英语 中的 be off 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 be off 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 be off 的说明。

英语 中的be off 表示离开 lí kāi, 从...上掉下, 从…脱离 cóng … tuō lí, [时间上相隔很远] [ shí jiān shàng xiàng gé hěn yuǎn ], 中断 zhōng duàn, 不上班 bú shàng bān, 偏差的 piān chā de, 关着的,切断的 guān zhe de ,qiē duàn de, 停用 tíng yòng, 状态不正常的 zhuàng tài bú zhèng cháng de, 不新鲜的 bù xīn xiān de, 低于通常水准的 dī yú tōng cháng shuǐ zhǔn de, 失效的 shī xiào de, 不活跃的 bù huó yuè de, 离开的 lí kāi de, 不精确的 bù jīng què de, 已经开始了的 yǐ jīng kāi shǐ le de, 离开的 lí kāi de, 摆脱 bǎi tuō, 离开 lí kāi, 远远地 yuǎn yuǎn de, 打折地 dǎ zhé de, 切断地,关掉地 qiē duàn de,guān diào de, 中断地 zhōng duàn de, 完全地 wán quán de, 赶紧地 gǎn jǐn de, 远离大陆地 yuǎn lí dà lù de, 不上班 bú shàng bān, 走开!滚开! zǒu kāi gǔn kāi, 关闭键 guān bì jiàn, 不再跟...系在一起 bú zài gēn jì zài yì qǐ, 掉下 diào xià, 在…的边上 zài de biān shàng, 不再得到…支持(资助) bú zài dé dào zhī chí zī zhù, 偏离 piān lí, 离开 lí kāi, 戒掉,戒除 jiè diào,jiè chú, 从,向,得自,来自 cóng ,xiàng,dé zì,lái zì, 掉落 diào luò, 位于离…的海面上 wèi yú lí de hǎi miàn shàng, 洗去 xǐ qù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 be off 的含义

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (leave)

It's getting late, so it's time for me to be off.


preposition (away or down from, not on)

The glass fell off the table.

从…脱离 cóng … tuō lí

preposition (no longer enclosing) (固定物、附着物)

The lid was off the jar of mustard.

[时间上相隔很远] [ shí jiān shàng xiàng gé hěn yuǎn ]

adverb (in the future)

Sexual equality is still many years off.

中断 zhōng duàn

adverb (setting: not in operation)

After finishing cooking, he turned the stove off.

不上班 bú shàng bān

preposition (away from: work)

I'm afraid you can't see the manager as he's off work today.

偏差的 piān chā de

adjective (inaccurate)

His calculations were off by a hundred. I'm not sure what you've done here, but it looks off to me.

关着的,切断的 guān zhe de ,qiē duàn de

adjective (not switched on) (电器、电流)

He couldn't see well because the light was off.

停用 tíng yòng

(no longer using)

Are you off the phone yet?

状态不正常的 zhuàng tài bú zhèng cháng de

adjective (not quite normal)

He felt off that day. It must have been what he ate for dinner the night before.

不新鲜的 bù xīn xiān de

adjective (informal (food: not fresh)

This fruit smells a little off. Perhaps it's fermented.

低于通常水准的 dī yú tōng cháng shuǐ zhǔn de

adjective (below usual standard)

Compared with her usual style, her singing seemed a little off at last night's recital.

失效的 shī xiào de

adjective (out of effect)

The insurance policy coverage is off as of next week.

不活跃的 bù huó yuè de

adjective (at lower activity level)

Travel is cheaper in the off season.

离开的 lí kāi de

adjective (farther, away)

The village is off a little - beyond the hills.

不精确的 bù jīng què de

adjective (informal (poorly aimed) (非正式用语)

The basketball player's shot was off, and he was taken out of the game.

已经开始了的 yǐ jīng kāi shǐ le de

adjective (sport: having started) (体育)

And they're off!

离开的 lí kāi de

adjective (informal (going)

I'm off now. See you later.

摆脱 bǎi tuō

adverb (used in expressions (to get rid of [sth])

He walked off the pain in his leg and went back into the game. She went to bed to sleep off her headache.

离开 lí kāi

adverb (used in expressions (away from)

He ran off into the forest to escape the police. She walked off without telling us where she was going.

远远地 yuǎn yuǎn de

adverb (distant, far)

He could see the mountain off in the distance.

打折地 dǎ zhé de

adverb (used in expressions (at a discount)

The stereos were being sold at 30% off.

切断地,关掉地 qiē duàn de,guān diào de

adverb (used in expressions (electricity: disconnected) (指电流)

When there is a storm, the power goes off.

中断地 zhōng duàn de

adverb (discontinued)

The clearance sale is off after the close of business tomorrow.

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (used in expressions (completely)

He paid off the loan in only three years. There's only a drop of wine left; you may as well finish it off.

赶紧地 gǎn jǐn de

adverb (used in expressions (speedily)

You ought to dash off a condolence note to the widow.

远离大陆地 yuǎn lí dà lù de

adverb (used in expressions (nautical: away from land) (航海)

They sailed off into the ocean.

不上班 bú shàng bān

adverb (time, day: away from work)

Can I please take the day off tomorrow?

走开!滚开! zǒu kāi gǔn kāi

interjection (Go away!)

Off, damned mosquito!

关闭键 guān bì jiàn

noun (machinery, device: off button)

Press 'off' to stop the machine.

不再跟...系在一起 bú zài gēn jì zài yì qǐ

preposition (no longer attached to)

The kite is off the string, and flying freely in the wind.

掉下 diào xià

preposition (no longer on top of)

The cloth is off the table, revealing many scratches in the wood.

在…的边上 zài de biān shàng

preposition (close to)

The restaurant is just off the highway.

不再得到…支持(资助) bú zài dé dào zhī chí zī zhù

preposition (no longer supported by)

She is off government assistance now.

偏离 piān lí

preposition (deviating from)

Off the normal route, he discovered new restaurants.

离开 lí kāi

preposition (away from)

I'm off school all next week.

戒掉,戒除 jiè diào,jiè chú

preposition (slang (abstaining from)

I'm off sweets now, as I'm trying to lose weight.

从,向,得自,来自 cóng ,xiàng,dé zì,lái zì

preposition (UK, informal (from)

I got the diamonds off him at a good price.

掉落 diào luò

preposition (down and away from)

The lid fell off of the jar, and onto the floor.

位于离…的海面上 wèi yú lí de hǎi miàn shàng

preposition (nautical: seaward)

Monhegan Island is off the Pemaquid Peninsula on the coast of Maine.

洗去 xǐ qù

intransitive verb (be removed by washing)

Unlike the real thing, these temporary tattoos can be washed off.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。