英语 中的 answering 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 answering 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 answering 的说明。

英语 中的answering 表示答复 dá fù, 答案 dá àn, 答复,回答,答复 dá fù,huí dá ,dá fù, 解答… jiě dá, 回答 huí dá, 回复 huí fù, 满足 mǎn zú, 回应 huí yìng, 回复 huí fù, 接(电话), 应答 yìng dá, 还嘴 huán zuǐ, 对…顶嘴 duì dǐng zuǐ, 回答,应答 huí dá ,yìng dá, 对…负责 duì … fù zé, 适合..., 符合..., 答案书 dá àn shū, 试题解答, 应门,去开门, 接电话 jiē diàn huà, 接电话 jiē diàn huà, 向...做出解释, 听命于, 以...回答, 满足 mǎn zú, 问题的答案 wèn tí de dá àn, 肯定回答 kěn dìng huí dá, 表示同意, 完整答案 wán zhěng dá àn, 找到答案 zhǎo dào dá àn, 必须对…负责 bì xū duì fù zé, 作为回答 zuò wéi huí dá, 作为对你的问题的回答 zuò wéi duì nǐ de wèn tí de huí dá, 否定答案 fǒu dìng dá àn, 答疑大会 dá yí dà huì, 快速反应,即兴回答, 简答 jiǎn dá。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 answering 的含义

答复 dá fù

noun (response)

I don't have an answer to your question.

答案 dá àn

noun (solution)

The answers to the maths problems can be found in the textbook.

答复,回答,答复 dá fù,huí dá ,dá fù

transitive verb (respond to a question)

The teacher tried to answer all of his students' questions.

解答… jiě dá

transitive verb (solve [sth])

The students worked hard to answer all of the maths problems.

回答 huí dá

transitive verb (reply, respond)

Kate answered Ben with a nod of her head.

回复 huí fù

transitive verb (respond in writing) (信件等)

I hope Robert answers my letter.

满足 mǎn zú

transitive verb (figurative (satisfy a need) (需求)

Our service answers a need for quality at-home care.

回应 huí yìng

intransitive verb (make a response)

He called out to her and she answered.

回复 huí fù

intransitive verb (write in reply)

I have written to him, and hope he will answer soon.


transitive verb (phone: respond)

Why isn't she answering her phone?

应答 yìng dá

transitive verb (door, doorbell, knock: respond) (敲门)

Even though it was midday, Eugene was still in his pyjamas when he answered the door.

还嘴 huán zuǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (reply impudently)

Take your hands out of your pockets and don't answer back, young man!

对…顶嘴 duì dǐng zuǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (reply impudently)

If she gets bossy, answer her back.

回答,应答 huí dá ,yìng dá

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (respond)

I left a message for him but he hasn't answered me back.

对…负责 duì … fù zé

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (face consequences)

He's committed a crime and he'll be forced to answer for it.

适合..., 符合...

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative, informal, US (be adequate)

The back porch will have to answer for a bedroom.

答案书 dá àn shū

noun (solutions to exercises)

I purchased the math textbook, but did not buy the answer book.


noun (answers to test questions)

The student stole the answer key from the teacher's desk, and sold the answers.


verbal expression (open front door to a caller)

When the sales lady rang the bell, I didn't answer the door.

接电话 jiē diàn huà

verbal expression (informal, abbreviation (respond to a telephone call)

Would you answer the phone for me, please? My hands are all greasy.

接电话 jiē diàn huà

verbal expression (respond to a telephone call)

I hoped he would answer the telephone, since he was only 3 feet away from it.


(justify actions) (一般指就事)

You will have to answer to both the teacher and the principal for cheating in the exam.


(be subordinate to [sb])

Being independently wealthy, he answered to nobody.


(respond to a name)

His name is Timothy but he answers to Timmy.

满足 mǎn zú

(try to satisfy a need)

For many teenagers, the youth club answers to a need for a feeling of community.

问题的答案 wèn tí de dá àn

noun (solution)

The answer to the problem may be quite simple.

肯定回答 kěn dìng huí dá

verbal expression (confirm [sth])

The defendant answered yes to the judge's questions about his identity.


verbal expression (give your consent)

The patient answered "yes" when asked if he agreed to the procedure being carried out.

完整答案 wán zhěng dá àn

noun (full and detailed response)

You can't possibly have provided a complete answer with such a short response.

找到答案 zhǎo dào dá àn

verbal expression (devise solution)

The problem may seem insoluble right now, but you're sure to find the answer somehow.

必须对…负责 bì xū duì fù zé

verbal expression (take blame)

Come the next election, the Government will have to answer for its economic mistakes.

作为回答 zuò wéi huí dá

adverb (by way of reply)

I said hello and all I got in answer was a grunt.

作为对你的问题的回答 zuò wéi duì nǐ de wèn tí de huí dá

expression (in reply to you)

In answer to your question, no, he's not married.

否定答案 fǒu dìng dá àn

noun (no)

"No", "never" and "none" are negative answers to a question.

答疑大会 dá yí dà huì

noun (conference)

The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session.


noun (informal (prompt, brief reply)

简答 jiǎn dá

noun (concise reply)

Does he get along with his family? The short answer is no.

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answering 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。