英语 中的 bowls 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bowls 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bowls 的说明。

英语 中的bowls 表示碗 wǎn, 一碗…, 打保龄球 dǎ bǎo líng qiú, 洼地,盆地 wā dì ,pén dì, 碗状口 wǎn zhuàng kǒu, 斗, 投球 tóu qiú, 盆 pén, 投球得…分, 圆形露天体育场, 保龄球,木球 bǎo líng qiú,mù qiú, 超级杯,超级碗, 草地滚球, 保龄球,木球 bǎo líng qiú,mù qiú, 舀物部分, 草地滚球,草地保龄球 cǎo dì bǎo líng qiú, 疾驶,快速行驶, 击倒在地 jī dǎo zài dì, 使大吃一惊 shǐ dà chī yì jīng, 碗盖头, 碗状的, 麦片碗 mài piàn wǎn, 风沙侵蚀区, 黑色风暴, 洗指碗, 球形鱼缸 qiú xíng yú gāng, 没有隐私的地方 méi yǒu yǐn sī de dì fāng, 果盘 guǒ pán, 金鱼缸 jīn yú gāng, 搅拌碗, (装潘趣酒的)大酒杯,宾治酒杯 zhuāng pān qù jiǔ de dà jiǔ bēi,bīn zhì jiǔ bēi, 盛饭的碗 chéng fàn de wǎn, 色拉碗 sè lā wǎn, 盛汤的碗 chéng tāng de wǎn, 盛放糖的碗 chéng fàng táng de wǎn, 超级碗, 抽水马桶 chōu shuǐ mǎ tǒng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bowls 的含义

碗 wǎn

noun (deep round dish)

We filled a bowl with popcorn before the movie.


noun (bowlful)

I ate a bowl of peanuts as a snack.

打保龄球 dǎ bǎo líng qiú

intransitive verb (play tenpins, skittles)

We like to bowl on Wednesday nights.

洼地,盆地 wā dì ,pén dì

noun (geology: basin) (地理)

The bowl of the crater was about six kilometres in diameter.

碗状口 wǎn zhuàng kǒu

noun (bowl-shaped depression)

The bowl, or crater, of an extinct volcano is called a caldera.

noun (pipe: cup-shaped part) (烟斗的)

He filled the bowl of the pipe with tobacco.

投球 tóu qiú

intransitive verb (cricket: be bowler) (板球)

The captain told Fred that it was his turn to bowl.

盆 pén

noun (for washing dishes) (洗碗用的)

Lisa left the casserole dish to soak in the bowl.


transitive verb (achieve, score in bowling) (保龄球)

He bowled a perfect game.


noun (US (arena, stadium)

One championship is played in the Peach Bowl in Georgia.

保龄球,木球 bǎo líng qiú,mù qiú

noun (ball for ninepins, tenpins) (草地滚木球游戏或保龄球中使用的球)

Audrey threw the bowl and scored a strike.


noun (US (competition) (美国橄榄球比赛)

The Super Bowl is the major event of the football season.


noun (sport: lawn bowls) (运动)

Brian enjoys playing bowls with his friends at the weekend.

保龄球,木球 bǎo líng qiú,mù qiú

noun (ball for bowls) (器械)

The bowl is the wooden ball with flattened sides used to play bowls.


noun (concave head of a spoon) (指勺子的)

草地滚球,草地保龄球 cǎo dì bǎo líng qiú

noun (sport: bowls played on a green)


phrasal verb, intransitive (travel quickly)

击倒在地 jī dǎo zài dì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (knock to the ground)

The big dog was so excited that he ran up and bowled over the little boy.

使大吃一惊 shǐ dà chī yì jīng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, often passive (astound, amaze)

My colleagues' kindness following my car accident really bowled me over.


noun (haircut)


adjective (deeply curved, concave)

麦片碗 mài piàn wǎn

noun (dish for breakfast cereal)

A cereal bowl is deep and has steep sides which help to prevent spilling milk or cereal out of the bowl. I use the same cereal bowl every morning.


noun (area of barren land)


noun (historical (drought in 1930s America) (美国上世纪30年代)


noun (dish for rinsing fingers)

球形鱼缸 qiú xíng yú gāng

noun (container for pet fish)

I need to clean the fish bowl this week.

没有隐私的地方 méi yǒu yǐn sī de dì fāng

noun (figurative (place, situation: no privacy)

I can't stand living in this fish bowl a minute longer!

果盘 guǒ pán

noun (dish for displaying fruit)

I was disappointed to find that the fruit bowl contained wax fruit.

金鱼缸 jīn yú gāng

noun (round glass container for goldfish)

The comedian pretended to be an astronaut by placing a gold fish bowl over his head.


noun (receptacle for stirring ingredients)

(装潘趣酒的)大酒杯,宾治酒杯 zhuāng pān qù jiǔ de dà jiǔ bēi,bīn zhì jiǔ bēi

noun (receptacle for party drinks) (一种在party上装甜酒饮料的容器)

盛饭的碗 chéng fàn de wǎn

noun (deep dish for rice)

The rice bowl must be placed next to the spoon and the fork.

色拉碗 sè lā wǎn

noun (large dish for salad vegetables)

Mom always tosses salad in the big wooden salad bowl.

盛汤的碗 chéng tāng de wǎn

noun (deep dish for soup)

There were two styles of soup bowls in the range: deep and shallow.

盛放糖的碗 chéng fàng táng de wǎn

noun (receptacle: holds sugar)

Never put a wet teaspoon back in the sugar bowl.


noun (American football: annual championship) (体育赛事)

The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl in 2019.

抽水马桶 chōu shuǐ mǎ tǒng

noun (basin of lavatory)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。