What does survivant in French mean?

What is the meaning of the word survivant in French? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use survivant in French.

The word survivant in French means survivor, survivor, survivor, surviving, surviving, surviving, outlive, survive, survive, survive, survive, exist, surviving spouse, surviving partner. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word survivant



(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Il fait partie des survivants du naufrage.



(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Le survivant hérite des biens.


(témoin historique)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
C'est un survivant de la Première Guerre mondiale.


adjectif (rescapé)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")
Il fait partie des marins survivants du naufrage.


adjectif (successeur)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")
C'est le conjoint survivant qui hérite.


adjectif (témoignant une historique)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")
Il y a encore une cabine téléphonique survivante dans ce village.


verbe transitif indirect (vivre après)

(transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.")
Cette centenaire a survécu à son mari et même à ses enfants.
This centenarian has outlived her husband and even her children.


verbe transitif indirect (continuer à vivre après un événement)

(transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.")
Seuls 3 passagers ont survécu au crash de cet avion.
Only three passengers survived the plane crash.


verbe transitif indirect (continuer à exister)

(transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.")
Cette langue régionale n'a pas survécu aux attaques du gouvernement pour la faire disparaître.
This regional language did not survive the government's efforts to wipe it out.


verbe intransitif (continuer de vivre)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")
Durant la guerre, les conditions étaient terribles, mais nous avons survécu.
Conditions were terrible during the war, but we survived.

survive, exist

verbe intransitif (continuer à exister)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")
Cette langue régionale survit encore.
This regional language is still in existence.

surviving spouse, surviving partner

nom masculin (époux restant vivant)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
En France, le conjoint survivant touche une pension de réversion. Quand un homme décède, sa femme est le conjoint survivant.

Let's learn French

So now that you know more about the meaning of survivant in French, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in French.

Do you know about French

French (le français) is a Romance language. Like Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, it comes from popular Latin, once used in the Roman Empire. A French-speaking person or country can be called a "Francophone". French is the official language in 29 countries. French is the fourth most spoken native language in the European Union. French ranks third in the EU, after English and German, and is the second most widely taught language after English. The majority of the world's French-speaking population lives in Africa, with about 141 million Africans from 34 countries and territories who can speak French as a first or second language. French is the second most widely spoken language in Canada, after English, and both are official languages at the federal level. It is the first language of 9.5 million people or 29% and the second language of 2.07 million people or 6% of the entire population of Canada. In contrast to other continents, French has no popularity in Asia. Currently, no country in Asia recognizes French as an official language.