英语 中的 sweep 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sweep 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sweep 的说明。

英语 中的sweep 表示扫地, 扫, 打扫 dǎ sǎo, 扫,拂 fú, 整个彩池,整个奖池, 赌金独得, 搅拌羊水,搅动羊水, 搜索 sōu suǒ, 开阔的一片(区域), 长桨, 收视率 shōu shì lǜ, 延伸 yán shēn, 在…中连连获胜 zài … zhōng lián lián huò shèng, 清扫 qīng sǎo, 在…快速蔓延, 一举赢得, 在…清扫, 扫烟囱的人 sǎo yān cōng de rén, 使...卷入, 使...陷入, 忽视 hū shì, 彻底清理, 压倒性胜利 yā dǎo xìng shèng lì, 彻底转型, 席卷 xí juǎn, 扫走 sǎo zǒu, 掠过 lüè guò, 扫除, 扫走, 清除 qīng chú, 冲毁,冲垮,冲走 chōng kuǎ,chōng zǒu, 潇洒地走进, 闯入 chuǎng rù, 大获全胜 dà huò quán shèng, 清扫 qīng sǎo, 昂然离开 áng rán lí kāi, 没过, 压倒,压过 yā dǎo ,yā guò, 掠过 lüè guò, 掠过 lüè guò, 使...倾心, 风靡全国,横扫全国, 迅速传遍, 迅速传遍, 清扫 qīng sǎo, 清扫 qīng sǎo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sweep 的含义


intransitive verb (clean a floor)

Robert cleaned and swept before he went to bed.

transitive verb (clean: a floor)

Helen swept the kitchen floor after she'd finished cooking.

打扫 dǎ sǎo

noun (act of brushing or cleaning)

The bathroom floor is covered in hairs; a sweep will get it clean.

扫,拂 fú

noun (movement in an arc)

With a sweep of his hand, the musketeer brought his sword to his enemy's throat.


noun (betting pool)

Carol won the sweep.


plural noun (informal (sweepstakes)


noun (cervical sweep, membrane sweep)

Elizabeth needed a sweep to induce childbirth.

搜索 sōu suǒ

noun (search)

The sweep of the area failed to find the criminal.


noun (extent, expanse)

Tom stood outside his front door, looking at the sweep of the lawn in front of him.


noun (long oar)

收视率 shōu shì lǜ

plural noun (US, informal (television: rating) (电视)

延伸 yán shēn

intransitive verb (extend)

The wooded slopes sweep down to a river.

在…中连连获胜 zài … zhōng lián lián huò shèng

transitive verb (US (sports: win a series) (体育运动)

The gymnast swept the competition, winning six gold medals.

清扫 qīng sǎo

transitive verb (clean: a chimney) (烟囱)

Alan swept the chimney, ready to light the fire over the winter.


transitive verb (figurative (spread quickly across)

Fire swept the building.


(figurative (take, carry)

John swept off the prize.


(search) (地雷)

The squadron swept the area for mines. The spies swept the room for bugs.

扫烟囱的人 sǎo yān cōng de rén

noun ([sb] employed to clean chimneys)

In the nineteenth century, children were often employed as chimney sweeps because they were small enough to climb up narrow chimneys.

使...卷入, 使...陷入

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, often passive (involve)

Sarah didn't mean to get involved, but she was swept along by the enthusiasm of the crowd.

忽视 hū shì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (ignore [sth/sb])


noun (thorough clearing-up)

Before leaving the campground, we did a clean sweep of the site.

压倒性胜利 yā dǎo xìng shèng lì

noun (overwhelming victory)


noun (thorough reform, change)

席卷 xí juǎn

(spread rapidly over)

This snow storm is sweeping across the entire state!

扫走 sǎo zǒu

(carry, transport)

The wind swept along debris from the street.

掠过 lüè guò

(move smoothly)

Cars swept along the road.

扫除, 扫走

(clear with a broom or brush)

I swept the dirt away from the door with an old broom.

清除 qīng chú

(figurative (banish, eliminate)

The new leader promised to sweep away the corruption in the country.

冲毁,冲垮,冲走 chōng kuǎ,chōng zǒu

(clear, destroy)

The floodwaters swept away several trees.


(figurative (enter in a dramatic way)

The family had been waiting for an hour before their long-lost daughter finally swept in, fashionably late.

闯入 chuǎng rù

(figurative (dash into a place)

The car was about to hit the child, when a man swept in from nowhere and pushed her out of the way.

大获全胜 dà huò quán shèng

(figurative (be elected decisively) (党派)

This party swept in at the last election.

清扫 qīng sǎo

(clear with a broom)

I need to sweep out my dirty garage.

昂然离开 áng rán lí kāi

(figurative (exit haughtily)

Nancy entered the room, saw James was there, and immediately turned and swept out.


(pass over and submerge)

压倒,压过 yā dǎo ,yā guò

(figurative (strongly affect, overwhelm)

掠过 lüè guò

(go by rapidly)

Gareth stood at the side of the racetrack, watching as the horses swept by.

掠过 lüè guò

(move rapidly past [sth], [sb])

The cars swept past the front of the house.


verbal expression (cause to fall in love)


verbal expression (figurative (become hugely popular)


(spread quickly)

The virus swept through the school; within two weeks, almost all the pupils had had it.


(figurative (information: spread quickly) (消息)

News of Jerry's return swept through the village.

清扫 qīng sǎo

(clean with a broom, brush)

If you are going to allow dogs in the house you need to sweep up the dog hair.

清扫 qīng sǎo

(clean using a broom, brush)

Once she had finished cooking, Polly swept up.

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sweep 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。