英语 中的 roll 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 roll 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 roll 的说明。

英语 中的roll 表示滚动 gǔn dòng, 行驶,前进 xíng shǐ,qián jìn, 使滚动 shǐ gǔn dòng, 卷, 面包卷 miàn bāo juàn, 掷 zhì, 掷, 掷出, 掷骰子 zhì tóu zi, 线轴 xiàn zhóu, 胶卷 jiāo juǎn, 一卷钱 yì juǎn qián, 一卷(电线) yì juǎn diàn xiàn, 卷轴 juǎn zhóu, 翻滚 fān gǔn, 摇晃,颠簸 yáo huàng ,diān bǒ, 颤音,卷舌音 chàn yīn,juǎn shé yīn, 掷,一掷 zhì,yí zhì, 扔,一扔 rēng,yì rēng, 点名 diǎn míng, 腰部的一圈肥肉 yāo bù de yì quān féi ròu, 滚翻 gǔn fān, 打滚 dǎ gǔn, 滚动 gǔn dòng, 一起一伏走动的样子 yì qǐ yì fú zǒu dòng de yàng zi, 连绵起伏 lián mián qǐ fú, 流逝,逝去 liú shì,shì qù, 打滚 dǎ gǔn, (雷声)轰隆 léi shēng hōng lōng, 持续发出低沉的声音 chí xù fā chū dī chén de shēng yīn, 开始行动,出发 kāi shǐ xíng dòng,chū fā, 用卷舌音说 yòng juǎn shé yīn shuō, 使...滚动, 使...摇摆, 把...卷起来, 把…卷成筒, 用...把...包裹起来, 用...把...碾平, 压滚 yā gǔn, 打劫,盗窃,偷盗 dǎ jié,dào qiè,tōu dào, 滚来滚去, 滚动前进 gǔn dòng qián jìn, 顺利进行 shùn lì jìn xíng, 摇摇晃晃 yáo yáo huàng huàng, 周而复始, 循环, 使(物价等)回到原来的状态,下调 shǐ ( wù jià děng ) huí dào yuán lái de zhuàng tài, 恢复..., 还原..., 推迟..., 回到 huí dào, 滚过 gǔn guò, 流逝 liú shì, 摇下 yáo xià, 滚滚而来 gǔn gǔn ér lái, 大量涌来 dà liàng yǒng lái, 推出 tuī chū, 翻身 fān shēn, 屈服 qū fú, 顺从 shùn cóng, 卷起 juǎn qǐ, 卷起来 juǎn qǐ lái, 到达,出现 dào dá,chū xiàn, 到达 dào dá, 卷烟, 滚床单, 势如破竹,做得很顺, 厕纸 cè zhǐ, 小面包 xiǎo miàn bāo, 卷心菜卷,洋白菜卷, 点名 diǎn míng, 肉桂卷, 连串的鼓声 lián chuàn de gǔ shēng, 蛋卷, 春卷, 选民名册,选民名单, 前滚翻, 许多人要掉脑袋, (学生的)荣誉榜 xué shēng de róng yù bǎng, 果冻卷蛋糕 guǒ dòng juǎn dàn gāo, 一种内夹果酱的面包卷 yì zhǒng nèi jiá guǒ jiàng de miàn bāo juǎn, 情人 qíng rén, 性行为 xìng xíng wéi, 性交 xìng jiāo, 凯撒面包卷 kǎi sā miàn bāo juǎn, 厨房纸巾, 摇滚,摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè, 摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè, 摇滚乐的, 使时光倒流, 点名 diǎn míng, 名单 míng dān, 从…掉落,从…滚滚而下, 从…滚下来, 将…滚下去, 关闭,关上 guān bì,guān shàng, 趋低滚动, 摄影胶卷, 建筑协会注册号, 一卷胶片 yì juǎn jiāo piàn, 荣誉名册 róng yù míng cè, 滚下, 把...从...上滚下来, 但愿…快些来!希望…快点来临! dàn yuàn kuài xiē lái xī wàng kuài diǎn lái lín, 滚珠式,滚珠涂抹式, 滚珠的, 铺开 pū kāi, 展开 zhǎn kāi, 推出 tuī chū, 启动 qǐ dòng, 四分卫突破战术, 起床 qǐ chuáng, 滚入,顺延, 滚动 gǔn dòng, 滚动(鼠标),移动(光标), 从…上碾压过去, 翻转 fān zhuǎn, 战胜 zhàn shèng, 快来看! kuài lái kàn, 撸起袖子, 撸起袖子准备大干一场 lū qǐ xiù zi zhǔn bèi dà gàn yì chǎng, 逆来顺受 nì lái shùn shòu, 翻白眼, 翻领 fān lǐng, 有翻领的, 滚装的, 拉盖书桌, 卷轴式, 手卷烟, 聚集在一起的人群 jù jí zài yì qǐ de rén qún, 香肠夹面包, 春卷 chūn juǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 roll 的含义

滚动 gǔn dòng

intransitive verb (ball, hoop: move along)

The ball rolled down the hill.

行驶,前进 xíng shǐ,qián jìn

intransitive verb (move on wheels) (车辆等)

The car rolled along the street.

使滚动 shǐ gǔn dòng

transitive verb (ball, etc.: toss along the ground)

He rolled the ball to the baby.

noun (toilet paper)

Do we have any more rolls of toilet paper?

面包卷 miàn bāo juàn

noun (bread: bun or bap)

The restaurant served a roll with the meal. Hamburgers usually come in a roll.

掷 zhì

transitive verb (throw: dice) (骰子)

Roll the dice and move your counter.

掷, 掷出

transitive verb (throw: number on dice) (数字)

If you roll a six, you can have another turn.

掷骰子 zhì tóu zi

intransitive verb (throw dice)

It's your turn to roll. Here are the dice.

线轴 xiàn zhóu

noun (ball of yarn)

The cat loved playing with the roll of yarn.

胶卷 jiāo juǎn

noun (canister: camera film)

I have three more rolls, with twenty-four exposures each.

一卷钱 yì juǎn qián

noun (wad of paper money)

The parking attendant pulled out a roll of Euros to give us change.

一卷(电线) yì juǎn diàn xiàn

noun (ball of wire)

There is a roll of wire on the construction site.

卷轴 juǎn zhóu

noun (scroll)

The ancient rolls were fragile.

翻滚 fān gǔn

noun (movement of ocean) (浪)

The constant roll of the ocean made him seasick.

摇晃,颠簸 yáo huàng ,diān bǒ

noun (boat, plane: tipping movement) (船、飞机等)

The roll to the side really scared the passengers.

颤音,卷舌音 chàn yīn,juǎn shé yīn

noun (music, voice: trill) (音乐、声音)

When she sang, her rolls were perfection.

掷,一掷 zhì,yí zhì

noun (throw of dice) (骰子)

It was a bad roll and he lost all his money.

扔,一扔 rēng,yì rēng

noun (throw of a bowling ball) (保龄球)

That's a great roll - looks like it's heading for a strike!

点名 diǎn míng

noun (roll call: register of names)

The teacher called roll every morning.

腰部的一圈肥肉 yāo bù de yì quān féi ròu

noun (fold of body fat)

You could see the rolls of fat when he lifted up his shirt!

滚翻 gǔn fān

noun (gymnastic movement) (体操动作)

The gymnastics team practiced forward and backward rolls.

打滚 dǎ gǔn

noun (act of rolling)

There's nothing the horse likes better than a roll in the mud.

滚动 gǔn dòng

intransitive verb (move by turning or revolving)

The tank wheels rolled forward.

一起一伏走动的样子 yì qǐ yì fú zǒu dòng de yàng zi

intransitive verb (move with undulations)

He loved to watch the way she rolled along the street.

连绵起伏 lián mián qǐ fú

intransitive verb (figurative (extend in undulations)

The hills of Tuscany roll for miles.

流逝,逝去 liú shì,shì qù

intransitive verb (figurative (time: elapse, pass) (时间)

Time rolls on.

打滚 dǎ gǔn

intransitive verb (wallow)

The hippos loved to roll in the mud.

(雷声)轰隆 léi shēng hōng lōng

intransitive verb (thunder: sound)

During the storm, the thunder rolled.

持续发出低沉的声音 chí xù fā chū dī chén de shēng yīn

intransitive verb (drum: sound) (鼓等)

The trumpets blared and the drums rolled.

开始行动,出发 kāi shǐ xíng dòng,chū fā

intransitive verb (colloquial (get moving)

Are you ready to go? Let's roll.

用卷舌音说 yòng juǎn shé yīn shuō

transitive verb (trill)

Many Americans find it hard to roll their Rs.


transitive verb (move up and down or side to side)

He rolled the paint onto the wall very quickly.


transitive verb (make sway)

The waves rolled the boat back and forth.


transitive verb (wrap around a cylinder)

We rolled the hose after washing the car.


transitive verb (form into a tube)

I have seen photos of old Cubans rolling cigars.


transitive verb (envelop)

Next, you need to roll the chicken in the bread till it is coated.


transitive verb (flatten with a rolling pin)

First you need to roll the pizza dough.

压滚 yā gǔn

transitive verb (flatten metal)

The workers rolled the metal into flat sheets.

打劫,盗窃,偷盗 dǎ jié,dào qiè,tōu dào

transitive verb (US, slang (rob)

I wanted his watch, so I rolled him.


phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (sway this way and that)

The two youngest kids were rolling about and playing on the large bed.

滚动前进 gǔn dòng qián jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (move on wheels)

The car was rolling along smoothly.

顺利进行 shùn lì jìn xíng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (progress smoothly)

Everything seems to be rolling along without any problems.

摇摇晃晃 yáo yáo huàng huàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (sway this way and that)

The passengers were rolling around as the bus sped along the winding road.

周而复始, 循环

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (event, time: come again)

When the opportunity rolls around, I will take the holiday I always dreamed of.

使(物价等)回到原来的状态,下调 shǐ ( wù jià děng ) huí dào yuán lái de zhuàng tài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (reduce: prices)

They're not rolling back prices; they are still too high.

恢复..., 还原...

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (return to previous state)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (postpone)

回到 huí dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (revert)

I rolled back to the previous version of the software and it worked fine.

滚过 gǔn guò

phrasal verb, intransitive (literally (pass by on wheels)

A cart pulled by a donkey rolled by.

流逝 liú shì

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (pass)

It seems like the years just rolled by, and suddenly I'm an old man.

摇下 yáo xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (car window: open) (指将车窗等)

Estelle rolled down the car window.

滚滚而来 gǔn gǔn ér lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (arrive)

You never know when some more bad news is going to roll in.

大量涌来 dà liàng yǒng lái

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (have in abundance)

I grew so many potatoes that I was rolling in them.

推出 tuī chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (introduce [sth] new to public)

The company plans to roll out its new product range in the spring.

翻身 fān shēn

phrasal verb, intransitive (turn to other side)

His back injury made it difficult for him to roll over in bed.

屈服 qū fú

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (surrender)

Do you think you can get me to roll over just by threatening me with a lawsuit?

顺从 shùn cóng

(figurative, informal (submit to)

You can't always expect me to roll over for you.

卷起 juǎn qǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (wind into a scroll)

He rolled up the certificates and kept them in a safe place.

卷起来 juǎn qǐ lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (curl at edge)

This sheet of paper won't stay flat. The edges keep rolling up.

到达,出现 dào dá,chū xiàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (arrive)

Just then, he rolled up in a shiny new car.

到达 dào dá

(informal, figurative (arrive somewhere)

The drivers rolled up to the starting line and waited for the race to begin.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (make a cigarette)

He finished rolling up and asked me for a light.


noun (figurative, informal (sexual intercourse) (比喻发生性关系)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (experience a run of success)

I think I'll strip the wallpaper from another wall before bedtime; I'm on a roll!

厕纸 cè zhǐ

noun (UK, informal (toilet tissue)

小面包 xiǎo miàn bāo

noun (small loaf)

Liz is baking a tray of bread rolls.


noun (cooked stuffed cabbage leaves)

The cabbage rolls were served in a tomato sauce.

点名 diǎn míng

verbal expression (take register of those present)

The teacher called the roll at the beginning of the class.


noun (sweet pastry)

Bake the cinnamon rolls for about 30 minutes.

连串的鼓声 lián chuàn de gǔ shēng

noun (fast continuous drumming)

There was a drum roll before the winners were announced.

蛋卷, 春卷

noun (US (Chinese food)

Egg rolls filled with vegetables and shredded pork are a common appetizer in Chinese-American restaurants.


noun (list of registered voters)

If you are not on the electoral roll, you will not be able to vote.


noun (gymnastic movement)

The gymnasts were practising their forward rolls.


expression (figurative (People will be fired.) (比喻)

Heads will roll when the manager finds out who broke the machine.

(学生的)荣誉榜 xué shēng de róng yù bǎng

noun (US (list: top students)

Chris often got on the honor roll in high school.

果冻卷蛋糕 guǒ dòng juǎn dàn gāo

noun (dessert: sponge cake filled with jam)

I found a recipe for jelly rolls.

一种内夹果酱的面包卷 yì zhǒng nèi jiá guǒ jiàng de miàn bāo juǎn

noun (US, literal (rolled cake filled with jam)

I found a recipe for jelly rolls.

情人 qíng rén

noun (US, vulgar, slang (lover)

性行为 xìng xíng wéi

noun (US, vulgar, slang (sex)

性交 xìng jiāo

noun (US, vulgar, slang (vagina)

凯撒面包卷 kǎi sā miàn bāo juǎn

noun (US (type of bread roll)

Kaiser rolls are popular in the United States and Canada.


noun (UK (paper towels, collectively)

摇滚,摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè

noun (style of 1950s pop music) (一种音乐风格)

Rock and roll was considered scandalous in the early 1950s. Elvis Presley was perhaps the most famous rock 'n' roll performer ever.

摇滚乐 yáo gǔn yuè

noun (modern rock music) (音乐)

I don't care for hip-hop or rap - I prefer rock and roll.


noun as adjective (music, singer)


verbal expression (figurative (return to earlier)

You can roll back time only in your memory or in your imagination.

点名 diǎn míng

noun (register of names read aloud)

The squadron turned out for roll call.

名单 míng dān

noun (figurative (long list of names)

I'm a long way down the roll call so my chances of getting the job are small.


(droplet: move downwards) (如泪珠)

A tear rolled down the little girl's cheek.


(move down a slope)

The marble rolled down the ramp.


(push down a slope)

Dan rolled the ball down the hill.

关闭,关上 guān bì,guān shàng

(window shade: close) (指将百叶窗等)

Barbara rolled down the window shade.


noun (economy: lower strike price option) (期权)


noun (photographic film on a spool)


noun (UK (building society)

Some building society accounts have a roll number.

一卷胶片 yì juǎn jiāo piàn

noun (spool of film for a camera)

Digital cameras have made rolls of film obsolete. When she was taking pictures, she had to stop to change a roll of film.

荣誉名册 róng yù míng cè

noun (list of heroes)

Soldiers killed during the First World War have been commemorated in a roll of honour.


(round object: fall off [sth])

The ball rolled off the porch.


(cause [sth] round to fall off [sth])

Roll the marble off the table—the cat will chase it!

但愿…快些来!希望…快点来临! dàn yuàn kuài xiē lái xī wàng kuài diǎn lái lín

interjection (informal (impatience, longing) (非正式用语)

It's been a terrible week at work. Roll on Friday evening!


noun (product applied with a roller ball) (产品使用方式)

This pain-relief gel is available as a roll-on.


adjective (applied with a roller ball)

I prefer roll-on deodorants to sprays.

铺开 pū kāi

(unroll [sth])

The geography teacher rolled out a map of the world on the desk.

展开 zhǎn kāi

(flatten with a rolling pin)

Roll out the pastry thin and even.

推出 tuī chū

noun (aircraft: first public viewing)

The rollout of the first Concorde took place in 1967.

启动 qǐ dòng

noun (launch of a program or product)

The supermarket's rollout of 500 self-checkout machines went smoothly.


noun (American football maneuver) (美式橄榄球)

The quarterback executed a perfect rollout.

起床 qǐ chuáng

verbal expression (US, Informal (get up from bed)

The professor's hair was always a mess, as if he'd just rolled out of bed. The children normally roll out of bed late on Saturdays.


(figurative, often passive (jackpot: add to next draw) (彩票奖金)

If nobody wins the lottery, the prize is rolled over to the following week's draw.

滚动 gǔn dòng

(internet: move cursor over) (用鼠标)

Roll over the image and you'll see it change.


(cursor: move over)

The image changes when you roll the cursor over it.


(wheel, etc.: run over) (车轮等)

Ouch! Your bicycle wheel just rolled over my foot!

翻转 fān zhuǎn

verbal expression (figurative (profits: reinvest)

I took the money I made on my first rental property and rolled it over into a second.

战胜 zhàn shèng

(figurative (sport: defeat)

In the final game, Brazil rolled over Canada 15 to 2.

快来看! kuài lái kàn

interjection (dated (Come and see!)

The stallholder called out, "Roll up! Roll up! All ladies' shoes now half price!"


verbal expression (sleeves: push, fold up)

I rolled up my sleeves so that they wouldn't get stained with paint.

撸起袖子准备大干一场 lū qǐ xiù zi zhǔn bèi dà gàn yì chǎng

verbal expression (figurative (prepare for work) (比喻)

It's time to roll up my sleeves and get to work on my income tax returns.

逆来顺受 nì lái shùn shòu

verbal expression (figurative, informal (learn to survive adversity)


verbal expression (look upwards in exasperation) (表示恼怒)

When I heard about his latest get-rich-quick scheme I rolled my eyes.

翻领 fān lǐng

noun (mainly UK (collar: folded over)

This sweater has a roll neck.


adjective (mainly UK (garment: with folded collar)

Joseph bought a roll-neck jumper.


adjective (ship: transporting vehicles)

Roll-on/roll-off ferries operate out of the port.


noun (desk with sliding cover)


adjective (can be rolled up)

Andrea takes a roll-up mat to her yoga class.


noun (UK, informal (cigarette)

Jon smokes roll-ups because they are cheaper than manufactured cigarettes.

聚集在一起的人群 jù jí zài yì qǐ de rén qún

noun (AU, informal (crowd at a gathering)


noun (UK (pastry containing sausage)

春卷 chūn juǎn

noun (Asian food)

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