英语 中的 bedding 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bedding 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bedding 的说明。

英语 中的bedding 表示寝具 qǐn jù, 垫草,垫料 diàn cǎo,diàn liào, 地基 dì jī, 基床,层理, 床 chuáng, 病床,床位 bìng chuáng,chuáng wèi, 床位,寄宿处,睡觉的地方 chuáng wèi,jì sù chù,shuì jiào de dì fāng, 休息的地方 xiū xī de dì fāng, (道路的)一层 dào lù de yì céng, 层 céng, 花床 huā chuáng, (湖、河、海的)底部 hú hé hǎi de dǐ bù, 底层 dǐ céng, 底盘 dǐ pán, 给…提供床位 gěi tí gōng chuáng wèi, 让…睡觉 ràng shuì jiào, 与…同床,与…发生性关系 yǔ tóng chuáng,yǔ … fā shēng xìng guān xì, 把…放平 bǎ fàng píng, 将…放入一层…中 jiāng fàng rù yì céng zhōng, 把…栽入苗床,在苗圃中培育 bǎ zāi rù miáo chuáng, 花坛植物。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bedding 的含义

寝具 qǐn jù

noun (sheets, bed linen)

Rooms are equipped with a soft mattress and fresh bedding.

垫草,垫料 diàn cǎo,diàn liào

noun (animal litter) (动物用)

Rabbit bedding is on sale at the pet supply store.

地基 dì jī

noun (foundation)

The mortar acts as the bedding for the bricks in this wall.


noun (geology: rock layers) (地理)

Careful examination of the geological bedding in the area is necessary before drilling.

床 chuáng

noun (furniture for sleeping) (家具)

I will put clean sheets on your bed.

病床,床位 bìng chuáng,chuáng wèi

noun (patient's cot) (医院)

The ward has six beds and a view over the hospital grounds.

床位,寄宿处,睡觉的地方 chuáng wèi,jì sù chù,shuì jiào de dì fāng

noun (lodging)

He was looking for a bed for the night.

休息的地方 xiū xī de dì fāng

noun (resting place)

The cat went looking for a bed in the sun.

(道路的)一层 dào lù de yì céng

noun (road layer)

The road was made of tar and stones on a bed of gravel.

层 céng

noun (food: layer)

The salad was served on a bed of lettuce.

花床 huā chuáng

noun (garden plants)

There were rose beds around the cottage.

(湖、河、海的)底部 hú hé hǎi de dǐ bù

noun (lake, river, ocean bottom)

There was coral on the bed of the sea.

底层 dǐ céng

noun (foundation)

The house was built on a bed of solid rock.

底盘 dǐ pán

noun (part of vehicle) (汽车)

给…提供床位 gěi tí gōng chuáng wèi

transitive verb (provide with a bed)

The room could bed five people.

让…睡觉 ràng shuì jiào

transitive verb (put to bed)

The nurse had to bath and bed the children by seven o'clock.

与…同床,与…发生性关系 yǔ tóng chuáng,yǔ … fā shēng xìng guān xì

transitive verb (informal (have sex with) (非正式用语)

He had bedded countless women.

把…放平 bǎ fàng píng

transitive verb (lay flat)

To make the garden path, Lucy bedded the stone tiles into the ground.

将…放入一层…中 jiāng fàng rù yì céng zhōng

transitive verb (place in a layer)

If you bed the glasses in straw it will protect them.

把…栽入苗床,在苗圃中培育 bǎ zāi rù miáo chuáng

transitive verb (horticulture: plant) (园艺)

It is time to bed out the seedlings.


noun (ready-grown plant for planting)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。