英语 中的 brush 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 brush 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 brush 的说明。

英语 中的brush 表示刷 shuā, 画笔 huà bǐ, 发刷 fà shuā, 刷子 shuā zi, 用刷子刷,用刷子清洁 yòng shuā zǐ shuā, 把(油漆等)刷在…上, 掸掉,把…掸掉,把…从…上拭去, 轻点 qīng diǎn, 刷(牙) shuā yá, (用在打击乐器上的)刷子 yòng zài dǎ jī yuè qì shàng de shuā zi, 掠过 lüè guò, 灌木丛地带, 低矮的树丛, 轻触 qīng chù, 不理会 bù lǐ huì, 扫开 sǎo kāi, (为迫使击球员退开而)投出头侧球 wèi pò shǐ jī qiú yuán tuì kāi ér tóu chū tóu cè qiú, 不理 bù lǐ, 不理,漠视 bù lǐ,mò shì, 与…擦肩而过, 重新温习以提高, 温习 wēn xí, 温习,重新拾起 wēn xí, 擦掉 cā diào, 把(头发)向后梳 bǎ tóu fà xiàng hòu shū, 灌丛火, 刷去, 拂去, 笔划, 笔触 bǐ chù, 润色,改善,改观 rùn sè,gǎi shàn, 复习,重温 fù xí, 润色 rùn sè, 梳妆打扮 shū zhuāng dǎ bàn, 回顾的,复习的 huí gù de, 轻触 qīng chù, 指甲刷 zhǐ jiǎ shuā, 蛱蝶, 漆刷 qī shuā, 板刷 bǎn shuā, 修面刷 xiū miàn shuā, 马桶刷 mǎ tǒng shuā, 钢丝刷 gāng sī shuā。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 brush 的含义

刷 shuā

noun (decorator's paintbrush)

The painter used a wide brush to paint the house.

画笔 huà bǐ

noun (artist's paintbrush)

The artist used a small brush to paint the fine lines.

发刷 fà shuā

noun (bristled implement for hair)

The girl fixes her hair with her favourite brush.

刷子 shuā zi

noun (bristled cleaning tool)

She used a brush to clean off the dust.

用刷子刷,用刷子清洁 yòng shuā zǐ shuā

transitive verb (clean, scrub)

She brushed the carpet with a stiff-bristled brush. Selina brushed her long hair until it was shiny.


(paint, etc.: apply)

The carpenter brushed more paint onto the table.


(remove, wipe)

He brushed the crumbs off his shirt front.

轻点 qīng diǎn

transitive verb (touch lightly)

She gently brushed my arm with the back of her hand.

刷(牙) shuā yá

transitive verb (teeth: clean)

He brushed his teeth before going to bed.

(用在打击乐器上的)刷子 yòng zài dǎ jī yuè qì shàng de shuā zi

noun (music: percussion)

Many jazz drummers prefer to use the brush for a softer sound.

掠过 lüè guò

noun (brief encounter)

Lily drove much more cautiously after her brush with death.


noun (scrubland)

Rabbits live in the brush.


noun (cluster of low plants)

The landscape was barren except for a couple of patches of brush here and there.

轻触 qīng chù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (touch lightly in passing)

不理会 bù lǐ huì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (dismiss, not consider)

The Prime Minister brushed aside any suggestion that the government had failed to deal with the problem.

扫开 sǎo kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (sweep to one side)

Andrea brushed aside her hair.

(为迫使击球员退开而)投出头侧球 wèi pò shǐ jī qiú yuán tuì kāi ér tóu chū tóu cè qiú

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (baseball)

不理 bù lǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (dismiss: [sb])

I've asked Walter repeatedly if we can talk but he keeps brushing me off.

不理,漠视 bù lǐ,mò shì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (disregard: [sth])

I was really upset; I had put a lot of work into that project, and my boss just brushed it off.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (skim in passing)


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (revise, refresh knowledge)

My spoken French is quite good, but I would like to brush up a bit.

温习 wēn xí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal, figurative (refresh knowledge, skill)

Gary wants to brush up his Spanish before going to Madrid.

温习,重新拾起 wēn xí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (refresh knowledge of [sth]) (已生疏的知识、技能)

Janice joined the course to brush up on her maths skills.

擦掉 cā diào


James brushed away his tears and began to smile.

把(头发)向后梳 bǎ tóu fà xiàng hòu shū

(hair: comb back)

Rachel brushed back her hair.


noun (blaze: destroys vegetation)

刷去, 拂去


Brush off the bench before you sit down.


noun (movement of a brush)

笔触 bǐ chù

noun (mark made by a paintbrush)

I prefer painting walls with a roller because otherwise you can see all my brush strokes.

润色,改善,改观 rùn sè,gǎi shàn

transitive verb (improve [sth]'s appearance)

Shaun took advantage of the time he spent unemployed by brushing up his CV.

复习,重温 fù xí

noun (refreshing or renewing)

I think my Italian is in need of a brush-up before we go to Florence.

润色 rùn sè

noun (US (minor repair)

The curator gave the collection a final brushup before putting it on display.

梳妆打扮 shū zhuāng dǎ bàn

noun (UK (cleaning or grooming)

Tanya gave herself a quick brush-up before meeting the boss.

回顾的,复习的 huí gù de

noun as adjective (relating to rehearsals)

The cast gathered for a brushup rehearsal before the evening show.

轻触 qīng chù

verbal expression (touch)

I brushed up against him just as he was leaving.

指甲刷 zhǐ jiǎ shuā

noun (small brush for cleaning finger- and toe-nails)

I used a nail brush to scrub the dirt from under my nails after working in the garden.


noun (butterfly of Nymphalidae family)

漆刷 qī shuā

noun (tool for applying pigment)

I'm not into painting much but I do have a good collection of paint brushes.

板刷 bǎn shuā

noun (stiff-bristled brush)

The only way to get the stain off the carpet is with a scrubbing brush and plenty of detergent.

修面刷 xiū miàn shuā

noun (men's short, soft brush for shaving)

He got a new shaving brush and razor for Christmas.

马桶刷 mǎ tǒng shuā

noun (long-handled brush for cleaning toilets)

She picked up the toilet brush to scrub the commode.

钢丝刷 gāng sī shuā

noun (tool with steel bristles)

Use a wire brush to remove any corrosion.

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brush 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。