英语 中的 joint 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 joint 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 joint 的说明。

英语 中的joint 表示关节 guān jié, 接头 jiē tóu, 大麻烟卷 dà má yān juàn, 连接处 lián jiē chù, 共同的,联合的 gòng tóng de ,lián hé de, 切割,切块 qiē gē, 酒吧,娱乐场所 jiǔ bā, 监狱 jiān yù, 大肉块, 结合 jié hé, 锯 jù, 球接头 qiú jiē tóu, 球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié, 球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié, 杵臼接头, 变性关节炎 biàn xìng guān jié yán, 楔形榫, 指关节 zhǐ guān jié, 髋关节 kuān guān jié, 共同账户 gòng tóng zhàng hù, 共同控制 gòng tóng kòng zhì, 共同监护权, 共同管理 gòng tóng guǎn lǐ, 联合经理 lián hé jīng lǐ, 联合经营 lián hé jīng yíng, 共同所有权 gòng tóng suǒ yǒu quán, 关节痛, 联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí, 联合股份, 股份的, 联合租赁 lián hé zū lìn, 合资企业 hé zī qǐ yè, 股份公司, 建立合资企业, 合资经营, 合资企业,合营企业 hé zī qǐ yè, 膝关节 xī guān jié, 脱臼 tuō jiù, 混乱 hùn luàn, 嵌接, 嵌接处, 后膝关节,后腿膝关节, 万向节, 腕关节 wàn guān jié。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 joint 的含义

关节 guān jié

noun (body: articulation)

Peter injured a finger joint when he tried to catch the ball.

接头 jiē tóu

noun (object: hinge)

Fred oiled the machine's joints.

大麻烟卷 dà má yān juàn

noun (slang (marijuana cigarette)

Sean smoked a joint during break.

连接处 lián jiē chù

noun (walls: connecting point)

The joint was load-bearing, so it couldn't be removed when they built the addition onto the house.

共同的,联合的 gòng tóng de ,lián hé de

adjective (shared)

Dan and Sarah were the joint leaders of the club.

切割,切块 qiē gē

transitive verb (cut up: a joint of meat)

The butcher used a cleaver to joint the lamb.

酒吧,娱乐场所 jiǔ bā

noun (US, slang (bar, restaurant) (俚语)

Sarah liked to hang out at a drinking joint down the street.

监狱 jiān yù

noun (US, slang (prison)

Dan spent a few years in the joint, and wasn't afraid of the law.


noun (large cut of meat)

She served a lamb joint roasted with garlic and rosemary.

结合 jié hé

transitive verb (make into a joint)

Paul jointed the two beams.

锯 jù

transitive verb (cut into shape)

Gary jointed the board with a saw to make it fit.

球接头 qiú jiē tóu

noun (structure: movable connection)

I need to replace my ball joints but finding replacement parts is difficult for a car that old.

球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié

noun (bones: movable articulation)

球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié

noun (anatomy: type of joint) (人体)


noun (joint connecting rods, pipes etc.)

变性关节炎 biàn xìng guān jié yán

noun (progressive arthritis)

Phil's degenerative joint disease had progressed to the point that he needed help in dressing.


noun (interlocking joint)

The antique piece of furniture has beautiful dovetails.

指关节 zhǐ guān jié

noun (knuckle)

I scraped a finger joint scrubbing the floor.

髋关节 kuān guān jié

noun (articulation where leg meets pelvis)

I have arthritis in my hip joint and am waiting for an operation.

共同账户 gòng tóng zhàng hù

noun (bank account)

My wife and I have a joint account at the bank.

共同控制 gòng tóng kòng zhì

noun (shared authority)


noun (shared guardianship of a child)

Alex wants joint custody of Jill, but her mother won't let her see him.

共同管理 gòng tóng guǎn lǐ

noun (shared authority and responsibility)

联合经理 lián hé jīng lǐ

noun (shares authority, responsibility)

Brian and Phil are joint managers of the company.

联合经营 lián hé jīng yíng

noun (combined or shared project)

共同所有权 gòng tóng suǒ yǒu quán

noun (sharing of property)

My wife and I have joint ownership of our home.


noun (arthritis)

联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí

noun (shared presidential role)


noun (pool of stock held in common)


noun as adjective (divided into shares)

联合租赁 lián hé zū lìn

noun (shared rental of a property)

合资企业 hé zī qǐ yè

noun (business: joint enterprise)

Otter Media is a joint venture between AT&T and the Chernin Group.


noun (shareholders own stock)


transitive verb (establish as joint venture)


intransitive verb (enter into joint venture)

合资企业,合营企业 hé zī qǐ yè

noun (initialism (business: joint venture)

膝关节 xī guān jié

noun (articulation of the leg)

The arthritis in his knee joints prevented him from skiing any longer.

脱臼 tuō jiù

expression (medicine: dislocated)

混乱 hùn luàn

expression (figurative (not in order or appropriate)

嵌接, 嵌接处

noun (wood, metal: joint) (木头、金属)

The carpenter joined the beams with a scarf.


noun (animal's leg joint) (动物)


noun (in cars, etc.) (汽车等的)

The mechanic inspected the car and decided that the universal joint needed replacing.

腕关节 wàn guān jié

noun (articulation between arm and hand)

The wrist joint contains many bones and is highly complex.

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joint 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。