英语 中的 cheese 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cheese 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cheese 的说明。

英语 中的cheese 表示奶酪 nǎi lào, 俗气 sú qì, “茄子” qié zi, 九柱戏中所用的扁圆形的球 jiǔ zhù xì zhōng suǒ yòng de biǎn yuán xíng de qiú, 使感到生气,让人感到愤怒 shǐ gǎn dào shēng qì,ràng rén gǎn dào fèn nù, 美国干酪 měi guó gān lào, 大人物 dà rén wù, 蓝纹奶酪 lán wén nǎi lào, 法国Camembert村产的奶酪 fǎ guó cūn chǎn de nǎi lào, 卡门培尔奶酪 kǎ mén péi ěr nǎi lào, 切达干酪, 奶酪凝块,干酪凝乳,干酪凝块, 干酪刨丝器 gān lào bào sī qì, 奶酪刀 nǎi lào dāo, 奶酪比萨 nǎi lào bǐ sà, 奶酪拼盘 nǎi lào pīn pán, 奶酪架, 松软干酪,白软干酪 sōng ruǎn gān lào, 奶油干酪 nǎi yóu gān lào, 羊乳酪 yáng rǔ lào, 羊奶酪 yáng nǎi lào, 奶酪丝, 碎奶酪三明治 suì nǎi lào sān míng zhì, 恶运, 蚱蜢等跳跃的昆虫, 芝士通心粉, 奶酪通心粉 nǎi lào tōng xīn fěn, 明斯特奶酪, 帕尔马干酪 pà ěr mǎ gān lào, 里科塔奶酪 lǐ kē da nǎi lào, 纤丝奶酪, 瑞士硬干酪。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cheese 的含义

奶酪 nǎi lào

noun (dairy product)

Red wine goes well with most cheeses, but you should always drink white with goat's cheese.

俗气 sú qì

noun (tackiness)

Horror films from the nineteen seventies have a high cheese factor.

“茄子” qié zi

interjection (smile) ([照相时让被拍的人说的一个口形词,让嘴角翘起来,像是在微笑。])

The photographer asked us to say, "Cheese!"

九柱戏中所用的扁圆形的球 jiǔ zhù xì zhōng suǒ yòng de biǎn yuán xíng de qiú

noun (flat round object) (九柱戏:类似保龄球的一种运动)

Skittles is sometimes played with a cheese, which is used to knock the skittles down.

使感到生气,让人感到愤怒 shǐ gǎn dào shēng qì,ràng rén gǎn dào fèn nù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, slang, often passive (make angry)

He was a big man, so I didn't want to cheese him off.

美国干酪 měi guó gān lào

noun (US (processed dairy product)

大人物 dà rén wù

noun (figurative, slang (high-ranking manager)

Jane is the big cheese at this company.

蓝纹奶酪 lán wén nǎi lào

noun (dairy product: veined)

Fourme d'Ambert is a blue cheese from the Auvergne region of France. There are many types of blue cheese, Roquefort and Stilton being the most famous.

法国Camembert村产的奶酪 fǎ guó cūn chǎn de nǎi lào

noun (Camembert cheese)

卡门培尔奶酪 kǎ mén péi ěr nǎi lào

noun (French cheese) (一种法国软奶酪)

Deep-fried Camembert cheese is lovely with cranberry sauce.


noun (hard British cheese)

Cheddar cheese makes a good sandwich.


plural noun (curdled milk solids)

Really fresh cheese curds squeak when you bite them.

干酪刨丝器 gān lào bào sī qì

noun (tool for shredding cheese)

I've lost the cheese grater, so I have to buy my cheese already grated.

奶酪刀 nǎi lào dāo

noun (utensil for cutting cheese)

I used to have a cheese knife that had tines on the end to pick up the slices I cut.

奶酪比萨 nǎi lào bǐ sà

noun (pizza: topped with cheese)

I don't want pepperoni, mushrooms or sausage; I just want a cheese pizza.

奶酪拼盘 nǎi lào pīn pán

noun (selection of cheeses)

The tables were filled with a selection of fruits, desserts, and cheese platters.


noun (for drying cheese)

松软干酪,白软干酪 sōng ruǎn gān lào

noun (dairy product) (由脱脂凝乳制成的)

If you can't find ricotta cheese for your lasagne, you can use cottage cheese instead.

奶油干酪 nǎi yóu gān lào

noun (dairy product)

I love bagels with cream cheese and coffee in the morning.

羊乳酪 yáng rǔ lào

noun (Greek cheese)

羊奶酪 yáng nǎi lào

noun (dairy product)

She made an unusual pizza with goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes.


noun (shavings of cheese)

I always sprinkle grated cheese over the top when I make a pizza.

碎奶酪三明治 suì nǎi lào sān míng zhì

noun (cheese in toast slices)

Emily ordered a grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoes and fries.


expression (informal, figurative (tough luck)


noun (US, informal (jumping insect)

The children chased hoppers around the field during recess.


noun (informal (pasta with cheese sauce)

奶酪通心粉 nǎi lào tōng xīn fěn

noun (uncountable (pasta with cheese sauce)

Children almost always love macaroni and cheese.


noun (variety of cheese from Alsace) (法国阿尔萨斯地区)

帕尔马干酪 pà ěr mǎ gān lào

noun (hard Italian cheese) (用脱脂乳制成的坚硬的意大利干酪)

Spaghetti and meatballs goes perfectly with grated Parmesan. I put some parmesan cheese on my pasta.

里科塔奶酪 lǐ kē da nǎi lào

noun (Italian soft cheese)

I used extra ricotta in this lasagna, so it should be very tasty.


noun (cheese in strips)


noun (type of cheese: Gruyere)

Gerald put Swiss cheese in his sandwich.

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cheese 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。