英语 中的 balls 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 balls 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 balls 的说明。

英语 中的balls 表示球 qiú, 球 qiú, 团 tuán, 前脚掌, 拇指肚, 炮弹 pào dàn, 线团 xiàn tuán, 舞会 wǔ huì, 球 qiú, 球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng, (投手投出的)坏球 tóu shǒu tóu chū de huài qiú, 睾丸 gāo wán, 胆量 dǎn liàng, 与…性交 yǔ … xìng jiāo, 把…搞得一团糟 bǎ gǎo de yì tuán zāo, 成球, 完全不同的情况, 铁球, 束缚 shù fù, 妻子 qī zǐ, 滚珠轴承 gǔn zhū zhóu chéng, 滚珠,钢球 gǔn zhū,gāng qiú, 球童 qiú tóng, 球童 qiú tóng, 鸭舌帽, 棒球队 bàng qiú duì, 球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng, 棒球比赛 bàng qiú bǐ sài, 球接头 qiú jiē tóu, 球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié, 球形闪电 qiú xíng shǎn diàn, 球磨机, 火球 huǒ qiú, 一团火一样的人,精力充沛的人 yì tuán huǒ yí yàng de rén,jīng lì chōng pèi de rén, 线团 xiàn tuán, 毛线球, 球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng, 球阀, 球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié, 杵臼接头, 悍妇,强悍的女人,女强人 hàn fù,nǚ qiáng rén, 严格维持纪律的人, 浮球阀 fú qiú fá, 圆珠笔 yuán zhū bǐ, 棒球帽 bàng qiú mào, 浮水气球 fú shuǐ qì qiú, 处于困境 chǔ yú kùn jìng, 台球 tái qiú, 地掷球, 保龄球 bǎo líng qiú, 草地滚球用的小球 cǎo dì gǔn qiú yòng de xiǎo qiú, 慈善舞会 cí shàn wǔ huì, 棉球, 水晶球 shuǐ jīng qiú, 白色球,主球, 曲线球 qū xiàn qiú, 意料之外的事, 误导人的事, 躲避球, 撂挑子 liào tiāo zi, 坠球, 足球 zú qiú, 橄榄球 gǎn lǎn qiú, 界外球 jiè wài qiú, 开始… kāi shǐ …, 高尔夫球 gāo ěr fū qiú, 滚地球, 玩得很开心,玩得特别高兴 wán de hěn kāi xīn,wán de tè bié gāo xìng, 杂耍球 zá shuǎ qiú, 跳球 tiào qiú, 集中注意, 化妆舞会 huà zhuāng wǔ huì, 化装舞会 huà zhuāng wǔ huì, 肉丸 ròu wán, 笨蛋 bèn dàn, 健身实心球 jiàn shēn shí xīn qiú, 樟脑丸 zhāng nǎo wán, 禁止 jìn zhǐ, 投球犯规, 机警的,敏锐的 jī jǐng de,mǐn ruì de, 玩球, 和...打球, 合作 hé zuò, 与...合作, 台球 tái qiú, 小孩投掷着玩的嚼过的纸球 xiǎo hái tóu zhì zhe wán de jiáo guò de zhǐ qiú, 唾沫球 tuò mò qiú, 网球 wǎng qiú, 一切 yí qiè, 建筑拆除球。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 balls 的含义

球 qiú

noun (small: tennis, baseball) (网球、棒球等,较小的球)

Throw me the ball.

球 qiú

noun (large: basketball, football) (篮球、足球等)

That soccer player controls the ball amazingly well.

团 tuán

noun (sphere)

The cone had two balls of ice cream in it.


noun (part of foot at base of big toe)

He stood on the balls of his feet, ready to move.


noun (base of thumb)

The ball of my thumb hurts while I'm playing the violin.

炮弹 pào dàn

noun (cannonball)

The naval frigate fired both ball and grapeshot at the sails of the enemy ship.

线团 xiàn tuán

noun (wool, etc. wound into ball)

He knitted the ball of wool into a cap and mittens.

舞会 wǔ huì

noun (formal dance)

She bought a formal dress for the Christmas Ball.

球 qiú

noun (bowling, billiards: hard ball) (台球、保龄球)

He hit the cue ball as hard as he could.

球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng

noun (game using a ball)

Let's play ball - we should have started ten minutes ago!

(投手投出的)坏球 tóu shǒu tóu chū de huài qiú

noun (baseball: not swung at) (棒球)

The pitch was too high and was called a ball by the umpire.

睾丸 gāo wán

plural noun (vulgar, slang (testicles)

John scratched his balls and yawned loudly.

胆量 dǎn liàng

plural noun (vulgar, slang (courage, daring)

I don't have the balls for skydiving.

与…性交 yǔ … xìng jiāo

transitive verb (US, vulgar, slang (have sex with)

The hot kisses made him want to ball her.

把…搞得一团糟 bǎ gǎo de yì tuán zāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (do [sth] badly) (俚语)

I've really balled up my computer this time; I'll have to call tech support.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (shape into a ball)


noun (US, informal, figurative (changed situation)

That puts matters in a different light. It's a brand new ball game now.


noun (ball chained to prisoner's leg)

束缚 shù fù

noun (figurative (restraint, obstacle)

妻子 qī zǐ

noun (slang (wife)

滚珠轴承 gǔn zhū zhóu chéng

noun (metal bearing with ball)

These ball bearings contain two rows of balls side by side.

滚珠,钢球 gǔn zhū,gāng qiú

noun (metal ball in bearing) (轴承里的)

The ball bearings rotate in the hub of the wheel.

球童 qiú tóng

noun (tennis: boy who recovers ball) (网球)

The ball boys dart out from the sidelines to take stray balls off the tennis court.

球童 qiú tóng

noun (baseball: catches foul balls) (棒球)


noun (baseball)

棒球队 bàng qiú duì

noun (professional baseball team)

Whether the player will remain with the ball club is uncertain.

球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng

noun (sport played with ball)

No ball games are allowed in this park.

棒球比赛 bàng qiú bǐ sài

noun (US, informal (baseball match)

When my dad takes me to a ball game, he always buys me a hot dog.

球接头 qiú jiē tóu

noun (structure: movable connection)

I need to replace my ball joints but finding replacement parts is difficult for a car that old.

球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié

noun (bones: movable articulation)

球形闪电 qiú xíng shǎn diàn

noun (ball-shaped lightning)


(grinding mill)

火球 huǒ qiú

noun (fireball)

We heard the explosion, then saw a great ball of fire shooting to the sky. The propane tanker exploded into a great ball of fire.

一团火一样的人,精力充沛的人 yì tuán huǒ yí yàng de rén,jīng lì chōng pèi de rén

noun (figurative (dynamic person)

My aunt is always busy; she's a real ball of fire.

线团 xiàn tuán

noun (thin fibre wound into a ball)

It's hard to crochet when the kitten keeps playing with the ball of thread.


noun (wool, etc., wound into a ball)

My kitten loves to play with a ball of yarn.

球类运动 qiú lèi yùn dòng

noun (often plural (game: with ball)


noun (flow controlled by ball)

球窝关节 qiú wō guān jié

noun (anatomy: type of joint) (人体)


noun (joint connecting rods, pipes etc.)

悍妇,强悍的女人,女强人 hàn fù,nǚ qiáng rén

noun (figurative, informal (woman threatening to men)


noun (figurative, informal (strict disciplinarian)

浮球阀 fú qiú fá

noun (water-level ball in a cistern)

圆珠笔 yuán zhū bǐ

noun (pen with rolling ball bearing)

I would rather use a fountain pen than a ballpoint pen.

棒球帽 bàng qiú mào

noun (peaked sports hat)

The girl wore a baseball cap bearing the logo of her favorite team.

浮水气球 fú shuǐ qì qiú

noun (toy: inflatable ball)

The children were playing with a beach ball.

处于困境 chǔ yú kùn jìng

expression (US, figurative (at a disadvantage)

The university is behind the eight ball when it comes to attracting international students.

台球 tái qiú

noun (sports: ball for billiards)


noun (ball sport)

The men were playing bocce in the park.

保龄球 bǎo líng qiú

noun (large: for tenpins)

The bowling ball was so heavy that I thought I would drop it on my toes.

草地滚球用的小球 cǎo dì gǔn qiú yòng de xiǎo qiú

noun (small: for lawn bowls)

慈善舞会 cí shàn wǔ huì

noun (formal dance for charitable cause)

The police held a charity ball to raise money for the local orphanage.


noun (fluffy fiber ball)

I use a cotton ball to apply nail polish remover.

水晶球 shuǐ jīng qiú

noun (glass ball used to predict future)

The fortune-teller gazed into the crystal ball.


noun (snooker, pool: white ball) (台球中的)

In pool, you hit the coloured balls with the white cue ball.

曲线球 qū xiàn qiú

noun (baseball: pitched ball that spins)


noun (US, informal, figurative ([sth] unexpected)


noun (US, informal, figurative ([sth] misleading)


noun (US (American ball game) (美国一种球类游戏)

I always hated dodgeball, especially after the ball hit me in the face.

撂挑子 liào tiāo zi

verbal expression (figurative (fail to do one's part)

The company dropped the ball when the product was late in reaching some key markets.


noun (soccer: restart) (足球)

The referee restarted the game with a dropped-ball.

足球 zú qiú

noun (sports: round ball)

He kicked the football into the goal.

橄榄球 gǎn lǎn qiú

noun (sports: oblong ball)

He threw the football to his friend.

界外球 jiè wài qiú

noun (baseball: ball out of bounds)

It appeared to be a home run, but the umpire ruled that it was a foul ball.

开始… kāi shǐ …

verbal expression (figurative (initiate [sth])

高尔夫球 gāo ěr fū qiú

noun (small white ball used in golf)

When he went golfing he hit the golf ball into the water.


noun (baseball: rolling ball) (棒球)

玩得很开心,玩得特别高兴 wán de hěn kāi xīn,wán de tè bié gāo xìng

verbal expression (informal (enjoy oneself immensely) (非正式用语)

Thank you for a wonderful party; we all had a ball!

杂耍球 zá shuǎ qiú

noun (soft ball used for juggling)

The clown dropped the juggling ball.

跳球 tiào qiú

noun (in basketball) (篮球)

As the two players were struggling to gain possession of the ball, the referee called a jump ball.


verbal expression (figurative (be attentive, alert)

化妆舞会 huà zhuāng wǔ huì

noun (dance where costumes are worn)

We went to the masked ball as Pierrot and Pierrette.

化装舞会 huà zhuāng wǔ huì

noun (masked dance)

For New Year's the Smiths held a masquerade ball at their country home.

肉丸 ròu wán

noun (food: ground meat)

My favorite food as a child was spaghetti and meatballs.

笨蛋 bèn dàn

noun (US, Can, informal (foolish person)

Don't be such a meatball; if you do that, you're going to get in trouble.

健身实心球 jiàn shēn shí xīn qiú

noun (ball used in weight training)

The physical therapist had her use a medicine ball to strengthen her abdomen.

樟脑丸 zhāng nǎo wán

noun (usually plural (pesticide for clothing)

Before storing the box of clothing, we added mothballs to protect its contents.

禁止 jìn zhǐ

adjective (forbidding [sth])

There are signs saying "No smoking" all over the construction site.


noun (cricket) (板球)

机警的,敏锐的 jī jǐng de,mǐn ruì de

adverb (figurative, informal (alert) (比喻,非正式用语)

You need to be on the ball to spot the best bargains.


(throw, catch a ball)

Shall we play ball in the park?


verbal expression (throw, catch a ball with [sb])

My son often plays ball with the boy from next door.

合作 hé zuò

(figurative (co-operate)

The deal's off - John won't play ball.


verbal expression (figurative (co-operate with [sb])

The company needs smart people who can play ball with our software development team.

台球 tái qiú

noun (ball used in game of billiards)

The pool ball rolled into the pocket.

小孩投掷着玩的嚼过的纸球 xiǎo hái tóu zhì zhe wán de jiáo guò de zhǐ qiú

noun (paper chewed and spat)

唾沫球 tuò mò qiú

noun (baseball: ball dampened with spit) (棒球术语)

网球 wǎng qiú

noun (rubber ball used in tennis)

一切 yí qiè

noun (US, slang (everything)

Give me a shampoo, haircut, permanent, and facial; I want the whole ball of wax.


noun (demolition tool)

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