英语 中的 what goes around comes around 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 what goes around comes around 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 what goes around comes around 的说明。

英语 中的what goes around comes around 表示什么,什么样的人,什么样的事物 shén me ,shén me yàng de rén,shén me yàng de shì wù, 哪 nǎ, …那样的人(或事物) nà yàng de rén huò shì wù, 什么,请再说一遍 shén me ,qǐng zài shuō yí biàn, 什么,不会吧 shén me ,bú huì ba, 什么 shén me, 所…的事 suǒ de shì, 哪些方面 nǎ xiē fāng miàn, 到什么程度 dào shén me chéng dù, 哪里,哪个部位 nǎ lǐ,nǎ gè bù wèi, 什么样,怎样 shén me yàng,zěn yàng, 什么 shén me, 什么工作 shén me gōng zuò, 怎样,什么样 zěn yàng,shén me yàng, 多少 duō shǎo, 你觉得呢?, 鬼才知道,天知道 guǐ cái zhī dào,tiān zhī dào, 诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng, 诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng, 要慎重许愿。,别轻易许愿。, 不论发生什么事情 bú lùn fā shēng shén me shì qíng, 理解是什么, 并没有所说的那么好, 辩论 biàn lùn, 搞清, 做必要的事 zuò bì yào de shì, 做必要的事 zuò bì yào de shì, 尽你的全力 jìn nǐ de quán lì, (你)想怎样就怎样 nǐ xiǎng zěn yàng jiù zěn yàng, 利用你现有的资源做某事 lì yòng nǐ xiàn yǒu de zī yuán zuò mǒu shì, 不敢想, 不管怎么说 bù guǎn zěn me shuō, 为什么 wèi shén me, 得到相应回报, 恶有恶报 è yǒu è bào, 你猜怎样, 称职,具备…的条件 chèn zhí,jù bèi de tiáo jiàn, 如何 rú hé, 询问 xún wèn, 正合我心意 zhèng hé wǒ xīn yì, 知道 zhī dào, 查明 chá míng, 当真 dàng zhēn, 不管什么 bù guǎn shén me, 无论 wú lùn, 你在想什么?, 意识到 yì shí dào, 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆, 说什么?, 看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me, 那又怎么样 nà yòu zěn me yàng, 那又怎样!, 就算…又怎么样, 这有什么新鲜的? zhè yǒu shén me xīn xiān de ?, 到…程度 dào chéng dù, 到何种程度 dào hé zhǒng chéng dù, 这是什么日子! zhè shì shén me rì zi !, 真遗憾!真可惜! zhēn yí hàn zhēn kě xī, 好臭!, 真遗憾!真可惜! zhēn yí hàn zhēn kě xī, ...怎么样?, ...怎么样?, 去...怎么样?, 你在干什么?, 我才不管呢!谁管呢! wǒ cái bù guǎn ne !shuí guǎn ne !, 你在哪高就?, 你看怪不怪!真想不到!, 你知道个什么! nǐ zhī dào gè shén me, 你是什么意思?, 你觉得如何?, 有什么关系呢? yǒu shén me guān xì ne ?, 还有什么?, 为什么? wèi shén me, 发生了什么?, 等等 děng děng, 如果…将会怎么样 rú guǒ jiāng huì zěn me yàng, 而且 ér qiě, 未来的道路上有什么等着?将来会发生什么? wèi lái de dào lù shàng yǒu shén me děng zhe ?jiāng lái huì fā shēng shén me ?, 运气太好了!, …到底怎么回事? dào dǐ zěn me huí shì, 到底是什么, 究竟,到底 jiū jìng,dào dǐ, 究竟,到底 jiū jìng,dào dǐ, 妈的,见鬼 jiàn guǐ, 搞什么?, 什么 shén me, 搞什么鬼?, 究竟 jiū jìng, 怎么回事, 搞什么鬼, …到底怎么回事? dào dǐ zěn me huí shì, 什么 shén me, 无论什么 wú lùn shén me, 管他呢, 现在几点?, 什么时间? shén me shí jiān, 随遇而安吧。, 因为 yīn wèi, 某某 mǒu mǒu, 你叫他什么来着 nǐ jiào tā shén me lái zhe, 喂!, 是什么, 一律平等, 怎么回事?出什么事了? zěn me huí shì ?chū shén me shì le ?, 有什么新情况吗?, 接下来是什么?, 出什么事了?, 怎么了? zěn me le, 过得如何?, 重要信息, 怎么了? zěn me le, 那个某某,你叫他什么来着 nà gè mǒu mǒu,nǐ jiào tā shén me lái zhe, 架子 jià zi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 what goes around comes around 的含义

什么,什么样的人,什么样的事物 shén me ,shén me yàng de rén,shén me yàng de shì wù

pronoun (question: tell me) (疑问代词)

What do you want to eat?

哪 nǎ

adjective (which)

What make is your car? What colour is it?

…那样的人(或事物) nà yàng de rén huò shì wù

pronoun (that which is) (关系代词)

What surprises me is that the dog ever found its way home.

什么,请再说一遍 shén me ,qǐng zài shuō yí biàn

interjection (repeat what you said) (请对方重复)

What? I can't hear you.
你说什么? 我听不见。

什么,不会吧 shén me ,bú huì ba

interjection (expressing surprise) (表示惊讶)

What! You didn't really do that?

什么 shén me

pronoun (subject: questions) (作主语的疑问代词)

What is your name? What's your favourite colour?

所…的事 suǒ de shì

pronoun (object: that which) (作宾语代词)

He did what I told him to do.

哪些方面 nǎ xiē fāng miàn

adverb (to what extent?)

What do you care?

到什么程度 dào shén me chéng dù

adverb (to what degree?)

What will you suffer for that useless person you love so much?

哪里,哪个部位 nǎ lǐ,nǎ gè bù wèi

pronoun (health) (指身体健康)

What hurts? Is it your kidney?

什么样,怎样 shén me yàng,zěn yàng

pronoun (character) (性格、个性)

What is he like? Can he be trusted?

什么 shén me

pronoun (identity)

What is that?

什么工作 shén me gōng zuò

pronoun (occupation) (职业)

What do you do for a living in the winter?

怎样,什么样 zěn yàng,shén me yàng

pronoun (importance) (重要性)

What does it matter?

多少 duō shǎo

pronoun (how much?) (指价格)

What is the price?


pronoun (UK, dated (Don't you agree?) (用在句末)

She's an absolutely lovely girl, what!

鬼才知道,天知道 guǐ cái zhī dào,tiān zhī dào

adverb (informal (and [sth] unknown) (非正式用语)

I sent him out to do the shopping and he came back with a new TV and God knows what.

诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng

expression (informal (and the like, and similar) (非正式用语)

诸如此类,等等 zhū rú cǐ lèi,děng děng

adverb (informal (and similar) (非正式用语)


verbal expression ([sth] desirable may have drawbacks)

不论发生什么事情 bú lùn fā shēng shén me shì qíng

adverb (whatever happens)

I'll remain happy come what may.


transitive verb (understand)

I just cannot comprehend what made you do it.


verbal expression (be as good as claimed)

That film's not all it's cracked up to be; I didn't enjoy it at all!

辩论 biàn lùn

transitive verb (try to decide)

The government is debating whether to hold a referendum on this topic.


transitive verb (facts: ascertain)

"We must determine what exactly happened that night," said Inspector Brown.

做必要的事 zuò bì yào de shì

verbal expression (take necessary action)

I know you don't want to put her in a home, but you have got to do what is needed.

做必要的事 zuò bì yào de shì

interjection (Take the necessary action.)

尽你的全力 jìn nǐ de quán lì

verbal expression (do everything possible)

(你)想怎样就怎样 nǐ xiǎng zěn yàng jiù zěn yàng

verbal expression (do whatever you wish to do)

Since you've finished your work, do what you like for the rest of the day.

利用你现有的资源做某事 lì yòng nǐ xiàn yǒu de zī yuán zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (cope, manage)


verbal expression (find unpleasant to imagine)

I dread to think how the victim's family must be feeling.

不管怎么说 bù guǎn zěn me shuō

adverb (informal (in my opinion)

I know you won't change, but for what it's worth, I think that skirt looks awful on you.

为什么 wèi shén me

adverb (why)

For what reason are you two hours late arriving home?


verbal expression (for good actions)

If you follow the rules and obey all guidelines, you will get what you deserve.

恶有恶报 è yǒu è bào

verbal expression (for bad actions)

If you deliberately break the rules and disregard authority, you will get what you deserve.


interjection (informal (used to announce news) (非正式用语,用于宣布某消息前)

Guess what, I got the job!

称职,具备…的条件 chèn zhí,jù bèi de tiáo jiàn

intransitive verb (expr (be able or qualified for [sth]) (习惯表达)

Do you have what it takes to become a soldier?

如何 rú hé

adverb (how)

询问 xún wèn

transitive verb (formal (with clause: ask)

I am writing to to inquire as to whether your company has any vacancies.

正合我心意 zhèng hé wǒ xīn yì

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] needed and welcomed)

A week's holiday in the sun was just what the doctor ordered.

知道 zhī dào

transitive verb (be aware)

Does he know that we've arrived?

查明 chá míng

(details, reasons: ascertain)

After weeks of work, the detective finally learned who the killer was.

当真 dàng zhēn

verbal expression (speak sincerely)

Does he mean what he says, or is he just making an empty promise?

不管什么 bù guǎn shén me

adverb (whatever)

We need to get that money, no matter what!

无论 wú lùn

expression (with clause: regardless of [sth])

Jason is always cheerful, no matter what life hands him.


interjection (what are you thinking?)

意识到 yì shí dào

(be aware) (后接疑问词)

He doesn't realize how important this is for me.


verbal expression (figurative (face consequences of your actions)


interjection (expressing astonishment or outrage) (表示震惊或不快)

看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me

verbal expression (try to find solution)

The mechanic said he'd see what can be done to repair my car.

那又怎么样 nà yòu zěn me yàng

interjection (informal (I don't care)

Okay, so I look fat in these jeans – so what?


interjection (informal (who cares?)

So you made a minor mistake! So what!


conjunction (it's irrelevant)

So what if I enjoy a beer now and then?

这有什么新鲜的? zhè yǒu shén me xīn xiān de ?

interjection (informal (not surprised)

Yes, you're late again—so what else is new?

到…程度 dào chéng dù

conjunction (the degree to which)

To what extent do you think this program will affect young people?

到何种程度 dào hé zhǒng chéng dù

adverb (to what degree)

We know that schools will be targeted in the upcoming budget cuts, but we do not yet know to what extent.

这是什么日子! zhè shì shén me rì zi !

interjection (expressing despair or exasperation) (抱怨)

George works more than 80 hours a week. What a life!

真遗憾!真可惜! zhēn yí hàn zhēn kě xī

interjection (informal (expressing disappointment) (非正式用语)

What a pity! - he had so much potential!


interjection (informal (that smells very bad) (非正式用语)

真遗憾!真可惜! zhēn yí hàn zhēn kě xī

interjection (informal (expressing disappointment) (非正式用语)

Oh what a shame! - I can't go to the party because I have a bad cold.


expression (with noun: concern) (表示关心)

I could cancel our visit, but what about Grandma? Won't she be upset?


expression (with noun: suggestion) (表示建议)

What about pizza for dinner tonight? That car is too expensive; what about this one?


expression (with gerund: suggestion) (表示建议)

What about seeing a movie tonight?


expression (what are you doing now?)

"What are you up to now?" a voice asked Sara when she answered the phone.

我才不管呢!谁管呢! wǒ cái bù guǎn ne !shuí guǎn ne !

interjection (I don't care)

If you want to ruin your life by quitting school, what do I care?


expression (What is your job?)


interjection (informal (expressing surprise) (表示惊讶)

Hey, what do you know! - we got here on time after all!

你知道个什么! nǐ zhī dào gè shén me

interjection (informal (you have not informed enough to comment)

You've never even been there! - what do you know?


expression (asking for clarification)

I don't know the word "combustion"--what do you mean?


expression (asking opinion)

Does this color look good on me? What do you think?

有什么关系呢? yǒu shén me guān xì ne ?

interjection (I don't care)

So you're earning more than me – what does it matter?


expression (is there something additional?)

We need zucchini, corn, chicken, olive oil—what else?

为什么? wèi shén me

(informal (why? to what purpose?) (非正式用语)

You bought another hat? What for? You already have lots.


expression (What occurred?)

等等 děng děng

noun (slang (the rest, et cetera)

My junk drawer's full of paper clips, old photos, sunglasses, and what have you.

如果…将会怎么样 rú guǒ jiāng huì zěn me yàng

conjunction (supposing)

What if she never comes back?

而且 ér qiě

adverb (moreover, in addition)

The food served in that restaurant is not very good and, what is more, it's overpriced.

未来的道路上有什么等着?将来会发生什么? wèi lái de dào lù shàng yǒu shén me děng zhe ?jiāng lái huì fā shēng shén me ?

interjection (what will happen in the future)

With these guys in office who knows what lies ahead?


interjection (that is fortunate)

…到底怎么回事? dào dǐ zěn me huí shì

interjection (informal (expressing incomprehension) (非正式用语)

What on earth are you trying to do coming in yelling at me?


pronoun (informal (what)

You still haven't explained what on earth you're doing here.

究竟,到底 jiū jìng,dào dǐ

interjection (informal, euphemism, dated (surprise, bewilderment)

What the deuce has gone on here?

究竟,到底 jiū jìng,dào dǐ

interjection (euphemism, dated (surprise, bewilderment)

What the d***ens was all that about?

妈的,见鬼 jiàn guǐ

interjection (vulgar, offensive, slang (disbelief)

Julie saw the damage to her brand new car and exclaimed, "What the f***?"


interjection (vulgar, offensive, slang (incomprehension)

"What the f***?" said Eugene, staring at the instructions and scratching his head.

什么 shén me

expression (vulgar, offensive, slang (what)

What the f*** do you think you're doing?


interjection (slang (disbelief, incomprehension)

究竟 jiū jìng

pronoun (slang (incomprehension)

I don't know what the heck is taking him so long.


expression (slang (what)

What the heck is going on here?


interjection (slang, potentially offensive (bewilderment)

The boss is piling all the rest of his office furniture on top of his desk – what the hell?

…到底怎么回事? dào dǐ zěn me huí shì

expression (slang, potentially offensive (incomprehension)

What the hell is going on here?

什么 shén me

pronoun (slang, potentially offensive (what)

I'm not sure what the hell's been happening here, but you've got some explaining to do!

无论什么 wú lùn shén me

pronoun (slang, potentially offensive (whatever)

You can do what the hell you want. See if I care.


interjection (slang (resignation)

I don't want to do it, but what the hell?


expression (What hour is it?)

什么时间? shén me shí jiān

expression (informal (at what hour?)

What time are you going to bed? What time do you want to leave?


expression (expressing acceptance of future)

因为 yīn wèi

preposition (considering)

What with the storms and flight delays, he arrived home after midnight.

某某 mǒu mǒu

noun (informal (used in place of [sb]'s name) (用来代替某人的名字)

I saw what-d'you-call-him the other day.

你叫他什么来着 nǐ jiào tā shén me lái zhe

noun (informal (something)


interjection (greeting, attention-getter)


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (what is)

What's that smell?


expression (figurative ([sth] should apply equally)

怎么回事?出什么事了? zěn me huí shì ?chū shén me shì le ?

expression (informal (greeting)

Hi, guys. What's happening?


expression (informal (greeting)


interjection (informal (expressing disbelief or mild dismay) (表达不相信或轻微的沮丧)


expression (What is wrong?)

怎么了? zěn me le

expression (slang (What is wrong?)

Sarah looked sad so I asked her "What's up?"


expression (slang (What is happening?)

I haven't seen you for a long time. What's up?


noun (useful, essential information)

怎么了? zěn me le

expression (informal (What is the matter?)

那个某某,你叫他什么来着 nà gè mǒu mǒu,nǐ jiào tā shén me lái zhe

noun (slang (man: forgotten name) (记不起名字时)

I ran into what's-his-name again this afternoon.

架子 jià zi

noun (set of shelves)

Grandma displays her ornaments on an antique oak whatnot.

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