英语 中的 watch 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 watch 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 watch 的说明。

英语 中的watch 表示看..., 照顾 zhào gù, 看,观看 guān kàn, 看, 表 biǎo, 守卫 shǒu wèi, 值班 zhí bān, 小心!,小心点!, 守夜 shǒu yè, 观察 guān chá, 更夫 gēng fū, 看守 kān shǒu, 看,观看 guān kàn, 看守 kān shǒu, 注视 zhù shì, 监视 jiān shì, 留心 liú xīn, 小心 xiǎo xīn, 注意 zhù yì, 看守 kān shǒu, 照看,照料,照顾 zhào kàn ,zhào liào,zhào gù, 刷剧,追剧, 大量观看,不停观看, 观鸟,赏鸟 guān niǎo, 钟表, 数字表 shù zì biǎo, 恨看, 站岗 zhàn gāng, 监视 jiān shì, 邻里守望相助项目, 守夜 shǒu yè, 等待 děng dài, 等待 děng dài, 等待 děng dài, 提放 tí fàng, 观察人, 怀表 huái biǎo, 智能手表, 手表带 shǒu biǎo dài, 手表链 shǒu biǎo liàn, 怀表链 huái biǎo liàn, 仔细观察 zǐ xì guān chá, 当心!留神! dāng xīn !liú shén !, 当心!留神! dāng xīn !liú shén !, 小心 xiǎo xīn, 表袋 biǎo dài, 表带 biǎo dài, 看电视 kàn diàn shì, 看电视 kàn diàn shì, 注意脚下, 小心脚下, 要谨慎 yào jǐn shèn, 注意你的体重 zhù yì nǐ de tǐ zhòng, (手)表带 shǒu biǎo dài, 潜在危险人物的观察名单, 监视列表, 观鲸,赏鲸, 手表带 shǒu biǎo dài, 手表 shǒu biǎo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 watch 的含义


transitive verb (observe)

He watched the fight in the park.

照顾 zhào gù

transitive verb (keep under observation)

The nurses are watching the children.

看,观看 guān kàn

transitive verb (view: TV, movie) (电视等)

I can't chat right now; I'm watching a movie.

intransitive verb (observe)

Frank prefers to watch, not participate.

表 biǎo

noun (wristwatch)

My watch says that it is three o'clock.

守卫 shǒu wèi

noun (time keeping guard)

The private just spent four hours on watch.

值班 zhí bān

noun (time on duty)

My watch is about to start.


interjection (be careful)

Watch yourself! There's a step right in front of you.

守夜 shǒu yè

noun (vigil)

The families are keeping watch until the sailors return.

观察 guān chá

noun (close observation)

The doctors want to keep the patient under watch.

更夫 gēng fū

noun (watchman)

Shh! The watch is coming!

看守 kān shǒu

intransitive verb (keep guard)

You must not sleep tonight. You must watch in case of burglars.

看,观看 guān kàn

intransitive verb (view TV or a movie)

There was a wildlife documentary on TV last night, but I forgot to watch.

看守 kān shǒu

transitive verb (keep under guard)

The guards have to watch the inmates.

注视 zhù shì

transitive verb (contemplate)

Janet is sitting in the park, watching the clouds.

监视 jiān shì

transitive verb (oversee)

The supervisor is watching our progress.

留心 liú xīn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be vigilant for, careful of)

Watch for falling rocks along that road. She appears to be uninjured after her fall but we should watch for any signs of a concussion.

小心 xiǎo xīn

phrasal verb, intransitive (be vigilant or careful)

When you drive in winter you have to watch out for icy patches.

注意 zhù yì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (remain vigilant for, beware of)

Watch out for pickpockets when you're in a crowd. In this neighborhood you need to watch out for children playing in the street.

看守 kān shǒu

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (keep under surveillance)

Watch over him while I call the police.

照看,照料,照顾 zhào kàn ,zhào liào,zhào gù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (take care of, look out for)

Watch over the baby while I prepare his bath.


noun (watching one TV show for hours)


transitive verb (watch one TV show for hours)

观鸟,赏鸟 guān niǎo

intransitive verb (observe birds)


(striking watch)

数字表 shù zì biǎo

noun (watch displaying time digitally)

A digital watch displays the time by numbers rather than by the position of the hands.


transitive verb (informal (watch [sth] to mock)

站岗 zhàn gāng

(observe, maintain a vigil)

The birdwatchers kept watch so that nobody would steal the eagle's eggs from the nest.

监视 jiān shì

verbal expression (observe, monitor)

The lifeguards are keeping watch over the beach. There is a member of medical staff keeping watch over the patient at all times.


noun (surveillance program)

守夜 shǒu yè

noun (surveillance or guard kept at night)

I was working as a night watch at the bank when the earthquake struck.

等待 děng dài

expression (looking and waiting for [sth], [sb])

等待 děng dài

expression (be looking and waiting)

等待 děng dài

expression (be looking and waiting for [sth], [sb])

提放 tí fàng

expression (looking for)

The park ranger was always on the watch for poachers and forest fires.


intransitive verb (observe what the public are doing)

怀表 huái biǎo

noun (small clock kept in a pocket)

My grandfather had a pocket watch that he kept in his waistcoat.


noun (with computer functions)

手表带 shǒu biǎo dài

noun (strap of a wristwatch)

I replaced my old watch band with a genuine leather one.

手表链 shǒu biǎo liàn

noun (metal strap of a wristwatch)

This watch bracelet is too loose.

怀表链 huái biǎo liàn

noun (metal chain of a pocket watch)

仔细观察 zǐ xì guān chá

intransitive verb (observe)

当心!留神! dāng xīn !liú shén !

interjection (informal (expressing a threat)

Watch it! If you come round here one more time, I'll call the police!

当心!留神! dāng xīn !liú shén !

interjection (informal (be careful!)

Watch it! - the pavement's really icy today and you might slip.

小心 xiǎo xīn

interjection (be careful, beware)

Watch out! - there's an icy patch up ahead.

表袋 biǎo dài

noun (dated (small pocket in clothing for a watch) (过时,衣服上的)

表带 biǎo dài

noun (band of a wristwatch)

Cheap watch straps often fall to pieces very quickly.

看电视 kàn diàn shì

(watch TV programmes)

看电视 kàn diàn shì

(informal, abbreviation (watch television) (watch television的缩略形式)

One of my favorite hobbies is watching TV with my family.

注意脚下, 小心脚下

verbal expression (be careful where you tread)

You'll need to watch your step when coming back down the mountain.

要谨慎 yào jǐn shèn

verbal expression (figurative (be cautious about what you do)

He's very irritable today so watch your step when you talk to him!

注意你的体重 zhù yì nǐ de tǐ zhòng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (try not to get fatter)

She loves rich food, so she has to be careful and watch her weight.

(手)表带 shǒu biǎo dài

noun (strap of a wristwatch)

The watchband is available in several different colours.


noun (people: possibly dangerous)


noun (things to be monitored)

The trader keeps a watchlist of possible growth stocks.


intransitive verb (observe sea mammals)

手表带 shǒu biǎo dài

noun (strap of a wristwatch)

I need to replace the wristband on my watch because it is broken.

手表 shǒu biǎo

noun (timepiece worn on the wrist)

This wristwatch is old, but it is still accurate.

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watch 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。