英语 中的 walls 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 walls 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 walls 的说明。

英语 中的walls 表示墙 qiáng, 墙,墙壁 qiáng,qiáng bì, 城墙,围墙 chéng qiáng,wéi qiáng, 分界物 fēn jiè wù, 壁 bì, 障碍 zhàng ài, 信息墙, 用墙围住 yòng qiáng wéi zhù, 封住,封锁,封闭 fēng suǒ,fēng bì, 筑墙围住 zhú qiáng wéi zhù, 把...围住, 用墙把…隔开, 对牛弹琴, 砖墙 zhuān qiáng, 提款机 tí kuǎn jī, 细胞壁, 胸壁, 城墙 chéng qiáng, 攀岩墙, 帷幕墙, 幕墙, 分隔墙 fēn gé qiáng, 使…大怒 shǐ dà nù, 石膏板, 干砌石墙 gān qì shí qiáng, 石膏板的, 干砌石墙的 gān qì shí qiáng de, 用石膏板建, 装石膏板, 防火墙 fáng huǒ qiáng, 防火墙 fáng huǒ qiáng, 长城 cháng chéng, 被逼到墙角, 遇到障碍, 达到极限, 自动取款机,自动柜员机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī,zì dòng guì yuán jī, 小店铺, 狭小的(门店), 奇怪的 qí guài de, 挡土墙 dǎng tǔ qiáng, 石壁, 锚定螺栓, (海岸)防波堤 hǎi àn fáng bō dī, 剪力墙, 石墙 shí qiáng, 哭墙 kū qiáng, 墙上托架 qiáng shàng tuō jià, 挂钟 guà zhōng, 墙帷 qiáng wéi, 壁灯 bì dēng, 壁灯 bì dēng, 壁画 bì huà, 壁板,墙板 bì bǎn,qiáng bǎn, 壁装插座板, 墙上插座, 墙塞, 壁式插座 bì shì chā zuò, 华尔街 huā ěr jiē, 华尔街股票交易所 huá ěr jiē gǔ piào jiāo yì suǒ, 墙板 qiáng bǎn, 固定在墙上的, 铺满整个地板的, 无孔不入的, 铺满整个地板的地毯 pū mǎn zhěng gè dì bǎn de dì tǎn, 白色胎壁的 bái sè tāi bì de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 walls 的含义

墙 qiáng

noun (of a room)

What do you want to put on this wall?

墙,墙壁 qiáng,qiáng bì

noun (continuous surface) (连续的)

In New York City, many walls are covered with graffiti.

城墙,围墙 chéng qiáng,wéi qiáng

noun (around a city, property) (城市等周围的)

Lugo is beautiful with its preserved walls around the old city.

分界物 fēn jiè wù

noun (creating passages)

The walls of the maze were too high for the mouse to see over them.

壁 bì

noun (anatomy: abdominal covering) (解剖学)

The walls of his small intestine were weak after his extended illness.

障碍 zhàng ài

noun (figurative (obstacle: logistical) (比喻,项目等)

The project ran into a wall when an accident halted production lines.


noun (social media) (社交媒体)

87 of my friends left a birthday message on my wall.

用墙围住 yòng qiáng wéi zhù

transitive verb (erect a wall)

The Soviets walled off West Berlin.

封住,封锁,封闭 fēng suǒ,fēng bì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (close off [sth])

The house's new owners walled up the old fireplace.

筑墙围住 zhú qiáng wéi zhù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (enclose)

He used bricks to wall in the garden.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (surround)

The film star was walled in on all sides by his bodyguards.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (separate with wall)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (not be listened to)

Talking to Esther is like talking to a brick wall; neither one will listen!

砖墙 zhuān qiáng

noun (wall made of bricks)

Winston Churchill, who laid bricks as a hobby, built a tall brick wall around his house.

提款机 tí kuǎn jī

noun (UK (money dispenser)

I'll have to get some money out of the cash machine before I can go shopping.


(biology) (生物学)


noun (anatomy: covering heart and lungs) (人体)

城墙 chéng qiáng

plural noun (fortification around a town)


noun (sports equipment: wall with grips) (运动器材)


noun (exterior wall) (建筑外墙)


noun (castle: outer wall) (指城堡等)

分隔墙 fēn gé qiáng

noun (partition)

The neighbours are in dispute over the dividing wall between their properties. The huge bookcase served as a dividing wall between the living room and the dining room.

使…大怒 shǐ dà nù

verbal expression (informal, figurative (irritate [sb])


noun (US (plasterboard)

The contractor finally finished putting up the drywall today.

干砌石墙 gān qì shí qiáng

noun (UK (stone wall built without mortar)

The property is surrounded by a drywall.


noun as adjective (US (for use with drywall)

干砌石墙的 gān qì shí qiáng de

noun as adjective (UK (built without mortar)


transitive verb (US (construct using drywall)

Today we are going to drywall the kitchen.


intransitive verb (US (construct or install drywall)

The workers have been drywalling for weeks now.

防火墙 fáng huǒ qiáng

noun (figurative (computing: security program) (计算机)

You may have to disable your firewall to install the program.

防火墙 fáng huǒ qiáng

noun (fireproof wall)

There's a firewall between every other room in the hotel.

长城 cháng chéng

noun (defensive structure in China)

A lot of people go to China just to see the Great Wall.


verbal expression (figurative (be in a difficult situation)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (meet an obstacle)

If I hit a brick wall while writing, I find a thirty-minute run helps me to refocus.


verbal expression (figurative (reach a mental or physical limit)

The marathon runner's endurance hit the wall around the 20th mile.

自动取款机,自动柜员机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī,zì dòng guì yuán jī

noun (UK, informal (ATM, cashpoint)

I need to go to the hole in the wall to get some cash.


noun (US, figurative, informal (small unprepossessing place)


noun as adjective (shop, etc.: small, hard to notice)

奇怪的 qí guài de

adjective (figurative, informal (unusual, bizarre)

挡土墙 dǎng tǔ qiáng

noun (wall preventing landslide)


(wall of stones)


noun (small reinforcing rod)

(海岸)防波堤 hǎi àn fáng bō dī

noun (groyne: wave barrier)


noun (construction: reinforced wall) (建筑:加筋墙)

石墙 shí qiáng

noun (barrier made from stone slabs or blocks)

Throughout the ages, people have made stone walls to protect themselves from enemies.

哭墙 kū qiáng

noun (Judaism: sacred wall in Jerusalem) (耶路撒冷的犹太教圣地)

The Wailing Wall is a very holy place for observant Jews.

墙上托架 qiáng shàng tuō jià

noun (support fitted to a wall)

During the earthquake the wall brackets failed, dumping a shelf of books on my head.

挂钟 guà zhōng

noun (timepiece mounted on a wall)

This classroom needs a wall clock so that the teacher can stay on schedule.

墙帷 qiáng wéi

noun (decorative fabric piece hung on a wall)

We bought several beautiful wall hangings on our trip to Peru.

壁灯 bì dēng

noun (wall-mounted light)

The Victorian home has beautiful wall lamps made of bronze.

壁灯 bì dēng

noun (lamp set into or hung from a wall)

壁画 bì huà

noun (mural)

The CEO commissioned a wall painting for the reception area.

壁板,墙板 bì bǎn,qiáng bǎn

noun (construction) (建筑)

The builder fixed the wall plate to the top of the wall.


noun (cover for electrical outlet)

These wall plates provide an easy connection for telephones.


noun (electrical outlet)


noun (screw fixing) (建筑材料)

壁式插座 bì shì chā zuò

noun (electrical power outlet)

If you have an infant or toddler, it's a good idea to put covers on all the wall sockets.

华尔街 huā ěr jiē

noun (New York financial district)

He works on Wall Street in New York.

华尔街股票交易所 huá ěr jiē gǔ piào jiāo yì suǒ

noun (figurative (New York stock exchange)

Wall Street greeted the news as evidence that inflation is under control.

墙板 qiáng bǎn

noun (square or slab for covering walls)


adjective (hung on a wall)


adjective (filling space between walls)

We have wall-to-wall carpeting in our flat.


adjective (figurative (ubiquitous, extensive)

铺满整个地板的地毯 pū mǎn zhěng gè dì bǎn de dì tǎn

noun (fitted woven floor covering)

Every day she vacuumed the wall-to-wall carpet in the foyer.

白色胎壁的 bái sè tāi bì de

adjective (tyre: having white sidewalls) (轮胎)

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walls 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。