英语 中的 blazing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 blazing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 blazing 的说明。

英语 中的blazing 表示炽燃的 chì rán de, 强烈的,炽热的 qiáng liè de ,chì rè de, 烈火 , 火焰 , 火堆 liè huǒ, 亮光 liàng guāng, 爆发,迸发 bào fā ,bèng fā, 熊熊燃烧 xióng xióng rán shāo, 闪耀 shǎn yào, 连续射击 lián xù shè jī, 光明 guāng míng, 刻下的记号, 脸上的条纹,脸上的斑纹, 在...刻记号, 宣告 xuān gào, 极快的 jí kuài de, 烈火 liè huǒ, (家里)熊熊的炉火 jiā lǐ xióng xióng de lú huǒ, 激烈的争吵。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 blazing 的含义

炽燃的 chì rán de

adjective (fire: burning brightly)

The neighborhood residents stared in horror at the blazing house fire.

强烈的,炽热的 qiáng liè de ,chì rè de

adjective (sun: bright, hot) (阳光)

You shouldn't stay out in the blazing sun like that without sunscreen.

烈火 , 火焰 , 火堆 liè huǒ

noun (fire)

Three fire engines were called to tackle the blaze at the factory.

亮光 liàng guāng

noun (bright light)

The soldiers could see the blaze of a lantern far ahead.

爆发,迸发 bào fā ,bèng fā

noun (figurative (anger, etc.: intense burst) (怒火等)

Graham yelled at his son in a blaze of anger.

熊熊燃烧 xióng xióng rán shāo

intransitive verb (burn brightly)

The campfire blazed in the darkness.

闪耀 shǎn yào

intransitive verb (shine)

The stars blazed in the winter night sky.

连续射击 lián xù shè jī

intransitive verb (gun: fire continuously)

The outlaws emerged from their hiding place with their guns blazing.

光明 guāng míng

noun (brightness)

A sudden blaze lit up the sky.


noun (mark indicating trail) (指路用的)

The Appalachian Trail is marked with white blazes.


noun (marking on animal's face) (动物)

A black horse with a white blaze on its forehead galloped across the field.


transitive verb (mark a trail) (指路用)

The hiking trail was blazed by the Boy Scouts.

宣告 xuān gào

transitive verb (literary, dated (make known) (过时用语,书面用语)

Robert feared Valerie would blaze his secret.

极快的 jí kuài de

adjective (US, figurative (rapid)

The racehorse's pace was blazing fast.

烈火 liè huǒ

noun (fire: intense)

They sat outside the tent, swapping stories and toasting marshmallows over the blazing fire.

(家里)熊熊的炉火 jiā lǐ xióng xióng de lú huǒ

noun (inside a home)

They gathered round the blazing fire for warmth.


noun (UK, informal (fierce quarrel)

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