英语 中的 battled 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 battled 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 battled 的说明。

英语 中的battled 表示会战 huì zhàn, 争论 zhēng lùn, 较量,斗争 jiào liàng ,dòu zhēng, 战斗的 zhàn dòu de, 和…搏斗 hé bó dòu, 与…抗争(从而争取到) yǔ kàng zhēng cóng ér zhēng qǔ dào, 打仗 dǎ zhàng, 与…做斗争,与…抗争, 与…做斗争,与…抗争, 战舰 zhàn jiàn, 战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào, 战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào, 厌战症 yàn zhàn zhèng, 战旗 zhàn qí, 战斗前线 zhàn dòu qián xiàn, 战斗装备, 战歌 zhàn gē, 分出胜负,决一胜负 fēn chū shèng fù,jué yī shèng fù, 战线 zhàn xiàn, 多人对战,皇家大混战 duō rén duì zhàn,huáng jiā dà hùn zhàn, 激烈的争辩,激烈的争论 jī liè de zhēng biàn,jī liè de zhēng lùn, 混战 hùn zhàn, 战伤, 久经沙场的,经过战火淬炼的,上过战场的, 战痕的, 伤痕累累的, 战斧 zhàn fǔ, (抱怨不休的)悍妇 bào yuàn bù xiū de hàn fù, 作战 zuò zhàn, 与…斗争 yǔ … dòu zhēng, 打一场无望取胜的仗, 战斗序列 zhàn dòu xù liè, 定时会战, 激战 jī zhàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 battled 的含义

会战 huì zhàn

noun (military combat)

The army lost an important battle, but won the war.

争论 zhēng lùn

noun (figurative (dispute)

The neighbours were in an ongoing battle over boundaries.

较量,斗争 jiào liàng ,dòu zhēng

noun (figurative (struggle)

Dealing with my bipolar disorder is an ongoing battle.

战斗的 zhàn dòu de

noun as adjective (used in battle)

He put on his battle armour when he heard the combat outside.

和…搏斗 hé bó dòu

transitive verb (fight: person, group)

They battled the enemy for two weeks.

与…抗争(从而争取到) yǔ kàng zhēng cóng ér zhēng qǔ dào

transitive verb (figurative (struggle against [sth])

He's battling cancer.

打仗 dǎ zhàng

intransitive verb (engage in combat)

They battled there for two weeks and destroyed much of the city.


(figurative (strenuously oppose) (与事)

He battled in vain against the factory closures.


(figurative (strenuously oppose) (与人)

Ed Miliband battled against his brother David for leadership of the Labour party.

战舰 zhàn jiàn

noun (warship)

Japan sent the battle cruiser Naniwa to Honolulu.

战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào

noun (soldiers' rallying call) (战斗中的)

The general rallied his men to the battle cry, "Remember the Alamo!"

战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào

noun (figurative (rallying slogan) (比喻)

The senator is raising the battle cry for state tax reform.

厌战症 yàn zhàn zhèng

noun (stress reaction to warfare)

They used to call it battle fatigue, now they call it Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

战旗 zhàn qí

noun (leads soldiers into battle)

战斗前线 zhàn dòu qián xiàn

noun (war: front line of fighting)

It was over a year before he was well enough to return to the battle front.


noun (armor)

战歌 zhàn gē

noun (song glorifying a military group)

分出胜负,决一胜负 fēn chū shèng fù,jué yī shèng fù

verbal expression (informal (compete) (非正式用语)

Todd and Tina usually don't compete, but this time they battled it out.

战线 zhàn xiàn


多人对战,皇家大混战 duō rén duì zhàn,huáng jiā dà hùn zhàn

noun (UK (wrestling: elimination match) (一种摔角比赛形式)

激烈的争辩,激烈的争论 jī liè de zhēng biàn,jī liè de zhēng lùn

noun (dispute, fight)

混战 hùn zhàn

noun (fight: many participants)


noun (injury sustained in warfare)

The battle wound he sustained led to his death.


adjective (having war experience)


adjective (with old wounds from combat)


adjective (figurative (traumatized)

战斧 zhàn fǔ

noun (hacking weapon)

(抱怨不休的)悍妇 bào yuàn bù xiū de hàn fù

noun (figurative, pejorative, slang (nagging woman) (俚语,比喻,轻蔑语)

作战 zuò zhàn

verbal expression (fight, struggle)

We are going to do battle with the board of education on the teacher hiring freeze.

与…斗争 yǔ … dòu zhēng

verbal expression (struggle or fight against)

He did battle with lung cancer for years before succumbing.


verbal expression (figurative (have little chance of success)

The union is fighting a losing battle; management is going to outsource their jobs.

战斗序列 zhàn dòu xù liè

noun (military plan of action)


noun (warfare at agreed time)

激战 jī zhàn

noun (figurative (intense fight, struggle) (比喻)

Jeff and Margaret's divorce turned into an ugly pitched battle.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。