military: turn) (军事)

Company halt! About-face! Forward march!


intransitive verb (military: perform a turn)


intransitive verb (turn in opposite direction)

诚实的 chéng shí de

adjective (figurative (honest)

He likes to keep his business dealings aboveboard.


adverb (figurative (honestly)

Be assured, I always operate aboveboard.

上述的,上文提及的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén tí jí de

adjective (formal, written (cited previously)

The above-mentioned changes will be in effect until the end of the month.

缩略 suō lüè

noun (condensing written work)

缩略版 suō lüè bǎn

noun (writing: condensed version)

缩略, 节略

noun (lessening, limitation)

The working group is trying to come up with an abridgement of the process.

心不在焉的 xīn bú zài yān de

adjective (forgetful)

He's so absentminded that he forgot his own birthday!

佩戴饰品 pèi dài shì pǐn

intransitive verb (wear accessories)

Steph only wears black, but she livens up her look by accessorizing.


transitive verb (adorn with accessories)

A colourful scarf is the perfect way to accessorise an outfit.


(furnish [sth] with accessories)

Adam has accessorized his home with antique lamps, mirrors and rugs.

适应过程 shì yìng guò chéng

noun (becoming accustomed to)

适应 shì yìng

intransitive verb (figurative (become accustomed)

The climber suffered from altitude sickness for a few days before he acclimatized.

使适应 shǐ shì yìng

(figurative (become accustomed to [sth])

People in the city have been forced to acclimatize to increased security controls.

使适应 shǐ shì yìng

(accustom to [sth])

If you have cats and you move house you need to keep the cats indoors for at least a few days to acclimatize them to their new home.

适应气候 shì yìng qì hòu

intransitive verb (become used to climate)

Selina isn't used to this cold weather, but I'm sure she'll acclimatize.

使...适应气候 shǐ shì yìng qì hòu

(accustom to climate)

Before planting out your young seedlings, take them out of the greenhouse for a short period, then increase each day, to acclimatize them to the colder conditions outdoors.

为...提供装备,配备 pèi bèi

transitive verb (usually passive (military: equip) (军用)


(equip or furnish)

饰品 shì pǐn

plural noun (accessories)


plural noun (military equipment)

对乙酰氨基酚 duì yǐ xiān ān jī fēn

noun (drug used for pain relief) (一种解热镇痛药)

搭理,理会 dā lǐ,lǐ huì

noun (response)

Last time I saw her she didn't even give me an acknowledgment.

承认 chéng rèn

noun (accepting truth)

Finding a solution will first require acknowledgement of the problem.

表彰 biǎo zhāng

noun (appreciation)

Bridget received an award in acknowledgement of her work.

致谢,鸣谢 zhì xiè,míng xiè

plural noun (in book: author's thanks) (图书:作者的感谢)

In the acknowledgements, the author thanked her family and friends.

实现 shí xiàn

noun (making, becoming real)

实现 shí xiàn

intransitive verb (become real)

实现 shí xiàn

transitive verb (make real)


noun (directs message)

行政中心 xíng zhèng zhōng xīn

noun (county: main town)


transitive verb (exaggerate importance of [sth])


transitive verb (exaggerate [sb]'s importance)

扩大 kuò dà

transitive verb (make larger)

扩大 kuò dà

noun (making greater or bigger)

变老 , 苍老 biàn lǎo

noun (process of getting old) (人)

Aging is something that no one can run away from.

变老的 biàn lǎo de

adjective (growing old)

They are offering more training courses as part of their effort to replace an ageing workforce.

挣扎,困扰,折磨 zhēng zhá ,kùn rǎo,zhé mó

intransitive verb (struggle to decide) (为作出决定)

Paul agonized for days before handing in his resignation.


(struggle with decision)

I was very unsure about whether or not to give up my job and I agonised over the decision for weeks.


verbal expression (struggle with decision)

The tickets were expensive, so I agonized over going on the trip for months.


transitive verb (cause to be anguished)

使人非常痛苦的 shǐ rén fēi cháng tòng kǔ de

adjective (very painful)

A dislocated shoulder can be agonizing.

令人苦恼的 lìng rén kǔ nǎo de

adjective (distressing)

It is agonizing to see people starving in news reports.

极度的疼痛 jí dù de téng tòng

noun (extreme physical discomfort)

The agonizing pain of the injury caused her to scream uncontrollably.


(shipping document)

飞机场 fēi jī chǎng

noun (type of airport)

机翼 jī yì

noun (aircraft: wing flap to give lift)

飞机 fēi jī

noun (aircraft)

The passengers boarded the airplane in an orderly manner.

警告, 提醒

noun (figurative (warning, caution)

George's late arrival for our first date should have set off alarm bells that he's not a punctual person.

碱化 jiǎn huà

intransitive verb (chemistry: become alkaline) (化学)


transitive verb (chemistry: make alkaline) (化学)

各个方面 gè gè fāng miàn

adverb (everywhere)

Prices have increased all around.

所有人 suǒ yǒu rén

adverb (informal (for everyone)

Joe called for drinks all around to celebrate his good news.


adverb (in all aspects)

This is a better solution all round.

周围 zhōu wéi

preposition (surrounding)

David looked all around him, but Eleanor was nowhere to be seen.

多才多艺的 duō cái duō yì de

adjective (versatile, multi-skilled)

Joe has developed into an all-around player for the basketball team.

全面的 quán miàn de

adjective (comprehensive, overall)

The school aims to provide an all-around education for its students.


noun (wheat flour)

All-purpose flour is great for cookies, but doesn't have enough gluten for bread.


intransitive verb (compose allegory)


transitive verb (interpret [sth] as allegory)

接线夹 jiē xiàn jiá

noun (clamp in electrical circuit)

按字母顺序排列 àn zì mǔ shùn xù pái liè

noun (organization by letter)

按照字母顺序排列 àn zhào zì mǔ shùn xù pái liè

transitive verb (arrange in alphabetical order)


noun (person: organizer)

铝 lǚ

noun (lightweight metal) (aluminium的美式拼法, 一种轻金属)

Aluminum is used to make kitchen foil because it can withstand heat.

铝制的 lǚ zhì de

noun as adjective (made of aluminum)

Aluminum cans are recyclable.

铝箔纸 lǚ bó zhǐ

noun (silver paper)

We wrapped up our food with aluminum foil.

氢氧化铝 qīng yǎng huà lǚ

noun (chemical compound)

Aluminum hydroxide is the active ingredient in many antiperspirant deodorants.

变形虫的 biàn xíng chóng de

adjective (relating to an amoeba) (美式拼法)

似变形虫的 sì biàn xíng chóng de

adjective (ameba-like)


noun (lack of menstruation)

美国文化影响 měi guó wén huà yǐng xiǎng

noun (influence of US culture)

The politician complained about the increasing Americanization of British culture.

美国化 měi guó huà

noun (assimilation into US culture)


transitive verb (make American in character)

美国化 měi guó huà

intransitive verb (become American in character)

在…中间,在…之中 zài … zhōng jiān ,zài zhī zhōng

preposition (in the midst of)

Josiah's farm is situated among the cornfields of eastern Kansas. He lives amongst mountains of hoarded rubbish.

属于其中,…之一 shǔ yú qí zhōng ,zhī yī

preposition (counted with, member of)

Pearls and gold coins were among the treasures in the chest. Among the victims of the earthquake was a 60-year-old man.

对…中的大多数人而言,根据…的普遍看法 duì … zhōng de dà duō shù rén ér yán,gēn jù … de pǔ biàn kàn fǎ

preposition (with many of)

Their music's popular among college students.

在…之间,在…当中 zài … zhī jiān ,zài dāng zhōng

preposition (divided in shares) (进行分配)

The children divided the estate among themselves. We divided the biscuits amongst the children.

摊销的 tān xiāo de

adjective (finance: cost written off) (会计)

摊销,摊还 tān xiāo,tān huán

noun (writing off asset value) (会计)

分期付款时间表 fēn qī fù kuǎn shí jiān biǎo

noun (loan repayment plan)

摊销表 tān xiāo biǎo

noun (depreciation schedule)


transitive verb (pay off debt over time)

The mortgage is amortized over 30 years.

摊销 tān xiāo

transitive verb (reduce cost, value over time)

You can get a tax deduction if you amortize your equipment.

露天竞技场 lù tiān jìng jì chǎng

noun (open-air arena)

Many plays were performed in this ancient Roman amphitheater.

室内观众席,(剧场中的)阶梯式座位区 shì nèi guān zhòng xí,jù chǎng zhōng de jiē tī shì zuò wèi qū

noun (indoor auditorium) (美式拼法)

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 UK 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。