英语 中的 cow 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cow 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cow 的说明。

英语 中的cow 表示母牛 mǔ niú, 雌性动物 cí xìng dòng wù, 讨厌的女人 tǎo yàn de nǚ rén, 过度肥胖的女人 guò dù féi pán de nǚ rén, 食量特别大的人,饭桶 shí liàng tè bié dà de rén,fàn tǒng, 麻烦的事物, 威胁 wēi xié, 受威胁,被吓坏, 威胁,恐吓 wēi xié,kǒng hè, 摇钱树, 牛粪 niú fèn, 用牛皮鞭抽, 奶牛 nǎi niú, 神啊!天哪!不是吧! shén ɑ !tiān nɑ !bú shì bɑ !, 神圣之物, 疯牛病 fēng niú bìng, 奶牛 nǎi niú, 利润丰厚之业务, 圣牛 shèng niú, 海牛 hǎi niú, 萍蓬草,睡莲 shuì lián。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cow 的含义

母牛 mǔ niú

noun (female bovine)

The cow needed to be milked twice daily.

雌性动物 cí xìng dòng wù

noun (female of certain animals)

The elephants lived in a group consisting of three cows and their babies.

讨厌的女人 tǎo yàn de nǚ rén

noun (UK, figurative, pejorative, slang (unpleasant woman)

I hate my new teacher. She's such a cow!

过度肥胖的女人 guò dù féi pán de nǚ rén

noun (US, figurative, pejorative, slang (obese woman)

She wasn't so fat before, but now she is a real cow.

食量特别大的人,饭桶 shí liàng tè bié dà de rén,fàn tǒng

noun (US, figurative, pejorative, slang (person who eats a lot)

Don't be such a cow. Stop eating.


noun (figurative, pejorative, informal ([sth] difficult)

This car's a beauty but it's an absolute cow to maintain.

威胁 wēi xié

transitive verb (often passive (intimidate)

This politician is steadfast and does not allow his opponents to cow him.


phrasal verb, intransitive (US, informal (be intimidated)

Jeff tried to intimidate me but I refused to cow down.

威胁,恐吓 wēi xié,kǒng hè

(US, informal (be intimidated)

I'm not going to cow down to her. She doesn't scare me!


noun (figurative ([sth] lucrative) (比喻)

Bottled water is the cash cow of the new millennium - it costs more than gasoline!

牛粪 niú fèn

noun (informal (bovine feces)

When Beverly walked across the cow pasture, she stepped in a huge cow pie!


transitive verb (whip with cowhide)

奶牛 nǎi niú

noun (cow kept for milking)

We kept a dairy cow, and it was my brother's job to milk her.

神啊!天哪!不是吧! shén ɑ !tiān nɑ !bú shì bɑ !

interjection (informal (astonishment) (感叹语)

Holy cow! What size is that diamond on your finger? Holy cow! I came close to hitting that car in front of me!


noun (figurative ([sth] sacred) (比喻)

It is time to stop treating tourism as a holy cow which we must protect and nurture at all costs.

疯牛病 fēng niú bìng

noun (BSE: bovine spongiform encephalopathy)

More cattle are to be tested for mad cow disease.

奶牛 nǎi niú

noun (dairy cow kept for milking)

If you want to live a self-sufficient lifestyle then you ought to buy a milk cow.


noun (figurative ([sth] profitable)

圣牛 shèng niú

noun (figurative ([sth] considered holy)

He looks upon his car as a kind of sacred cow.

海牛 hǎi niú

noun (manatee)

In Costa Rica they take good care to preserve the sea cows.

萍蓬草,睡莲 shuì lián

noun (plant)

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