英语 中的 water spinach 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 water spinach 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 water spinach 的说明。

英语 中的water spinach 表示水 shuǐ, 饮用水 yǐn yòng shuǐ, 一杯水 yì bēi shuǐ, 灌溉 guàn gài, 水的 shuǐ de, 雨水 yǔ shuǐ, 河水 hé shuǐ, 潮水 cháo shuǐ, 水面 shuǐ miàn, 液体溶液 yè tǐ róng yè, 领海 lǐng hǎi, 流水 liú shuǐ, 流泪 liú lèi, 喂水给, 掺水, 掺水于,用水把…冲淡 chān shuǐ yú,yòng shuǐ bǎ chōng dàn, 削弱 xuē ruò, 如离水之鱼, 无债务地, 水上有氧运动, 充气游泳手臂圈, 船舱底的污水 chuán cāng dǐ de wū shuǐ, 废话,无聊的话 fèi huà,wú liáo de huà, 血浓于水, 航海的 háng hǎi de, 水体 shuǐ tǐ, 正在开的水 zhèng zài kāi de shuǐ, 瓶装水, 瓶装水, 由水路 yóu shuǐ lù, 苏打水 sū dá shuǐ, 冷水 lěng shuǐ, 无论遇见什么困难 wú lùn yù jiàn shén me kùn nán, 棉口蛇 mián kǒu shé, 水蚤, 引擎失灵, 失灵 shī líng, 深水, 深海水域,深水区, 深水的,深海的 shēn hǎi de, 脏水 zāng shuǐ, 蒸馏水 zhēng liú shuǐ, 水占卜师, 饮用水 yǐn yòng shuǐ, 一滴水, 莼菜,水盾草属, 淡水 dàn shuǐ, 肠痛水, 地下水 dì xià shuǐ, 硬质水 yìng zhì shuǐ, 热水器 rè shuǐ qì, 重水 chóng shuǐ, 高潮 gāo cháo, 高潮线,高潮标度 gāo cháo xiàn,gāo cháo biāo dù, (成就的)最高峰, 装水, 合理,站得住脚 zhàn de zhù jiǎo, 圣水 shèng shuǐ, 热水 rè shuǐ, 热水袋,热水瓶 rè shuǐ dài,rè shuǐ píng, (冰融化而成的)冰水 bīng róng huà ér chéng de bīng shuǐ, (加了冰块的)冰水 jiā le bīng kuài de bīng shuǐ, 处境困难 chǔ jìng kùn nán, 爱尔兰水猎犬 ài ěr lán shuǐ liè quǎn, 勉强维持, 如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ, 石灰水, 低潮 dī cháo, 让某人垂涎三尺 ràng mǒu rén chuí xián sān chǐ, 矿泉水 kuàng quán shuǐ, 水鸡 shuǐ jī, 活水, 在公开水域的, 纯净水, 雨水 yǔ shuǐ, 未净化的水,原水, 水液滞留,水潴留, 玫瑰水 méi guī shuǐ, 风大浪急的海面 fēng dà làng jí de hǎi miàn, 自来水 zì lái shuǐ, 安全饮用水, 咸水 xián shuǐ, 盐水 yán shuǐ, 海水 hǎi shuǐ, 苏打水 sū dá shuǐ, 浅水 qiǎn shuǐ, 苏打水 sū dá shuǐ, 软水 ruǎn shuǐ, 苏打水 sū dá shuǐ, 泉水 quán shuǐ, 死水 sǐ shuǐ, 积水,死水 jī shuǐ,sǐ shuǐ, 死水 sǐ shuǐ, 暴雨水, 自来水 zì lái shuǐ, 花露水 huā lù shuǐ, 苏打水 sū dá shuǐ, 踩水, 踏水, 花了功夫却没取得进步, 白费劲, 废水 fèi shuǐ, 水气球,水囊, 锅炉 guō lú, 水瓶 shuǐ píng, 热水袋 rè shuǐ dài, 水牛 shuǐ niú, 水虫, 东方蟑螂, 集雨桶, 高压水炮, 荸荠 bí cí, 厕所 cè suǒ, 水冷却器 shuǐ lěng què qì, 饮水器边的, 水循环, 水患损失 shuǐ huàn sǔn shī。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 water spinach 的含义

水 shuǐ

noun (liquid)

There was water on the floor where the bath had overflowed.

饮用水 yǐn yòng shuǐ

noun (drink)

Waiter, please bring us some water.

一杯水 yì bēi shuǐ

noun (glass of water)

Waiter, please bring us three waters.

灌溉 guàn gài

transitive verb (irrigate)

I need to water the plants.

水的 shuǐ de

adjective (relating to water)

Can you get the water bottle for me?

雨水 yǔ shuǐ

noun (rain)

After the storm, there were puddles of water everywhere.

河水 hé shuǐ

noun (contents of a river, ocean)

I'm going swimming in the water. Are you coming?

潮水 cháo shuǐ

noun (tide)

The water is rising. Let's move our beach towels.

水面 shuǐ miàn

noun (surface of a lake, pond) (湖、池塘等)

Look how smooth the water is in the morning.

液体溶液 yè tǐ róng yè

noun (a liquid solution)

Some people say you should drink sugar water when you are ill.

领海 lǐng hǎi

plural noun (territorial) (常作复数)

We are in French waters now.

流水 liú shuǐ

intransitive verb (discharge)

The sore on Fred's leg started watering.

流泪 liú lèi

intransitive verb (secrete)

Alison's eyes started to water.


transitive verb (animals)

You need to feed and water the horses.


transitive verb (stock: issue in excess of worth) (股票)

掺水于,用水把…冲淡 chān shuǐ yú,yòng shuǐ bǎ chōng dàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (dilute) (本义)

I don't like this orange juice; it's too watered down!

削弱 xuē ruò

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (make weaker)

John's publishers advised him to water down his polemic.


noun (figurative ([sb] in unfamiliar place, situation) (比喻,指因处于陌生环境而感觉不适者)

Although a fantastic football player, he was a fish out of water on the golf course.


adverb (figurative (financially solvent)

In this economy, many families have trouble staying above water after paying all of their monthly expenses.


plural noun (exercises in water)

Aqua-aerobics is a low-impact form of exercise.


plural noun (flotation aids worn on arms)

I put my little girl's armbands on so that she could splash about in the pool.

船舱底的污水 chuán cāng dǐ de wū shuǐ

noun (dirty or stagnant water)

The bilge needs to be pumped out so that the ship does not end up sinking.

废话,无聊的话 fèi huà,wú liáo de huà

noun (figurative, informal (drivel: worthless talk)

That speech was the biggest load of bilge I've ever heard!


expression (figurative (family relationships are strongest)

Neil will always support his brother's position on this matter because blood is thicker than water.

航海的 háng hǎi de

adjective (seagoing)

I only sail on inland rivers and lakes, never on blue waters.

水体 shuǐ tǐ

noun (lake, ocean, etc.)

He was ready to take his canoe to any body of water within a five mile radius.

正在开的水 zhèng zài kāi de shuǐ

noun (water: heated)

There was a pan of boiling water on top of the stove.


noun (water in container)

When hiking in the tropics, take a large bottle of water with you.


noun (in containers)

I cannot taste the difference between bottled water and tap water.

由水路 yóu shuǐ lù

adverb (via boat, ship)

It takes a long time to travel to Australia by water.

苏打水 sū dá shuǐ

noun (fizzy water, soda)

冷水 lěng shuǐ

noun (water: not hot) (本义)

The football team poured cold water on the coach's head.

无论遇见什么困难 wú lùn yù jiàn shén me kùn nán

adverb (whatever the difficulties)

Come hell or high water, I am going to finish this marathon.

棉口蛇 mián kǒu shé

noun (reptile: venomous snake) (一种水中噬鱼蛇)


noun (tiny freshwater crustacean)


expression (boat: with engine failure) (指船等)

失灵 shī líng

expression (figurative (failed, no longer viable)


noun (water of great depth)


noun (area of ocean)

深水的,深海的 shēn hǎi de

noun as adjective (pertaining to water of great depth)

脏水 zāng shuǐ

noun (water which is unclean)

The students refused to drink the dirty water from the school water fountain.

蒸馏水 zhēng liú shuǐ

noun (chemically-purified water)

You need to use distilled water when topping up the battery.


noun ([sb]: locates water)

饮用水 yǐn yòng shuǐ

noun (water that is safe to drink)

The pioneers only settled in areas where they could find safe drinking water.


noun (figurative (water: small amount)


noun (plant: Cabomba)

淡水 dàn shuǐ

noun (water that is not salty)

I only swim in fresh water. Perch is strictly a freshwater fish.


noun (UK (remedy for baby colic) (治婴儿肠胃疾病的)

地下水 dì xià shuǐ

noun (water beneath the soil)

The state passed several new regulations to prevent the contamination of groundwater.

硬质水 yìng zhì shuǐ

noun (water with high mineral content)

If you live in a hard water area you will get lime deposits in your kettle.

热水器 rè shuǐ qì

noun (boiler)

Melanie hired a plumber to fix the broken water heater.

重水 chóng shuǐ

noun (in nuclear reactors)

Heavy water is an ingredient used in reactors to convert uranium into plutonium.

高潮 gāo cháo

noun (water at greatest elevation)

高潮线,高潮标度 gāo cháo xiàn,gāo cháo biāo dù

noun (sea, river: highest level) (河流)

The high-water mark is easy to identify on a beach by a line of debris such as seaweed.


noun (figurative (achievement)

The end of the second century was the high-water mark of the Roman Empire.


(contain water)

合理,站得住脚 zhàn de zhù jiǎo

verbal expression (figurative (ideas, arguments: make sense, sound) (想法,论点)

圣水 shèng shuǐ

noun (water blessed by a priest)

Holy water is said to have miraculous healing powers.

热水 rè shuǐ

noun (heated water)

Hot water is better than cold water for taking a bath.

热水袋,热水瓶 rè shuǐ dài,rè shuǐ píng

noun (rubber container for heated water)

On cold winter nights, I tuck a hot water bottle under the blankets to warm my feet.

(冰融化而成的)冰水 bīng róng huà ér chéng de bīng shuǐ

noun (melted ice)

When the snows melt in spring, the rivers are swollen with ice water.

(加了冰块的)冰水 jiā le bīng kuài de bīng shuǐ

noun (drinking water served with ice)

I would like a glass of ice water to cool me down.

处境困难 chǔ jìng kùn nán

expression (figurative (in trouble)

He found himself in hot water for being late for work.

爱尔兰水猎犬 ài ěr lán shuǐ liè quǎn

noun (breed of dog)


verbal expression (figurative (be financially stable)

如鱼离水 rú yú lí shuǐ

adverb (out of place, out of one's element)

I always feel like a fish out of water at formal gatherings.


noun (solution of slaked lime)

低潮 dī cháo

noun (sea's tide at lowest elevation)

At low tide, you can see a wrecked ship sticking out of the sand.

让某人垂涎三尺 ràng mǒu rén chuí xián sān chǐ

verbal expression (informal (food: look appetizing)

The smell of that steak on the grill is making my mouth water.

矿泉水 kuàng quán shuǐ

noun (drinking water containing minerals)

The tap water is safe but I prefer to drink mineral water.

水鸡 shuǐ jī

noun (marsh bird)


noun (unenclosed area of water)


noun as adjective (swimming: in unenclosed waters) (游泳)

Lisa is taking part in an open-water swimming event.


noun (water treated to remove impurities)

When travelling in the desert, it's good policy to drink only purified water as many wells are polluted.

雨水 yǔ shuǐ

noun (fallen rain)

The farmers need rainwater to grow their crops.


noun (water that is unpurified)


noun (bodily fluids: not excreting) (身体)

Dandelion tea is supposed to help if you suffer from water retention.

玫瑰水 méi guī shuǐ

noun (perfume, flavoring)

风大浪急的海面 fēng dà làng jí de hǎi miàn

noun (often plural (stormy or turbulent sea)

The rough waters were making even the seasoned sailors seasick.

自来水 zì lái shuǐ

noun (water available on tap)

People who don't have running water have to rely on wells for their water supply.


noun (water that is drinkable)

Safe water is one of the greatest public health needs in Africa.

咸水 xián shuǐ

noun (water with high salt content)

Chesapeake Bay is a mix of fresh water from the rivers and salt water from the ocean. This fish only lives in salt water.

盐水 yán shuǐ

noun (saline solution)

My dentist recommended I gargle with salt water after my extraction.

海水 hǎi shuǐ

noun (salt water from the ocean)

苏打水 sū dá shuǐ

noun (fizzy mineral water)

浅水 qiǎn shuǐ

noun (water of little depth)

苏打水 sū dá shuǐ

noun (drink: fizzy water)

Would you like soda water in your whisky? Soda water instead of milk in the recipe will make your pancakes light and fluffy.

软水 ruǎn shuǐ

noun (water with low calcium content) (钙、镁化合物含量低的水)

苏打水 sū dá shuǐ

noun (effervescent drinking water)

You can buy imported sparkling water in litre bottles.

泉水 quán shuǐ

noun (water from natural underground source)

Spring water is inexpensive in Alaska.

死水 sǐ shuǐ

noun (water: non-flowing)

Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

积水,死水 jī shuǐ,sǐ shuǐ

noun (still water that has stagnated)

死水 sǐ shuǐ

noun (mineral water without bubbles)

I prefer still water to carbonated.


noun (accumulated rainwater)

自来水 zì lái shuǐ

noun (drinking water from a faucet)

Would you like bottled water or tap water?

花露水 huā lù shuǐ

noun (eau de cologne)

苏打水 sū dá shuǐ

noun (drink: carbonated water) (饮料)

I'd like a large tonic water with a slice of lemon, please.

踩水, 踏水

verbal expression (keep head above water by moving limbs) (游泳)

Beginners' swimming lessons include teaching students how to tread water.

花了功夫却没取得进步, 白费劲

verbal expression (figurative (exert energy without making progress)

We're treading water until the Euro/Pound exchange rate improves. I'm just treading water now because I don't know how to progress.

废水 fèi shuǐ

noun (used water)

Treatment of the wastewater begins in the septic tank.


noun (rubber balloon filled with water)

锅炉 guō lú

noun (water-heating system) (水暖系统)

水瓶 shuǐ píng

noun (container that holds drinking water)

I always recycle my water bottles.

热水袋 rè shuǐ dài

noun (rubber container for hot water)

When I was little and got an ear ache, my mother had me lay my ear on a hot water bottle.

水牛 shuǐ niú

noun (large Asian ox)


noun (aquatic insect)


noun (US (oriental cockroach)


noun (barrel for collecting rainwater)


(anti-demonstration device)

荸荠 bí cí

noun (nut-like fruit used in Chinese cooking)

Water chestnuts add a nice crunch to Chinese food.

厕所 cè suǒ

noun (UK, formal (toilet)

The first public water closets were opened in Fleet Street in London in 1852.

水冷却器 shuǐ lěng què qì

noun (cold-water dispensing machine)

Ten water coolers were set on a table for the athletes in the gym. A lot of workers gather around the water cooler for gossip as well as water.


noun as adjective (figurative (relating to informal interactions)

Management is concerned that too much working time is being lost to water-cooler chats. That new TV drama is certainly providing its fair share of water-cooler moments.


noun (circulation of water in nature)

水患损失 shuǐ huàn sǔn shī

noun (harm caused by leak or flood)

After the flood we had to replace our kitchen units because of water damage.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。