英语 中的 milk 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 milk 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 milk 的说明。

英语 中的milk 表示牛奶 niú nǎi, 乳 rǔ, 汁液 zhī yè, 挤(牛羊的)奶 jǐ niú yáng de nǎi, 压榨,剥削,榨取 yā zhà,bō xuē ,zhà qǔ, 挤奶 jǐ nǎi, 抽取 chōu qǔ, 杏仁奶, 母乳 mǔ rǔ, 巧克力奶 qiǎo kè lì nǎi, 椰子汁 yē zi zhī, 炼乳 liàn rǔ, 无济于事, 牛奶 niú nǎi, 炼乳 liàn rǔ, 冰牛奶 bīng niú nǎi, 应许之地,希望之乡,乐土 yīng xǔ zhī dì ,xī wàng zhī xiāng,lè tǔ, 富饶肥沃之地 fù ráo féi wò zhī dì, 低脂奶, 麦乳精饮料 mài rǔ jīng yǐn liào, 麦乳精饮料 mài rǔ jīng yǐn liào, 牛奶罐 niú nǎi guàn, 牛奶巧克力 niú nǎi qiǎo kè lì, 奶牛 nǎi niú, 利润丰厚之业务, 嘴唇周围的牛奶残留, 氧化镁乳液 yǎng huā měi rǔ yè, 奶粉, 乳制品 rǔ zhì pǐn, 常规操作, 水飞蓟 shuǐ fēi jì, 牛奶蓟,乳蓟 niú nǎi jì,rǔ jì, 乳牙 rǔ yá, 乳白色的,乳白的 rǔ bái sè de ,rǔ bái de, 奶昔 nǎi xī, 母乳 mǔ rǔ, 滋养的源泉 zī yǎng de yuán quán, 脱脂奶粉 tuō zhī nǎi fěn, 经巴氏消毒的牛奶 jīng bā shì xiāo dú de niú nǎi, 半脱脂牛奶, 脱脂乳 tuō zhī rǔ, 变质的牛奶, 豆奶,豆浆, 变质牛奶, 加牛奶的咖啡 jiā niú nǎi de kā fēi, 全脂牛奶 quán zhī niú nǎi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 milk 的含义

牛奶 niú nǎi

noun (cow's milk for food)

The children drink a lot of milk.

乳 rǔ

noun (from mother)

The baby drank his mother's milk.

汁液 zhī yè

noun (any opaque liquid)

She drank coconut milk.

挤(牛羊的)奶 jǐ niú yáng de nǎi

transitive verb (draw milk from an animal)

The farm boy milked the cows every morning.

压榨,剥削,榨取 yā zhà,bō xuē ,zhà qǔ

transitive verb (figurative, slang (exploit)

The boss milked his employees for every drop of energy they had.

挤奶 jǐ nǎi

intransitive verb (extract milk)

Farm workers till, seed, milk, and do other chores.

抽取 chōu qǔ

transitive verb (extract a liquid) (液体)

The snake handler milked the cobra of its venom.


noun (milk made from almonds)

母乳 mǔ rǔ

noun (milk produced by human mother)

Breast milk passes immunity from many diseases from mother to child.

巧克力奶 qiǎo kè lì nǎi

noun (chocolate-flavored milk drink)

School children drink more chocolate milk for lunch than white milk.

椰子汁 yē zi zhī

noun (liquid: from coconut)

The coconut milk, extracted from the meat of a coconut, makes wonderful curries.

炼乳 liàn rǔ

noun (sweetened evaporated milk)

This recipe for fudge calls for one cup of condensed milk. Condensed milk is much sweeter than evaporated milk.


expression (figurative (it's pointless to regret what is done)

牛奶 niú nǎi

noun (milk from a dairy animal)

炼乳 liàn rǔ

noun (concentrated dairy product)

The recipe called for one cup of evaporated milk.

冰牛奶 bīng niú nǎi

noun (frozen milk dessert)

Ice milk was the low-fat ice cream of the 60's and 70's.

应许之地,希望之乡,乐土 yīng xǔ zhī dì ,xī wàng zhī xiāng,lè tǔ

noun (Biblical: Promised Land) (出自《圣经》)

富饶肥沃之地 fù ráo féi wò zhī dì

noun (figurative (place of prosperity and fertility) (比喻)

A lot of Europeans migrated to the USA in the 19th century believing it to be a land of milk and honey.


noun (skimmed dairy product)

Low-fat milk contains 1% milk fat.

麦乳精饮料 mài rǔ jīng yǐn liào

noun (US (milk drink containing malted barley)

麦乳精饮料 mài rǔ jīng yǐn liào

noun (US (type of milkshake)

While I was in the South I stopped at an old-fashioned drugstore to get a malted milk.

牛奶罐 niú nǎi guàn

noun (large metal container for milk)

The farmer was very upset when the dog bumped into the milk can and spilt the milk.

牛奶巧克力 niú nǎi qiǎo kè lì

noun (confection of chocolate and milk)

A bag of crisps and a bar of milk chocolate do not constitute a healthy lunch.

奶牛 nǎi niú

noun (dairy cow kept for milking)

If you want to live a self-sufficient lifestyle then you ought to buy a milk cow.


noun (figurative ([sth] profitable)


noun (informal (milk round mouth) (非正式用语)

Lick your lip, you've got a milk moustache.

氧化镁乳液 yǎng huā měi rǔ yè

noun (milky-white solution used as laxative)


(dehydrated milk)

乳制品 rǔ zhì pǐn

plural noun (dairy produce, items made with milk)

A vegan's diet excludes milk products.


(routine trip)

水飞蓟 shuǐ fēi jì

noun (flowering plant) (菊科植物)

牛奶蓟,乳蓟 niú nǎi jì,rǔ jì

noun (extract used to treat the liver) (护肝保健品)

乳牙 rǔ yá

noun (baby tooth)

乳白色的,乳白的 rǔ bái sè de ,rǔ bái de

adjective (cool shade of white)

奶昔 nǎi xī

noun (beverage: milk and ice cream)

Would you like a milkshake with your burger and fries?

母乳 mǔ rǔ

noun (woman's breast milk)

滋养的源泉 zī yǎng de yuán quán

noun (figurative (nourishment)

脱脂奶粉 tuō zhī nǎi fěn

noun (US (powdered skimmed milk) (美式拼法)

Nonfat dry milk is more tasty than skim milk.

经巴氏消毒的牛奶 jīng bā shì xiāo dú de niú nǎi

noun (treated milk)

Pasteurised milk is safe to drink, but micro filtering milk preserves the taste and the 'good' bacteria.


noun (half-fat dairy product)

脱脂乳 tuō zhī rǔ

noun (low-fat dairy milk)

Drinking skim milk's like drinking white water - I prefer 2% milk.


noun (milk that has spoiled)


noun (liquid obtained from soybeans)


noun (milk that has gone sour)

加牛奶的咖啡 jiā niú nǎi de kā fēi

noun (coffee with milk added)

I don't like tea; I prefer white coffee with sugar.

全脂牛奶 quán zhī niú nǎi

noun (full-fat milk)

Whole milk is far more fattening than skimmed milk. Whole milk is too rich for me; I prefer milk with less fat.

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milk 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。