英语 中的 blast 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 blast 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 blast 的说明。

英语 中的blast 表示爆炸 bào zhà, 一阵,一股 yí zhèn,yì gǔ, 突然的巨响 tū rán de jù xiǎng, 喧嚣的聚会 , 狂欢会 xuān xiāo de jù huì, 轰击, 引爆 yǐn bào, 发射 fā shè, 该死!见鬼!, 爆炸冲击波, 猛烈的抨击, 枯萎病 kū wěi bìng, 使枯萎, 突然发出巨响, 使发出巨响, 猛烈抨击 měng liè pēng jī, 使枯萎, 该死!,见鬼! jiàn guǐ, 炸开,炸掉 zhà diào, 连续射击 lián xù shè jī, 发射升空 fā shè shēng kōng, 最大音量地 zuì dà yīn liàng de, 全力地 quán lì de, 很有趣, 过去记忆的唤醒, 鼓风炉 gǔ fēng lú, 阵风 zhèn fēng, 大声响起 dà shēng xiǎng qǐ, 鼓风炉的,高炉的, 发射 fā shè, 生气勃勃地开始, 腾飞, 最大音量, 全速 quán sù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 blast 的含义

爆炸 bào zhà

noun (explosion)

The miners ran for cover at the sound of the blast.

一阵,一股 yí zhèn,yì gǔ

noun (sudden gust) (疾风、冷空气等)

Alex opened the door and was met with a blast of cold air.

突然的巨响 tū rán de jù xiǎng

noun (sudden loud sound)

Everyone jumped in surprise at the trumpet blast.

喧嚣的聚会 , 狂欢会 xuān xiāo de jù huì

noun (figurative, slang (good time) (俚语)

I'm glad I went to the party, it was a blast!


transitive verb (shoot [sth], [sb])

James blasted the target four times in a row. The victim was blasted by a masked gunman.

引爆 yǐn bào

transitive verb (blow [sth] up)

The demolition crew is planning to blast that building.

发射 fā shè

intransitive verb (missile: be fired, shot)

A stream of bullets blasted from his gun.


interjection (slang (annoyance)

Blast! I just went and spilled my coffee all over the floor!


noun (shock wave)

People could feel the blast a mile away from the explosion site.


noun (figurative (severe criticism)

Ron was nearly in tears over the tutor's blast of his thesis.

枯萎病 kū wěi bìng

noun (fungal disease)

A high percentage of rice crops is lost to blast.


intransitive verb (cause to wither)

Fungus has blasted this year's cereal crops.


intransitive verb (noise: be loud)

Loud music was blasting from the man's phone.


transitive verb (make loud noise)

The group of teenagers blasted rock music on the stereo.

猛烈抨击 měng liè pēng jī

transitive verb (figurative (criticize harshly)

The professor blasted the poorly-written essay.


transitive verb (wither)

The disease blasted a large number of trees in the region.

该死!,见鬼! jiàn guǐ

interjection (UK, informal (expressing annoyance)

炸开,炸掉 zhà diào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (remove forcefully)

They will blast away the rocks with dynamite.

连续射击 lián xù shè jī

phrasal verb, intransitive (US, informal (shoot repeatedly)

发射升空 fā shè shēng kōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (spacecraft: launch) (火箭等)

The space rocket is preparing to blast off.

最大音量地 zuì dà yīn liàng de

adverb (figurative (loudly)

If you must play your music at full blast, please use headphones.

全力地 quán lì de

adverb (forcefully)

I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings.


verbal expression (slang, figurative (be great fun)

I can't wait for this weekend, it will be a total blast!


noun (informal ([sth] unexpectedly nostalgic)

鼓风炉 gǔ fēng lú

noun (kiln used for smelting)

Blast furnaces are used for smelting iron ore.

阵风 zhèn fēng

noun (gust)

A blast of wind blew the door shut and I could not get back in the house.

大声响起 dà shēng xiǎng qǐ

(sound very loudly)

The longer the traffic waited, the more the car horns blasted out.


noun as adjective (related to metal production furnace)

发射 fā shè

noun (launch of a spacecraft) (火箭、飞船等)

生气勃勃地开始, 腾飞

noun (figurative (energetic beginning)


expression (as loud as possible)

If you must play your music full blast, please use headphones.

全速 quán sù

expression (producing as much power as possible)

I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。