英语 中的 v 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 v 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 v 的说明。

英语 中的v 表示[英文字母表里的第22个字母], 5, 第五世 dì wǔ shì, 伏 fú, 排在第五位的, 第五的, 以第五名的成绩, 第五位, 五分之一 wǔ fēn zhī yī, 五分之一 wǔ fēn zhī yī, 五号, 五号, 五世, 五度音程 wǔ dù yīn chéng, 五分之一加仑 wǔ fēn zhī yī jiā lún, 五度和音 wǔ dù hé yīn, 五档, 对 duì, 退伍军人事务部, 二队,乙队,后备队, 合资企业,合营企业 hé zī qǐ yè, 最有价值选手, 先天后天之辩 xiān tiān hòu tiān zhī biàn, 适量, 交叉引用, 请回复,敬请赐复 qǐng huí fù,jìng qǐng cì fù, 回复(邀请) huí fù yāo qǐng, 对邀请的回复 duì yāo qǐng de huí fù, V 领, V 领上衣, V 领的, 童锁频道锁码,V芯片, 欧洲胜利日, V 领上衣, V字形手势,V字手势,胜利手势, V字形手势,V字手势,粗鲁的手势 cū lǔ de shǒu shì, 退伍军人管理局, 不及物动词, 副总统 fù zǒng tǒng, 动词短语 dòng cí duǎn yǔ, 及物动词 jí wù dòng cí。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 v 的含义


noun (22nd letter of alphabet)

V comes before W in the English alphabet.


noun (Roman numeral: 5) (罗马数字)

See Chapter V for further discussion of this issue.

第五世 dì wǔ shì

noun (title of Pope, monarch) (君主政体、教皇)

King Henry V died in 1422.

伏 fú

noun (written, abbreviation (volt) (电压单位)

My remote control car is powered by a 10V battery.


adjective (5th in a series or list)

John was the fifth person on the list.


adjective (in race, competition: placed 5th) (比赛排名)

Tina was fifth out of six in the 100m butterfly.


adverb (race, competition: in 5th place)

Tim came in fifth at the state finals.


noun (in a series, list: 5th item, person)

Kyle was fifth in line.

五分之一 wǔ fēn zhī yī

noun (fraction: 5th part, 20 per cent)

Only a fifth of people with hearing problems wear hearing aids.

五分之一 wǔ fēn zhī yī

adverb (extent: 1/5)

Our apartment block is one-fifth empty.


noun (fifth day of the month) (一个月的第五天)

Don't worry; I'll be back in time for your concert on the fifth.


noun (UK (fifth day of specified month) (日期)

The school term starts on 5th September.


noun (5th monarch with specified name) (君主、帝王)

George the Fifth came to the British throne in 1910.

五度音程 wǔ dù yīn chéng

noun (musical interval)

The bass sang the fifth of the chord.

五分之一加仑 wǔ fēn zhī yī jiā lún

noun (US (measure of alcohol) (酒精饮料)

Kelsey drank half a fifth of whiskey.

五度和音 wǔ dù hé yīn

noun (music: 5th symphony, etc.)

My favourite piece of music is Beethoven's Fifth.


noun (5th automobile gear) (车辆)

The driver switched into fifth on the freeway.

对 duì

preposition (abbreviation (versus)


noun (US, abbreviation (Department of Veterans Affairs) (美国)


noun (US, initialism (sports: junior varsity)

合资企业,合营企业 hé zī qǐ yè

noun (initialism (business: joint venture)


noun (sports: most valuable player) (体育)

先天后天之辩 xiān tiān hòu tiān zhī biàn

noun (debate: inherited or learned)

It's a question of nature versus nurture: Are people born violent, or do they become violent because of how they are raised?


expression (written, abbreviation (quantum vis: as much as you want) (书面缩略语)


expression (written, abbreviation (cross-reference)

请回复,敬请赐复 qǐng huí fù,jìng qǐng cì fù

interjection (initialism (invitation: please reply) (缩写,请柬用语)

RSVP by the 2nd of August, please!

回复(邀请) huí fù yāo qǐng

intransitive verb (informal, initialism (reply to invitation) (缩写,非正式用法)

The invitation requests that we RSVP by October 1.

对邀请的回复 duì yāo qǐng de huí fù

noun (informal, initialism (reply to invitation) (缩写,非正式用法)

All RSVPs should be sent by email.

V 领

noun (clothing: V-shaped neckline)

This pullover has a V neck.

V 领上衣

noun (top with a V neck)

Dave was wearing a V neck.

V 领的

noun as adjective (having a V neck)

I bought Sam a V-neck sweater for his birthday.


noun (blocks violence, sex on TV)


noun (Victory in Europe Day)

V 领上衣

noun (top with V-shaped neckline)

These V-neck shirts are available in white or blue.


noun (hand sign meaning victory)

V字形手势,V字手势,粗鲁的手势 cū lǔ de shǒu shì

noun (UK (offensive hand gesture)


noun (US, initialism (Veterans Administration)

The VA provides benefits to veterans.


noun (abbreviation (grammar: intransitive verb) (语法)

vi is the abbreviation for intransitive verb.

副总统 fù zǒng tǒng

noun (initialism (vice president)

动词短语 dòng cí duǎn yǔ

noun (written, initialism (grammar: verb phrase)

及物动词 jí wù dòng cí

noun (written, abbreviation (grammar: transitive verb) (语法)

The abbreviation "vtr" indicates a transitive verb.

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v 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。