英语 中的 bow 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bow 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bow 的说明。

英语 中的bow 表示点头 diǎn tóu, 向…鞠躬 xiàng jū gōng, 向…屈服, 鞠躬,欠身 jū gōng,qiàn shēn, 弓 gōng, 弯曲 wān qū, (弦类乐器的)琴弓 xián lèi yuè qì de qín gōng, 蝴蝶结 hú dié jié, (船或飞机的)前部 chuán huò fēi jī de qián bù, 头桨手, 压弯 yā wān, 低下 dī xià, 使…俯首 shǐ fǔ shǒu, 使…弯腰 shǐ wān yāo, 鞠躬 jū gōng, 向…鞠躬 xiàng jū gōng, 对…表示敬意 duì biǎo shì jìng yì, 辞职,退休 cí zhí,tuì xiū, 弓箭 gōng jiàn, 弓锯, 蝴蝶结 hú dié jié, 弓形窗, 正式的 zhèng shì de, 腿向外弯的 tuǐ xiàng wài wān de, 罗圈腿地, 狗 gǒu, 狗吠 gǒu fèi, 蝶形领结, 蝶形领结,蝴蝶领结, 蝴蝶结 hú dié jié, 环状靠背, 谢幕 xiè mù, 小提琴弓。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bow 的含义

点头 diǎn tóu

intransitive verb (nod, lean forward in greeting)

Instead of shaking hands, people in some Asian cultures prefer to bow.

向…鞠躬 xiàng jū gōng

(gesture respectfully) (人)

"Your majesty," said the man as he bowed to the Queen.


(figurative (yield) (某事)

The director bowed to the parents' demands and retracted his new policy.

鞠躬,欠身 jū gōng,qiàn shēn

noun (greeting: inclined head, body)

The courtiers' bows showed deference to the king.

弓 gōng

noun (weapon: fires arrows)

A hunter's bow is often made of flexible wood.

弯曲 wān qū

noun (curve, bend)

This branch has a very pronounced bow to it.

(弦类乐器的)琴弓 xián lèi yuè qì de qín gōng

noun (rod for a stringed instrument)

The violinist takes good care of her bow.

蝴蝶结 hú dié jié

noun (decorative ribbon) (装饰物)

After they wrapped the present, they put a bow on it.

(船或飞机的)前部 chuán huò fēi jī de qián bù

noun (front of a ship)

The passengers gathered in the bow of the ship.


noun (bowman: [sb] who rows at bow of boat)

压弯 yā wān

intransitive verb (curve downwards)

The tree branch bowed under the weight of the snow.

低下 dī xià

transitive verb (lower: your head) (头)

The parishioners bowed their heads in prayer.

使…俯首 shǐ fǔ shǒu

transitive verb (force to submit)

The dictator bowed the people to his will.

使…弯腰 shǐ wān yāo

transitive verb (usually passive (cause to stoop)

He walks with a stoop, bowed by age.

鞠躬 jū gōng

phrasal verb, intransitive (bend, kneel in respect)

She was asked to bow down in front of a statue of their god.

向…鞠躬 xiàng jū gōng

(literal (bow in deference to)

It is customary to bow down before the Emperor of Japan.

对…表示敬意 duì biǎo shì jìng yì

(figurative (show deference to)

He is so arrogant that he thinks everyone should bow down before him.

辞职,退休 cí zhí,tuì xiū

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (withdraw)

Williams had to bow out of the race after suffering a leg injury.

弓箭 gōng jiàn

noun (archery: weapon)

The crossbow replaced the bow and arrow as a weapon.



蝴蝶结 hú dié jié

noun (bow-shaped necktie)

Alan was wearing a bow tie.


noun (window: curves outwards)

正式的 zhèng shì de

noun as adjective (dinner, etc.: formal) (晚宴等活动)

He's been invited to a bow-tie dinner.

腿向外弯的 tuǐ xiàng wài wān de

adjective (bandy, with legs bending outwards)

Look at the way that woman walks; she's bowlegged. Children are naturally bow-legged until the age of three.


adverb (with legs bending outwards)

The cowboys in old movies always walk bowlegged.

狗 gǒu

noun (infantile (dog, doggy)

狗吠 gǒu fèi

noun (dog's bark)


noun (UK (bow tie)


noun (UK, informal (bow tie)

蝴蝶结 hú dié jié

noun (decorative hair tie) (装饰发带)


noun (type of chair back) (椅子)

谢幕 xiè mù

verbal expression (bow for applause)

At the end of a play it's customary for the actors to take a bow at the front of the stage.


noun (rod used to play violin)

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bow 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。