英语 中的 me 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 me 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 me 的说明。

英语 中的me 表示我 wǒ, 我 wǒ, 我 wǒ, 我 wǒ, 美以美会, 我 wǒ, 肌痛性脑脊髓炎, 缅因州, 轮机工程师, 机械工程师, 中世纪英语, 采矿工程师, 法医, 验尸官, 让我为您效劳。, 允许我 yǔn hǔ wǒ, 至于我, 耐心点!对我耐心点!, 请相信我, 你知我知 nǐ zhī wǒ zhī, 有胆儿就来啊! yǒu dǎn er jiù lái ā, 太惊人了!太厉害了! tài jīng rén le tài lì hài le, 算我一个, 别把我算在内,除了我,把我除外 bié bǎ wǒ suàn zài nèi,chú le wǒ,bǎ wǒ chú wài, 我的天呐, 请帮我做… qǐng bāng wǒ zuò, 能听见我吗?, 别再找借口了!, 对不起 duì bù qǐ, 抱歉 bào qiàn, 请原谅 qǐng yuán liàng, 交换舞伴的一种舞, 我绝不会, 我没意见,我不介意 wǒ bú jiè yì, 跟我来, 勿忘我, 原谅我 yuán liàng wǒ, 妈的!, 简直不敢相信, 给我点儿提示, 跟我击掌,和我击掌庆祝, 上帝救救我!, 我的天!天哪! wǒ de tiān tiān na, 旧衣物 jiù yī wù, 传下来的物品, 二手的 èr shǒu de, 帮帮我 bāng bāng wǒ, 如果没记错的话, 在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái, 对我来说都一样 duì wǒ lái shuō dōu yí yàng, 走开 zǒu kāi, 告诉我 gào sù wǒ, 私人专属时间, 我也是 wǒ yě shì, 模仿的 mó fǎng de, 模仿的 mó fǎng de, MeToo 运动, 请原谅 qǐng yuán liàng, 对不起! duì bù qǐ, 对不起,你说什么? duì bù qǐ, 请原谅我的某事, 希望不介意我做某事, 提神物, 我可不知道! wǒ kě bù zhī dào, 告诉我 gào sù wǒ, 我没意见, 你愿意嫁给我吗?, 我真是倒霉阿!我命好苦啊! wǒ zhēn shì dǎo méi a !wǒ mìng hǎo kǔ ɑ !, 你抢在我前面, 说得没错 shuō de méi cuò。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 me 的含义

我 wǒ

pronoun (I: direct object) (人称代词,宾格)

Could you help me?

我 wǒ

pronoun (to me: indirect object) (人称代词,受格)

Lend me some money, please.

我 wǒ

pronoun (after preposition) (人称代词,介词后)

Come with me and I'll show you where the tools are.

我 wǒ

pronoun (colloquial (before gerund) (口语,做动名词的主语)

He's very much against me coming to visit you.


noun (initialism (Methodist Episcopal)

Erin attends a local ME church.

我 wǒ

pronoun (colloquial, nonstandard (I: subject)

Me and my friends spent the day at the park. You and me are going to fall out if you don't apologise!


noun (initialism (myalgic encephalomyelitis)

The patient suffered from ME, which causes chronic fatigue.


noun (written, abbreviation (US state: Maine) (美国)


noun (initialism (marine engineer)

Zoe works as an ME on a research vessel on the Pacific Ocean.


noun (initialism (mechanical engineer)

Tom is an ME at the factory.


noun (initialism (middle English)

The manuscript is written in ME.


noun (initialism (Mining Engineer) (首字母缩写)

Fred is an ME at the mine.

法医, 验尸官

noun (initialism (medical examiner)


interjection (offer)

"Allow me!" a bellboy said, and took my heavy suitcase.

允许我 yǔn hǔ wǒ

interjection (offer)

Miss, allow me to open the door.


adverb (as far as I am concerned)

My husband is going to work. As for me, I will stay home and take care of the baby.


interjection (Please be patient)

Please bear with me - this will only take five minutes.


interjection (trust what I say)

Believe me, it's really hot outside!

你知我知 nǐ zhī wǒ zhī

adverb (confidentially, in confidence)

Between you and me, I think Stella has fallen in love with him.

有胆儿就来啊! yǒu dǎn er jiù lái ā

interjection (slang (expressing contempt) (俚语,粗俗语)

If you don't like it that's too bad - bite me!

太惊人了!太厉害了! tài jīng rén le tài lì hài le

interjection (informal (expressing amazement) (非正式用语,表示惊讶的感叹语)

Well, blow me down! You won the lottery!


interjection (informal (include me)

I'd love to go camping with you. Count me in!

别把我算在内,除了我,把我除外 bié bǎ wǒ suàn zài nèi,chú le wǒ,bǎ wǒ chú wài

interjection (informal (exclude me) (非正式用语)

Count me out! There's no way I can afford to eat there.


interjection (expressing surprise, dismay) (含贬义)

Dear me! Some of Roger's jokes were really awful!

请帮我做… qǐng bāng wǒ zuò

interjection (please would you)


expression (radio communication)


interjection (informal (Stop making excuses)

'I'm sorry, I forgot.' 'Don't give me that!'.

对不起 duì bù qǐ

interjection (polite interruption)

Excuse me, where's the post office, please?

抱歉 bào qiàn

interjection (request to repeat)

Excuse me? I didn't quite catch what you said.

请原谅 qǐng yuán liàng

interjection (ironic (indignance) (愤怒,讽刺的)

Well, excuse me! I won't bother asking you again!


noun (type of dance)


expression (express reluctance to do [sth])

我没意见,我不介意 wǒ bú jiè yì

interjection (informal (acquiescence)

"Mind if I go now?" "Fine by me."


interjection (come with me)


noun (plant with small blue flowers) (植物)

Forget-me-nots are my favorite flower.

原谅我 yuán liàng wǒ

interjection (pardon me, excuse me)

Forgive me, sir, but you are mistaken. Forgive me, I thought I had already sent that information.


interjection (slang, figurative, vulgar, offensive (expressing astonishment) (俚语:表达惊讶,粗俗)

Fuck me! This food is spicier than I can bear!


interjection (to express disbelief or contempt)


interjection (provide a clue to help me guess)

Who's your mystery boyfriend? Go on, give me a hint ...


interjection (slang (congratulatory) (庆祝方式)

You passed your driving test? Give me five!


interjection (expressing exasperation)

我的天!天哪! wǒ de tiān tiān na

interjection (surprise) (表达惊讶)

Goodness me, you've grown a lot since I last saw you!

旧衣物 jiù yī wù

noun (used garment)

Bill became used to wearing his brother's hand-me-downs.


noun (used item)

Mandy saved a lot of money on items for her baby thanks to hand-me-downs from her family.

二手的 èr shǒu de

adjective (second-hand)

Emma was given all her sister's hand-me-down clothes.

帮帮我 bāng bāng wǒ

interjection (expressing need for assistance)

Help me! That man just stole my purse!


expression (if I remember rightly)

在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái

expression (I think, in my opinion)

对我来说都一样 duì wǒ lái shuō dōu yí yàng

expression (informal (I have no preference.)

You can stay or leave; it's all the same to me.

走开 zǒu kāi

interjection (go away)

Stop picking on me! Just leave me alone!

告诉我 gào sù wǒ

interjection (tell me)

Can you come to my party? Let me know!
告诉我, 你能不能来参加我的聚会?


noun (informal (time for your enjoyment)

我也是 wǒ yě shì

interjection (so do I, so will I, etc.)

You're going to her party? Me too! I'll see you there.

模仿的 mó fǎng de

adjective (mainly US, informal (copying a peer, competitor)

Voters weren't fooled by the senator's me-too policies.

模仿的 mó fǎng de

adjective (mainly US, informal (copying [sth] established)

That's such a me-too company; all its products are just inferior versions of someone else's.

MeToo 运动

expression (anti-sexual harassment movement) (女权运动)

请原谅 qǐng yuán liàng

interjection (excuse me)

Pardon me sir, does this train go to Chattanooga? Pardon me, could you tell me where the library is?

对不起! duì bù qǐ

interjection (I'm sorry)

Pardon me, I didn't mean to bump into you.

对不起,你说什么? duì bù qǐ

interjection (What did you say?)


expression (Excuse me for [sth])

Pardon me for the interruption, but do you know where your father is?


expression (Excuse me for doing [sth])

Pardon me for saying so, but do you think that's a good idea?


noun (informal ([sth] that makes you feel better)

When I need a little pick-me-up, I eat one of my favorite candy bars.

我可不知道! wǒ kě bù zhī dào

interjection (slang (I don't know) (俚语)

Q: Who ate my cookies? A: Search me - I just got here.

告诉我 gào sù wǒ

expression (give me the information)

Tell me it isn't true!


interjection (informal (acquiescence)

If you leave, that's fine by me.


expression (proposal)

I've loved you for so long. Will you marry me?

我真是倒霉阿!我命好苦啊! wǒ zhēn shì dǎo méi a !wǒ mìng hǎo kǔ ɑ !

interjection (expressing self-pity)

I have such a tremendous amount of work: woe is me!


expression (you did it first)

I was going to order a pizza, but you beat me to it.

说得没错 shuō de méi cuò

interjection (slang (I know, I'm well aware)

“Petrol's so expensive these days!” “You're telling me!”

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me 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。