英语 中的 an 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 an 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 an 的说明。

英语 中的an 表示一 yī, 每一,任一 měi yī ,rèn yī, 一 yī, [英语字母表的第一个字母], 一个 yí gè, 一 yī, 一个,某个 yí gè ,mǒu gè, 某位,某个 mǒu wèi,mǒu gè, A等,优等 yōu děng, [音阶中的第六个音], A调, A型, a, A号, 回答,答案 huí dá ,dá àn, 非, 在,向 zài,xiàng, 处于…状态 chǔ yú … zhuàng tài, 每 měi, 慢慢养成的口味 màn màn yǎng chéng de kǒu wèi, 昂贵,大价钱 áng guì,dà jià qián, 很多 hěn duō, 很多 hěn duō, 非常地 fēi cháng de, 经常地 jīng cháng de, 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn, 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn, 艰苦的斗争, 与…类似之物,与…相似之物, 勉强的代用品 miǎn qiǎng de dài yòng pǐn, 作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài, 感官冲击, 倾斜地 qīng xié de, 一大早地 yí dà zǎo de, 结束 jié shù, 陷入僵局 xiàn rù jiāng jú, 一举成功 yì jǔ chéng gōng, 大庭广众之下 dà tíng guǎng zhòng zhī xià, 眼都不眨一下, 对…无动于衷, 结束 jié shù, 支持...计划, 达成协议,达成一致 dá chéng xié yì,dá chéng yí zhì, 与…达成协议 yǔ dá chéng xié yì, 与…达成一致 yǔ dá chéng yí zhì, 谈妥 tán tuǒ, 结束 jié shù, 解决 jiě jué, 差一点就, 差一点就去做某事, 做实验, 进行调查, 价格昂贵, 谢绝邀请, 美元时薪, 结束 jié shù, 分成八份, 竭力维持生计 jié lì wéi chí shēng jì, ...的因素, 反对者 fǎn duì zhě, 刺激, 刺激物, 漫长的时间, 似乎无终止的时间, …训练, 伸出橄榄枝, 美人 měi rén, 满眶, 天使的脸, 形成一种观点 xíng chéng yì zhǒng guān diǎn, 不受责任的约束 bú shòu zé rèn de yuē shù, 了解 liǎo jiě, 听了一堆责备的话, 夭折 yāo zhé, 半(个)小时 bàn gè xiǎo shí, 半小时 bàn xiǎo shí, 半英寸, 有银行账户 yǒu yín háng zhàng hù, 在…上开有账户,办了…的会员, 另有企图, 占优势 zhàn yōu shì, 产生影响 chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎng, 对…有鉴赏力 duì yǒu jiàn shǎng lì, 钟情于 zhōng qíng yú, 我有一个想法, (对某事)了解 duì mǒu shì liǎo jiě, 有点印象,模糊记得 yǒu diǎn yìn xiàng, 认为,推测 rèn wéi ,tuī cè, 略微知晓 lüè wēi zhī xiǎo, 状态不佳 zhuàng tài bù jiā, 有机会(做某事) yǒu jī huì zuò mǒu shì, 形成共识 xíng chéng gòng shí, 排外地 pái wài de, 立刻 lì kè, (言行)过于随便的 yán xíng guò yú suí biàn de, 偷偷摸摸地 tōu tōu mō mō de, 转瞬之间 zhuǎn shùn zhī jiān, 对…的侮辱,对…的羞辱, 发出强制令 fā chū qiáng zhì lìng, 一对儿 yí duì er, 密切注意 mì qiè zhù yì, 注意 zhù yì, 保持开放的态度, 集中注意, 古兰经 gǔ lán jīng, 千米/小时, 对...发动攻击, 对...发起抨击, 生产 shēng chǎn, 听 tīng, 听某人说, 提出上诉,提起上诉,提出申诉 tí qǐ shàng sù, 调整 tiáo zhěng, 公布 gōng bù, 道歉 dào qiàn, 登台 dēng tái, 出面,出席 chū miàn,chū xí, 预约 yù yuē, 与某人预约, 为...预约, 做安排。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 an 的含义

一 yī

indefinite article (a, one) (用于元音之前)

Tania is eating an ice cream. Harry likes an omelette for breakfast.

每一,任一 měi yī ,rèn yī

indefinite article (each, per) (用于元音前)

Music lessons cost one hundred dollars an hour.

一 yī

indefinite article (dated, formal (a: before certain words) (用于h音等起首、不发重音的词前)

This is an historic moment.


noun (first letter of alphabet)

There are two a's in the name "Anna".
"Anna" 这个单词中有两个"a"。

一个 yí gè

indefinite article (indefinite article) (不定冠词)

There's a monster under my bed.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我要了一杯啤酒。

一 yī

noun (one: before a number) (数词前表示数目)

He must have a thousand books. I've just won a million pounds!

一个,某个 yí gè ,mǒu gè

noun ([sth] hypothetical, non-specific) (表示假设或泛指)

I like a challenge.

某位,某个 mǒu wèi,mǒu gè

indefinite article (person called) (指不确定的人)

A Mr Smith asked to speak to you.

A等,优等 yōu děng

noun (grade) (成绩)

I got an "A" in my history test.


noun (music: note)

The song begins on an A.


noun (music: key)

They're playing Grieg's piano concerto in A-minor tonight.


noun (blood type) (血型)

My blood type is A.


noun (indicating a subdivision) (指一个分支)

What's the answer to question 3a?


noun (indicating house number) (指房子编号)

Who lived at 221A Baker Street?

回答,答案 huí dá ,dá àn

noun (abbreviation (answer)

Q: Who wrote "Hamlet"? A: William Shakespeare.

prefix (adjective: not, without) (前缀,表示否定)

For example: apolitical, arrhythmia

在,向 zài,xiàng

prefix (on, towards) (前缀,表示方位)

For example: aback, aside

处于…状态 chǔ yú … zhuàng tài

prefix (adjective: in the state of) (前缀,表示状态)

For example: afire, asleep

每 měi

preposition (per, every, each) (表示比率)

The speed limit in residential areas is 30 miles an hour.

慢慢养成的口味 màn màn yǎng chéng de kǒu wèi

noun (like for [sth] over time)

Oysters are definitely an acquired taste.

昂贵,大价钱 áng guì,dà jià qián

noun (slang, figurative (high price, high cost)

No, the price is too high - he wants an arm and a leg for that old car.

很多 hěn duō

noun (informal (many, much)

很多 hěn duō

expression (informal (large quantity)

There are an awful lot of violets growing among the rhubarb.

非常地 fēi cháng de

expression (informal (greatly)

经常地 jīng cháng de

expression (informal (very often, at great length)

以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn

noun (figurative (revenge) (报复)

He destroyed his rival's creation, saying it was an eye for an eye.

以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn

noun (figurative (justice) (公正的惩罚)

For murder, I believe an eye for an eye is fair punishment.


noun (figurative ([sth] difficult and tiring)

Brian faces an uphill struggle to overcome the injuries from his accident.


noun ([sth] comparable)

勉强的代用品 miǎn qiǎng de dài yòng pǐn

noun (poor example)

Frankly, this place is an apology for a hotel.

作为…的替代 zuò wéi de tì dài

preposition (instead of)

Soy milk can be used as an alternative to cows' milk for some recipes.


noun (overwhelming noise, color, smells)

A walk through the market is an assault on the senses; there is so much noise and activity.

倾斜地 qīng xié de

adverb (diagonally, obliquely)

He hung the picture up without a spirit level so it was at an angle.

一大早地 yí dà zǎo de

adverb (early in the morning)

My grandmother had the custom of rising at an early hour.

结束 jié shù

adjective (finished, over)

Economists think the recession is at an end.

陷入僵局 xiàn rù jiāng jú

adjective (figurative (at a standstill, at a dead end) (比喻)

We can't agree on the terms of the contract; we're really at an impasse.

一举成功 yì jǔ chéng gōng

verbal expression (be immediately popular)

The TV show proved to be an instant success.

大庭广众之下 dà tíng guǎng zhòng zhī xià

adverb (in front of people)

I hate speaking before an audience; I get stage fright and stammer over my words.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (not be shocked or disapprove) (表示毫不惊讶)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (not react to)

Joshua is so rich, he doesn't blink at paying $800 for a wristwatch.

结束 jié shù

transitive verb (conclude, finish)

The conference was brought to an end in the late afternoon.


verbal expression (support a project, plan)

Mary championed the idea of increasing recycling at her company.

达成协议,达成一致 dá chéng xié yì,dá chéng yí zhì

verbal expression (decide mutually) (计划等)

The two men came to an agreement over the price of the secondhand car.

与…达成协议 yǔ dá chéng xié yì

verbal expression (resolve a dispute)

It was a long hard battle but we finally came to an agreement with each other.

与…达成一致 yǔ dá chéng yí zhì

verbal expression (agree to terms)

I came to an agreement with my ex-wife that I would watch the kids on the weekends.

谈妥 tán tuǒ

verbal expression (compromise, agree on [sth])

结束 jié shù

verbal expression (conclude)

All good things must come to an end.

解决 jiě jué

verbal expression (be resolved)

With some therapy your internal conflict could finally come to an end.


verbal expression (informal (almost do [sth])


verbal expression (figurative (almost do)


verbal expression (test [sth] scientifically)


verbal expression (hold investigation)

The committee will conduct an inquiry into the governor's alleged fraud.


verbal expression (slang, figurative (be expensive)


verbal expression (turn down a request to attend [sth])

Would it be rude of us to decline their invitation?


plural noun (hourly pay rate)

I receive 10 dollars an hour for baby-sitting.

结束 jié shù

verbal expression (finish)

As the evening drew to a close, the orchestra played a final waltz.


noun (fraction: 8th part)

Cut the pie into eighths.

竭力维持生计 jié lì wéi chí shēng jì

verbal expression (struggle to earn money)

She ekes out an existence working two part-time jobs.


noun (factor)

There was an element of luck involved when he won the race.

反对者 fǎn duì zhě

noun (person: opponent)

This environmentalist is an enemy of the government's policy on nuclear energy.

刺激, 刺激物

noun (figurative (stimulus) (比喻)

This latest government policy is likely to prove the engine of the party's destruction.

漫长的时间, 似乎无终止的时间

noun (informal, figurative (long time)

School seemed to go on for an eternity.


noun (project, endeavor)

Writing short stories was an exercise in technique for the author.


verbal expression (figurative (offer reconciliation) (表达和解)

美人 měi rén

noun ([sth/sb] visually striking)


noun (thorough look)


noun (sweet and innocent appearance) (比喻义)

She was evil to the core but she had the face of an angel.

形成一种观点 xíng chéng yì zhǒng guān diǎn

verbal expression (decide what you think)

I don't think I have enough information to form an opinion yet.

不受责任的约束 bú shòu zé rèn de yuē shù

verbal expression (avoid having to fulfil a duty)

了解 liǎo jiě

verbal expression (learn about)

After playing he began to gain an understanding of the game.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be reprimanded)

Tony got an earful from the boss when he arrived late for work.

夭折 yāo zhé

verbal expression (die young)

Callum is going to an early grave if he doesn't adopt a healthier lifestyle.

半(个)小时 bàn gè xiǎo shí

noun (30 minutes)

It only takes me half an hour to get ready in the morning.

半小时 bàn xiǎo shí

noun (30 minutes)

I ran for a good half hour. // It only takes me half an hour to get ready in the morning.


noun (measurement: half of one inch)

有银行账户 yǒu yín háng zhàng hù

verbal expression (bank with)

I have an account with Lloyds Bank.


verbal expression (for purchases) (商户)

I have an account with the university bookshop on the High Street.


verbal expression (figurative (have an agenda)

占优势 zhàn yōu shì

verbal expression (figurative (be better)

He always uses superior materials in order to have an edge on the competition.

产生影响 chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎng

verbal expression (make an impact)

Advertising takes a lot of money to have an effect.

对…有鉴赏力 duì yǒu jiàn shǎng lì

verbal expression (informal (notice)

The painter has an eye for detail.

钟情于 zhōng qíng yú

verbal expression (slang (be attracted)

That guy has an eye for the ladies.


intransitive verb (invent or devise [sth])

I have an idea that will surprise you.

(对某事)了解 duì mǒu shì liǎo jiě

intransitive verb (have some notion, understanding of)

Do you have an idea of how many people will be coming to the party?

有点印象,模糊记得 yǒu diǎn yìn xiàng

verbal expression (have vague idea)

I have an impression of her as a bit irresponsible.

认为,推测 rèn wéi ,tuī cè

verbal expression (suspect) (常指错误的)

略微知晓 lüè wēi zhī xiǎo

verbal expression (suspect, sense)

We had an inkling that the film might be a success, but we weren't sure.

状态不佳 zhuàng tài bù jiā

verbal expression (informal (perform poorly)

He is normally a great performer, but I think he was having an off-day.

有机会(做某事) yǒu jī huì zuò mǒu shì

intransitive verb (have a chance to do [sth])

I've had the opportunity to travel the world.

形成共识 xíng chéng gòng shí

intransitive verb (have an informal agreement)

My wife and I have an understanding: she does the cooking and I do the washing up.

排外地 pái wài de

adverb (showing elitism)

立刻 lì kè

adverb (very quickly)

The phone rang and he answered it in an instant.

(言行)过于随便的 yán xíng guò yú suí biàn de

adverb (casually)

One of the customers complained that the waiter had treated him in an offhand way.

偷偷摸摸地 tōu tōu mō mō de

expression (in a deceitful or dishonest way)

He is behaving in an underhand manner, going out with his best friend's girlfriend without him knowing.

转瞬之间 zhuǎn shùn zhī jiān

expression (figurative, informal (instant, brief moment)

And in the twinkling of an eye she was gone.


noun (offending action)

Tom thought that being denied the job was a huge insult to him.

发出强制令 fā chū qiáng zhì lìng

intransitive verb (law: put out a restraining order)

The celebrity was relieved when the judge issued an injunction against her stalker.

一对儿 yí duì er

verbal expression (slang (be a couple) (俚语,指情侣)

Are John and Lucy an item now?

密切注意 mì qiè zhù yì

verbal expression (informal (watch carefully)

When cooking soufflés, you need to keep an eye on them so they don't fall.

注意 zhù yì

transitive verb (informal (remain vigilant for)

It's important to keep an eye out for dangerous snakes in the bush. Keep an eye out for a parking spot.


verbal expression (be willing to consider new ideas)


verbal expression (figurative (be attentive, alert)

古兰经 gǔ lán jīng

noun (Muslim holy book) (伊斯兰教经典)

Devout Muslims read the Koran every day.


noun (invariable, written, abbreviation (kilometer per hour)


verbal expression (military: begin combat)

Prepare to launch an attack, men.


verbal expression (criticize harshly)

The newspaper article launched an attack on the president and his policies.

生产 shēng chǎn

transitive verb (produce: egg)

A hen can lay a few eggs per week, I think.

听 tīng

verbal expression (figurative, dated (listen to [sb])

When I need someone to talk to, Patricia is always willing to lend an ear.


verbal expression (figurative, dated (listen)

"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." - William Shakespeare

提出上诉,提起上诉,提出申诉 tí qǐ shàng sù

verbal expression (object formally to a legal ruling)

调整 tiáo zhěng

verbal expression (amend)

I need to make an adjustment to this belt as it's too loose.

公布 gōng bù

verbal expression (declare [sth] publicly)

The Prime Minister made an announcement about taxation in the House of Commons yesterday. May I have your attention? - I'd like to make an announcement.

道歉 dào qiàn

verbal expression (say sorry)

登台 dēng tái

verbal expression (perform: appear on stage, etc.)

The singer made an appearance at the charity concert.

出面,出席 chū miàn,chū xí

verbal expression (informal (be present, show up) (非正式用语)

I wonder if the bride's ex-boyfriend will make an appearance at the wedding?

预约 yù yuē

verbal expression (patient, client)

If you want an eye test, you need to make an appointment.


verbal expression (patient, client) (客户、病人)

Jane had toothache, so she made an appointment with the dentist.


verbal expression (secretary, etc.: for [sb] else) (秘书)

'I've made you an appointment to see Dr Smith at 4pm on Monday,' the receptionist said.


verbal expression (set up a method)

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