英语 中的 beauty 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 beauty 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 beauty 的说明。

英语 中的beauty 表示美 měi, 美 měi, 魅力 mèi lì, 美女 měi nǚ, (同类中)出众者 tóng lèi zhōng chū zhòng zhě, 好处 hǎo chù, 特殊的东西,典型的例子 tè shū de dōng xī,diǎn xíng de lì zi, 选美会 xuǎn měi huì, 美与不美,全在观者, 美丽是肤浅的, 内在美才是真正的美, 选美比赛 xuǎn měi bǐ sài, 美容院 měi róng yuàn, 选美皇后 xuǎn měi huáng hòu, 美容院 měi róng yuàn, 美容学校, 美容觉, 小睡 xiǎo shuì, 美人痣 měi rén zhì, 美人斑,美人痣 měi rén bān,měi rén zhì, 美景 měi jǐng, 美容师 měi róng shī, 美容 měi róng, 大美女 dà měi nǚ, 超乎寻常的美貌 chāo hū xún cháng de měi mào, 内在美, 自然美,天生丽质, 自然美女, 自然风光,自然美景 zì rán fēng guāng, 睡美人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 beauty 的含义

美 měi

noun (that which is beautiful)

There is beauty in the woods in wintertime.

美 měi

noun (quality)

There is great beauty in the poetry of Shakespeare.

魅力 mèi lì

noun (charm, grace)

The painting had a certain primitive beauty.

美女 měi nǚ

noun (beautiful woman)

She was one of the beauties of her age.

(同类中)出众者 tóng lèi zhōng chū zhòng zhě

noun (outstanding thing)

That horse is a beauty.

好处 hǎo chù

noun (figurative (certain advantage)

The beauty of the job is the short working hours.

特殊的东西,典型的例子 tè shū de dōng xī,diǎn xíng de lì zi

noun (ironic (sarcastic: [sth] special) (俚语,讽刺)

That's a real beauty of a wart.

选美会 xuǎn měi huì

noun (competition: attractiveness)


expression (beauty is subjective)


expression (physical beauty is superficial)


expression (Moral virtues produce real beauty.)

选美比赛 xuǎn měi bǐ sài

noun (beauty contest)

The young girls competed for first place in the beauty pageant.

美容院 měi róng yuàn

noun (shop: cosmetic treatments)

I went to the beauty parlor to get a perm.

选美皇后 xuǎn měi huáng hòu

noun (woman: wins beauty contest)

When Angela was a little girl, she wanted to be a beauty queen.

美容院 měi róng yuàn

noun (shop offering cosmetic treatments)

She goes to the beauty salon nearly every week for a facial and a manicure. My aunt went to the beauty salon to have her hair and nails done.


noun (trains hair stylists, etc.)


noun (sleep before midnight for beauty)

小睡 xiǎo shuì

noun (extra rest)

美人痣 měi rén zhì

noun (mole on the face)

One of the the most famous beauty marks is the one that Marilyn Monroe had on her left cheek.

美人斑,美人痣 měi rén bān,měi rén zhì

noun (make-up: artificial mole on face) (化妆方法)

美景 měi jǐng

noun (place of natural beauty)

美容师 měi róng shī

noun (does facials, manicures, etc.)

美容 měi róng

noun (cosmetic procedure)

大美女 dà měi nǚ

noun (very beautiful woman)

His wife was a great beauty.

超乎寻常的美貌 chāo hū xún cháng de měi mào

noun (immense physical attractiveness)

The people admired the great beauty of the statue.


noun (attractive personality)

She may not be the best-looking girl, but at least she has inner beauty.


noun (attractiveness without cosmetics)

With natural beauty like hers, who needs cosmetics?


noun (woman who is naturally beautiful)

As a natural beauty, she never had to work hard to look good.

自然风光,自然美景 zì rán fēng guāng

noun (beauty of nature)


noun (fairytale character) (童话人物)

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beauty 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。