英语 中的 by myself 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 by myself 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 by myself 的说明。

英语 中的by myself 表示被…,由… bèi,yóu, [表示创作者或行为发出者是谁], 在…附近 zài … fù jìn, 经过 jīng guò, 靠近 kào jìn, 以…之差 yǐ … zhī chā, 在…之前,不迟于 zài … zhī qián,bù chí yú, 工具, 方式, 路线 lù xiàn, 在…时候 zài shí hòu, 凭借 píng jiè, 通过…(权力) tōng guò quán lì, 遵照 zūn zhào, 依靠 yī kào, 在…后 zài hòu, 乘… chéng, 按…计算 àn … jì suàn, 其父亲为… qí fù qīn wéi, 偏于,偏向 piān xiàng, 通过,靠,由 tōng guò ,kào,yóu, 在…环境下, 乘, [表示增减程度], 遵循 zūn xún, 吹去 chuī qù, 有...陪同的, 一同发生或存在的, 在…旁边, 随着时光流逝, 出自某人之手 chū zì mǒu rén zhī shǒu, 因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú, 由…陪同, 火的洗礼,第一次磨练 huǒ de xǐ lǐ,dì yí cì mó liàn, 战火洗礼 zhàn huǒ xǐ lǐ, 陷入,被陷在 xiàn rù, 在…之前 zài … zhī qián, 被车撞了, 由…引导 yóu yǐn dǎo, 由…领导 yóu lǐng dǎo, 由…供能,由…驱动, 被…败坏的, 由…写的 yóu xiě de, 从做…开始, 因...而麻木的, 被围攻的,被敌人包围的 bèi wéi gōng de ,bèi dí rén bāo wéi de, 被...包围的, 包围 bāo wéi, 对…爱得发狂, 一点一点地 yì diǎn yì diǎn de, , 逐一的 zhú yī de, 因…烦恼, 受约束的,受到义务束缚的 shòu yuē shù de ,shòu dào yì wù shù fù de, 被…限制, 被…包围, 大量地 dà liàng de, 差一点儿 chà yì diǎn er, 险些 xiǎn xiē, 很大的差距, 多数地 duō shù de, 比分相差不大地, 举手表决地 jǔ shǒu biǎo jué de, 偶然 ǒu rán, 通过航空途径, 穿过大气, 通过航空邮寄 tōng guò háng kōng yóu jì, 众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī, 想尽一切办法 xiǎng jìn yí qiè bàn fǎ, 毫无疑问地 háo wú yí wèn de, 以后 yǐ hòu, 不久后 bù jiǔ hòu, 大概 dà gài, 可能 kě néng, 无论如何 wú lùn rú hé, 以任何标准, 天生 tiān shēng, 生来 shēng lái, 乘汽车 chéng qì chē, 驾车,开车 jià chē ,kāi chē, 偶然 ǒu rán, 自愿地 zì yuàn de, 通过下命令 tōng guò xià mìng lìng, 通过共识 tōng guò gòng shí, 经过比较 jīng guò bǐ jiào, 与…比较 yǔ bǐ jiào, 通过共识 tōng guò gòng shí, 相反地 xiāng fǎn de, 默认地 mò rèn de, 因缺席,因未到场, 按照本性, 按照定义, 渐渐地,逐渐地,一点一点地 jiàn jiàn de ,zhú jiàn de ,yì diǎn yì diǎn de, 凭借 píng jiè, 通过做某事,通过某种方式 tōng guò zuò mǒu shì,tōng guò mǒu zhǒng fāng shì, 进而, …得多 de duō, 通过武力 tōng guò wǔ lì, 通过货运 tōng guò huò yùn, 一半地 yí bàn de, 非常,相当,远远地 fēi cháng,xiāng dāng ,yuǎn yuǎn de, 手工地 shǒu gōng de, 凭记忆 píng jì yì, 不择手段, 暗示地 àn shì de, 分期地 fēn qī de, 凭直觉地 píng zhí jué de, 出于本能地 chū yú běn néng de, 出于本能地 chū yú běn néng de, 独自地 dú zì de, 单独地 dān dú de, 天啊 tiān ā, 由陆路 yóu lù lù, 根据法律 gēn jù fǎ lǜ, 飞速,跨越式,突飞猛进, 幸运地,侥幸地 xìng yùn de, 通过邮件的形式 tōng guò yóu jiàn de xíng shì, 通过电子邮件的形式 tōng guò diàn zǐ yóu jiàn de xíng shì, 通过婚姻 tōng guò hūn yīn, 通过 tōng guò, 无意地 wú yì de, 用名字, 凭借名声, 本质上 běn zhì shàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 by myself 的含义

被…,由… bèi,yóu

preposition (agent in passives)

The tree was cut down by his neighbour.


preposition (author, creator)

Hamlet is a play by Shakespeare.

在…附近 zài … fù jìn

preposition (close: around)

There's a drinking fountain by the tennis court.

经过 jīng guò

preposition (close: past)

We always walk by the post office on the way to work.

靠近 kào jìn

preposition (close: beside, near to)

The keys are by the door over there.

以…之差 yǐ … zhī chā

preposition (close: distance measure) (距离等)

The ball missed the window by a metre.

在…之前,不迟于 zài … zhī qián,bù chí yú

preposition (time: not later than) (时间)

You must have the report done by Monday.

工具, 方式

preposition (via: using the means of) (表示旅行、交通等)

Should we go by car or by taxi?

路线 lù xiàn

preposition (via: using a route) (表示旅行、交通等)

I usually go by New York when I fly to Europe.

在…时候 zài shí hòu

preposition (during)

The street is noisy by day but very quiet by night.

凭借 píng jiè

preposition (according to)

I know him by his first name.

通过…(权力) tōng guò quán lì

preposition (with the authority of)

By the authority vested in me, I proclaim you husband and wife.

遵照 zūn zhào

preposition (in conformity with)

He does everything by the book.

依靠 yī kào

preposition (on the basis of)

They met by chance.

在…后 zài hòu

preposition (after, serially)

Things got more tense minute by minute. They walked down the road two by two.

乘… chéng

preposition (multiplied by, times)

Two by four is eight.

按…计算 àn … jì suàn

preposition (unit of measure)

She bought eggs by the dozen. We get paid by the hour.

其父亲为… qí fù qīn wéi

preposition (horse: sired by)

Screaming Thunder, by Screaming Eagle, won the Preakness.

偏于,偏向 piān xiàng

preposition (describing compass points) (指示方位)

Head northeast by north.

通过,靠,由 tōng guò ,kào,yóu

preposition (indicating means) (表示方式、手段)

By finishing her homework early, she was able to join her friends.


preposition (accompanying conditions)

We love to eat by candlelight.

preposition (indicating dimensions) (面积)

The board should measure 2 by 4 feet.


preposition (margin) (数量)

CO2 emissions have reduced by 5% over the past three years. Jeff is older than Carl by eight months.

遵循 zūn xún

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (obey)

Cathy decided to abide by the rules.

吹去 chuī qù

phrasal verb, intransitive (be swept past)

A paper bag blew by in the wind.


verbal expression (go in company with)


verbal expression (coexist with)


preposition (UK (along the length of, next to)


expression (as circumstances change)

Sometimes, as time goes by, people's interests and tastes change.

出自某人之手 chū zì mǒu rén zhī shǒu

preposition (because of)

Many women die at the hands of their own families for perceived dishonor.

因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú

preposition (because of) (指由于某人行为)



The queen was attended by six ladies in waiting.

火的洗礼,第一次磨练 huǒ de xǐ lǐ,dì yí cì mó liàn

noun (figurative (difficult initiation) (比喻痛苦或困难的第一次经历)

My first day as a math teacher was a baptism of fire. The pupils just wouldn't keep quiet!

战火洗礼 zhàn huǒ xǐ lǐ

noun (figurative (soldier: first combat) (士兵的第一次战斗经历)

Bullets were flying all around and people were dying; it was truly a baptism by fire.

陷入,被陷在 xiàn rù

verbal expression (figurative (encumbered or oppressed) (比喻)

The lawyer was bogged down in paper work.

在…之前 zài … zhī qián

verbal expression (precede, come before)

The calm is always followed by the storm.


verbal expression (be knocked down)

Greg crossed the street without checking for traffic, and was consequently hit by a car.

由…引导 yóu yǐn dǎo

verbal expression (be guided)

I will be led by my doctor's advice.

由…领导 yóu lǐng dǎo

verbal expression (be managed)

The research project was led by a university professor.


verbal expression (run or function on)

Most cars are powered by petrol.


verbal expression (figurative (experience: be spoiled by [sth])

My memories of the wedding are tainted by the argument that broke out at the reception.

由…写的 yóu xiě de

verbal expression (have as author)

The story "The Pit and the Pendulum" was written by Edgar Allan Poe.


(do first)

When learning a new recipe, it is best to begin by reading all the way through.


(literary (made numb by: cold, etc.)

被围攻的,被敌人包围的 bèi wéi gōng de ,bèi dí rén bāo wéi de

verbal expression (under attack: from enemy)

The campers were beset by a family of bears.


verbal expression (surrounded by)

The farmhouse is beset by a dense forest.

包围 bāo wéi

verbal expression (figurative (assailed: by difficulties, doubts, etc.)

Joan was suddenly beset by doubts as to her brother's motives.



Gary is besotted by Evie and would do anything for her.

一点一点地 yì diǎn yì diǎn de

adverb (informal (gradually)

(be swept past)

逐一的 zhú yī de

adjective (informal (account: detailed)

The eyewitness gave a blow-by-blow description of the horrific event.


(concerned, troubled)

I am bothered by the way he treats my daughter.

受约束的,受到义务束缚的 shòu yuē shù de ,shòu dào yì wù shù fù de

(figurative (legally obligated) (法律)

We are bound by the terms of the contract.


(figurative (limited)



大量地 dà liàng de

adverb (by a large amount or extent)

The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Pacific Ocean by a great deal.

差一点儿 chà yì diǎn er

adverb (by a very slight margin, only just)

The truck missed the cyclist by a hair.

险些 xiǎn xiē

adverb (by the slightest margin)

The horse won by a hair's breadth.


expression (informal (by a large margin)

多数地 duō shù de

adverb (by most people, by more than half)

They were able to pass their laws by a majority vote of 51 to 49.


expression (by a small number or amount)

He was elected president by a narrow margin.

举手表决地 jǔ shǒu biǎo jué de

adverb (with an impromptu vote)

Our class decided to continue reading the novel by a show of hands.

偶然 ǒu rán

adverb (mistakenly, not intentionally)

I spilt some coffee on the carpet by accident.


adverb (via aeroplane)

Did you send the package by air?


adverb (through the atmosphere)

通过航空邮寄 tōng guò háng kōng yóu jì

adverb (postal delivery: via plane)

All letters from the U.S. to Africa go by airmail these days; surface mail isn't available.

众所周知 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī

adverb (according to everyone)

想尽一切办法 xiǎng jìn yí qiè bàn fǎ

adverb (of course, certainly)

"Can I borrow your pen for a moment?" "By all means!"

毫无疑问地 háo wú yí wèn de

expression (by far, undoubtedly)

以后 yǐ hòu

adverb (in a while)

不久后 bù jiǔ hòu

adverb (eventually)

Be patient! I'll get around to it by and by.

大概 dà gài

adverb (in general, on the whole)

Not everything about my job is good, but by and large, I enjoy it.

可能 kě néng

adverb (possibly)

Would you by any chance be able to lend me $10?

无论如何 wú lùn rú hé

adverb (in any way, via any method)


adverb (by no matter what measure)

天生 tiān shēng

adverb (through natural talent)

He was an artist by birth.

生来 shēng lái

adverb (through one's family)

The U.S. Constitution requires the president to be American by birth, not a naturalized citizen.

乘汽车 chéng qì chē

adverb (travel or transport: on a bus)

Amy usually travels to work by bus.

驾车,开车 jià chē ,kāi chē

adverb (via motor vehicle)

By car, you could get from Lansing to Detroit in about two hours.

偶然 ǒu rán

adverb (coincidentally)

I met my French teacher by chance in the supermarket.

自愿地 zì yuàn de

adverb (willingly, of one's free will)

I did not exactly retire by choice.

通过下命令 tōng guò xià mìng lìng

adverb (by giving orders)

通过共识 tōng guò gòng shí

adverb (with everyone's agreement)

经过比较 jīng guò bǐ jiào

adverb (when compared)

与…比较 yǔ bǐ jiào

expression (compared with, relative to)

通过共识 tōng guò gòng shí

adverb (by general agreement)

Quakers make their decisions by consensus, not by compromise.

相反地 xiāng fǎn de

adverb (on the other hand)

I'm always late but you, by contrast, are always on time.

默认地 mò rèn de

adverb (not actively or purposefully)

Jenny hadn't ever given much thought to her career and had ended up as a secretary by default.


adverb (sports: due to non-participation) (比赛中裁定胜利的方式)

When his opponent pulled out of the match, Barry won by default.


expression (according to nature of [sth])


expression (according to dictionary meaning)

渐渐地,逐渐地,一点一点地 jiàn jiàn de ,zhú jiàn de ,yì diǎn yì diǎn de

adverb (little by little)

凭借 píng jiè

preposition (dated (by means of: work, effort)

By dint of brilliant organization, we were able to depart on time.

通过做某事,通过某种方式 tōng guò zuò mǒu shì,tōng guò mǒu zhǒng fāng shì

adverb (informal (by practising, on the job) (非正式用语)

I've never been great at tests and exams: learn best by doing.


adverb (in a more general sense) (书面语)

Calling me a dumb blonde insults me and, by extension, insults all women with blonde hair.

…得多 de duō

adverb (by a large margin) (程度等)

The U.S. is, by far, the largest producer of corn in the world.

通过武力 tōng guò wǔ lì

adverb (using physical strength, violence)

Soldiers generally operate by force.

通过货运 tōng guò huò yùn

adverb (via cargo transport)

一半地 yí bàn de

adverb (by 50 per cent)

Since I retired my income is down by half.

非常,相当,远远地 fēi cháng,xiāng dāng ,yuǎn yuǎn de

adjective (UK, slang, figurative (extremely)

Your problem is, you're too clever by half!

手工地 shǒu gōng de

adverb (manually, not by machine)

You can see that these tools were made by hand.

凭记忆 píng jì yì

adverb (from memory)

I learnt the sonnet by heart.


adverb (figurative (by any means necessary)

暗示地 àn shì de

adverb (following from [sth])

分期地 fēn qī de

adverb (a bit at a time)

I'm paying for my saxophone by installments of $50 each month.

凭直觉地 píng zhí jué de

adverb (intuitively)

I knew by instinct that she was lying, but I didn't say anything.

出于本能地 chū yú běn néng de

adverb (following innate guide)

Birds fly south by instinct.

出于本能地 chū yú běn néng de

adverb (instinctively)

I knew by intuition that he was a good person.

独自地 dú zì de

adverb (without help)

The bruise will go away by itself.

单独地 dān dú de

adverb (without adornment)

Does the dress look good by itself, or should I put on gold beads?

天啊 tiān ā

interjection (dated (amazement) (表示惊讶或强调)

By Jove! I thought I'd never see you again.

由陆路 yóu lù lù

adverb (via land transport)

We can either take the ferry across Lake Michigan, or go by land via Chicago.

根据法律 gēn jù fǎ lǜ

adverb (legally)

By law, in England, the minimum age for buying alcoholic beverages is eighteen.


expression (rapidly)

The city has grown by leaps and bounds--the population has doubled in the last ten years.

幸运地,侥幸地 xìng yùn de

adverb (through good fortune)

通过邮件的形式 tōng guò yóu jiàn de xíng shì

adverb (via postal service)

It seems like sending a letter by mail is a sweet old-fashioned thing to do.

通过电子邮件的形式 tōng guò diàn zǐ yóu jiàn de xíng shì

adverb (informal (via e-mail) (非正式用语)

通过婚姻 tōng guò hūn yīn

adverb (through the family of one's spouse)

He is my uncle by marriage, certainly not by choice.

通过 tōng guò

preposition (via)

The artist has depicted the light falling on the objects by means of crosshatching.

无意地 wú yì de

adverb (accidentally, not on purpose)

By mistake, I gave him your phone number instead of mine!


expression (using [sb]'s name)


expression (by repute)

本质上 běn zhì shàng

adverb (characteristically, in essence)

Lions are wild by nature, and there is little you can do to tame them.

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