英语 中的 bay 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bay 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bay 的说明。

英语 中的bay 表示海湾 hǎi wān, 山坳 shān ào, 月桂树的干树叶 yuè guì shù de gān shù yè, 枣红色的马 zǎo hóng sè de mǎ, 吠 , 吠叫 fèi, 红棕色的 hóng zōng sè de, 侧线或月台 cè xiàn huò yuè tái, 月桂 yuè guì, 分隔间 fēn gé jiān, 狗吠声 gǒu fèi shēng, 凸窗 tū chuāng, 山间凹地, 延伸到森林深处的草原, 机舱 jī cāng, 站台 zhàn tái, 嚎叫 háo jiào, 厉声要求, 保持距离, 旧金山湾区, 月桂叶 yuè guì yè, 烘干的月桂叶 hōng gān de yuè guì yè, 猪湾, 月桂油, 八角窗 bā jiǎo chuāng, 使...陷入困境, 防止…接近 fáng zhǐ … jiē jìn, 装货区, 船上的医务室 chuán shàng de yī wù shì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bay 的含义

海湾 hǎi wān

noun (cove)

The ship sailed into the bay at sunset.

山坳 shān ào

noun (alcove)

The delivery truck should arrive at the bay around 3:00.

月桂树的干树叶 yuè guì shù de gān shù yè

noun (herb used in cooking)

Lucinda's secret ingredient in her chicken recipe is bay.

枣红色的马 zǎo hóng sè de mǎ

noun (reddish-brown horse)

Fiona placed a bet on the bay at the big race.

吠 , 吠叫 fèi

intransitive verb (howl)

On moonlit nights, you can hear wolves baying at the moon.

红棕色的 hóng zōng sè de

adjective (horse: reddish brown)

A bay mare and her foal trotted through the meadow.

侧线或月台 cè xiàn huò yuè tái

noun (place for connections) (铁路,公共汽车的)

月桂 yuè guì

noun (shrub: laurel)

Sam spent the morning pruning the bay in front of the house.

分隔间 fēn gé jiān

noun (compartment on ship, etc.) (建筑物内的)

The ship's cargo is stored in the bay below deck.

狗吠声 gǒu fèi shēng

noun (howl)

The coyote's bay echoed for miles.

凸窗 tū chuāng

noun (window)

Heather likes to curl up with a good book in the bay on a rainy day.


noun (lowland)


noun (US (prairie land)

机舱 jī cāng

noun (aircraft compartment) (飞机的)

One member of the plane's crew is always monitoring the bomb bay.

站台 zhàn tái

noun (UK (area of rail platform) (铁路)

嚎叫 háo jiào

intransitive verb (howl)

At night, we could hear wolves baying in the distance.


(figurative (demand noisily)

The angry crowd were baying for the suspect's incarceration.


adverb (at a distance)

I wasn't ready to talk to my boss, so Jan kept him at bay for as long as she could.


noun (area around San Francisco, USA) (加州北部的一个大都会区)

Though not the largest city in the Bay Area, San Francisco is its cultural and financial center.

月桂叶 yuè guì yè

noun (aromatic leaf used in cooking) (调味品)

Whenever I make a casserole, I add a bay leaf from my garden.

烘干的月桂叶 hōng gān de yuè guì yè

plural noun (dried leaves used as seasoning) (做菜时用的香料)

Bay leaves make a wonderful addition to stews.


noun (bay in Cuba) (古巴)


noun (cologne for men)

八角窗 bā jiǎo chuāng

noun (window: projects outwards)

You can see the garden through the bay window.


verbal expression (hunted animal, person: corner, trap)

防止…接近 fáng zhǐ … jiē jìn

verbal expression (figurative (prevent getting closer)

Vaccination is the most effective way to keep the flu at bay.


noun (dock where cargo is loaded)

The truck reversed from the road to the loading bay.

船上的医务室 chuán shàng de yī wù shì

noun (infirmary)

The soldier reported immediately to sick bay.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。