英语 中的 wet 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wet 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wet 的说明。

英语 中的wet 表示浸湿的 jìn shī de, 湿的 shī de, 湿的,未干的 shī de ,wèi gān de, 弄湿 nòng shī, 尿湿 niào shī, 下雨的 xià yǔ de, 可悲的 kě bēi de, 潮湿,湿 cháo shī,shī, 雨,下雨天,雨天 yǔ ,xià yǔ tiān,yǔ tiān, 窝囊废,软骨头 wō nang fèi, 雨胎, 湿透 shī tòu, 完全弄错了, 错得彻头彻尾, 湿透了的 shī tòu le de, 打湿 dǎ shī, 湿了, 湿透的,湿淋淋的,落汤鸡似的 shī tòu de ,shī lín lín de,luò tāng jī shì de, 瘦得只有, 湿透的 shī tòu de, 带水槽的酒水吧台, 乳臭未干 rǔ xiù wèi gān, 乳臭未干 rǔ xiù wèi gān, (用以灭火的)湿毯子 yòng yǐ miè huǒ de shī tǎn zi, 梦遗 mèng yí, 湿地面, 小心地滑, 生鲜市场, 奶妈 nǎi mā, 当奶妈, 过度照顾, 淋浴间, 湿季 shī jì, 湿雪 shī xuě, 尿床 niào chuáng, 潮湿的天气 cháo shī de tiān qì, 湿纸巾 shī zhǐ jīn, 潜水服 qián shuǐ fú, 非常湿的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wet 的含义

浸湿的 jìn shī de

adjective (soaked)

The rug was wet after the toilet overflowed.

湿的 shī de

adjective (moist, damp)

His mother put a wet cloth on his forehead to reduce the fever.

湿的,未干的 shī de ,wèi gān de

adjective (freshly painted) (刚上的涂料、油漆等)

Caution! Wet paint.

弄湿 nòng shī

transitive verb (dampen)

If you wet it a little, the stain will come out.

尿湿 niào shī

transitive verb (urinate in: bed, nappy, etc.)

The baby wet her diaper.

下雨的 xià yǔ de

adjective (rainy)

Is it still wet outside? I hope the weather clears up.

可悲的 kě bēi de

adjective (UK, pejorative, informal (pathetic) (非正式用语)

潮湿,湿 cháo shī,shī

noun (moisture) (非正式用语)

Close the door or you'll let in all the wet.

雨,下雨天,雨天 yǔ ,xià yǔ tiān,yǔ tiān

noun (rainy weather) (非正式用语)

You shouldn't go out in the wet without a coat.

窝囊废,软骨头 wō nang fèi

noun (UK, pejorative, informal, dated (pathetic person)


plural noun (racing car: wet tires) (赛车)

If it starts raining before the race, we'll change to wets.

湿透 shī tòu

adjective (informal (soaked, drenched)

The rain got my clothes all wet.

完全弄错了, 错得彻头彻尾

adjective (US, slang, figurative (completely wrong)

湿透了的 shī tòu le de

adjective (informal (drenched)

The girls were dripping wet when they came in from the rainstorm.

打湿 dǎ shī

(become damp or soaked)

Don't forget your umbrella or you'll get wet.


(slang (woman: be sexually excited) (俚语,女性)

湿透的,湿淋淋的,落汤鸡似的 shī tòu de ,shī lín lín de,luò tāng jī shì de

adjective (informal (sodden, soaked) (非正式用语)

I forgot my umbrella and by the time I got home I was soaking wet.


verbal expression (informal (barely weigh as much as)

My cousin is so skinny; she probably only weighs 7 stone soaking wet!

湿透的 shī tòu de

adjective (informal (soaked, dripping)

The cat came into the house sopping wet from sitting in the rain.


noun (drinks bar with a sink unit)

乳臭未干 rǔ xiù wèi gān

adjective (figurative (person: inexperienced)

That's a laugh, you, trying to give me advice about women when you are still wet behind the ears.

乳臭未干 rǔ xiù wèi gān

adjective (animal: just born)

(用以灭火的)湿毯子 yòng yǐ miè huǒ de shī tǎn zi

noun (figurative, informal (person: spoilsport)

Auntie Edna's always a wet blanket at family parties.

梦遗 mèng yí

noun (informal (sexual dream causing ejaculation)

I could tell when I did the laundry that my son had started having wet dreams.


noun (slippery floor surface)


noun (computer graphics: reflection effect)


noun (covered stalls selling fish, etc.)

You can buy fresh fish at the wet market.

奶妈 nǎi mā

noun (woman hired to breastfeed another's child)

It was quite common for noblewomen to hire a wet nurse.


transitive verb (act as wet nurse)


transitive verb (give excessive care to)


noun (room with shower)

湿季 shī jì

noun (extended annual period of rain)

If you're planning a holiday in Asia it's best to avoid the wet season.

湿雪 shī xuě

noun (slush)

The wet snow made a squelching noise as the man walked along.

尿床 niào chuáng

verbal expression (urinate in one's sleep)

潮湿的天气 cháo shī de tiān qì

noun (period of rain)

This summer has been bad, nothing but wet weather almost every day.

湿纸巾 shī zhǐ jīn

noun (often plural (moist tissue)

潜水服 qián shuǐ fú

noun (diver's rubber outfit)

The police put on wetsuits to search for the victim in the icy river.


adjective (sodden, soaked)

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wet 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。