英语 中的 crop 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 crop 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 crop 的说明。

英语 中的crop 表示作物,庄稼 zuò wù,zhuāng jià, 农田 nóng tián, 一批,一群 yì pī,yì qún, 短的马鞭 duǎn de mǎ biān, 短发发型, 许多的 xǔ duō de, 修剪 xiū jiǎn, 裁 cái, 理成平头, 嗉囊,嗉子 sù náng,sù zi, 修剪过的,裁剪过的 xiū jiǎn guò de,cái jiǎn guò de, 剪短的 jiǎn duǎn de, 短的, 较短的, 裁剪 cái jiǎn, 发生,显现 fā shēng,xiǎn xiàn, 大丰收 dà fēng shōu, 大丰收 dà fēng shōu, 经济作物,商品作物 jīng jì zuò wù,shāng pǐn zuò wù, 覆盖作物, 精英,佼佼者 jīng yīng,jiǎo jiǎo zhě, 麦田怪圈, 作物喷粉飞机 zuò wù pēn fěn fēi jī, 谷物歉收, 裁切标记, 轮流耕作,轮作,轮耕,轮植 lún liú gēng zuò,lún zuò,lún gēng,lún zhí, 粮食产量, 喷洒农药, 七分裤, 短马鞭, 冬季作物 dōng jì zuò wù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 crop 的含义

作物,庄稼 zuò wù,zhuāng jià

noun (farming: [sth] cultivated)

Grandmother's farm always bore crops of corn and tomatoes.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 今年的小麦收成不错。

农田 nóng tián

noun (farming yield)

This year's corn crop was poor after the torrential summer rains.

一批,一群 yì pī,yì qún

noun (figurative (group of [sth]) (比喻)

This year we have a fine crop of new basketball players.

短的马鞭 duǎn de mǎ biān

noun (whip)

If the horse refuses to walk, just use the crop.


noun (short hairstyle)

Angie has blonde hair cut in a stylish crop.

许多的 xǔ duō de

noun (figurative (abundance of [sth]) (尤指头发)

He was proud of his crop of curly black hair.

修剪 xiū jiǎn

transitive verb (cut off parts of a plant)

The gardener cropped the hedges neatly.

裁 cái

transitive verb (remove, trim)

The photographer cropped the photo so it would fit in the frame.


transitive verb (cut hair close to the scalp) (发型)

The barber cropped the man's hair.

嗉囊,嗉子 sù náng,sù zi

noun (part of bird's digestive tract) (鸟类消化道)

A bird's craw is used to store food before digesting it.

修剪过的,裁剪过的 xiū jiǎn guò de,cái jiǎn guò de

adjective (image: cut) (照片、图像等)

You may have to use a cropped photo because of the restrictions on file size.

剪短的 jiǎn duǎn de

adjective (hair: cut short) (头发)

The lieutenant's hair was cropped and his clothing was immaculate.

短的, 较短的

adjective (clothing: short) (衣服)

The teenage girls wore short skirts and cropped tops.

裁剪 cái jiǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (eliminate: from an image) (从图片上)

发生,显现 fā shēng,xiǎn xiàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (appear suddenly)

Problems started cropping up when we installed the new software.

大丰收 dà fēng shōu

noun (large harvest)

I have a bumper crop of rabbits this year; I would have preferred the lettuces I planted!

大丰收 dà fēng shōu

noun (figurative, informal (large quantity) (比喻)

经济作物,商品作物 jīng jì zuò wù,shāng pǐn zuò wù

noun (agricultural crop grown for money) (为供出售而种植的)

In many countries, subsistence farmers have turned to producing cash crops. My cash crops pay the bills but I also grow things for my own pleasure and for prestige.


noun (crop grown to protect soil)

精英,佼佼者 jīng yīng,jiǎo jiǎo zhě

noun (figurative, invariable (person, people: elite, best) (比喻)

Only the cream of the crop will make the Olympic rowing team.


noun (pattern in field) (神秘现象)

作物喷粉飞机 zuò wù pēn fěn fēi jī

noun (plane that sprays pesticide)

A crop duster was working on the field behind her house.


noun (poor agricultural harvest)

Widespread drought in India has increased the risk of crop failure this year.


noun (printing: shows where to trim) (印刷)

The crop marks show the exact size of the page.

轮流耕作,轮作,轮耕,轮植 lún liú gēng zuò,lún zuò,lún gēng,lún zhí

noun (alternating crops grown in an area) (作物)


noun (agricultural output)


noun (spraying of pesticides)


plural noun (capri pants: short trousers)


(riding whip)

冬季作物 dōng jì zuò wù

noun (food grown for harvest in winter)

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crop 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。