英语 中的 corn 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 corn 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 corn 的说明。

英语 中的corn 表示谷物 gǔ wù, 谷粒 gǔ lì, 嫩玉米,玉米 nèn yù mǐ,yù mǐ, 谷物 gǔ wù, 钉胼,鸡眼 dīng pián,jī yǎn, 玉米粒, 腌制 yān zhì, 玉米笋,笋玉米, 大麦 dà mài, 大麦,大麦粒 dà mài, 巴利肯, , 玉米糖, 玉米粉面包 yù mǐ fěn miàn bāo, 玉米蛋糕, 玉米片 yù mǐ piàn, 玉米浓汤, 玉米热狗, 玉米片 yù mǐ piàn, 玉米粉 yù mǐ fěn, 玉米糁 yù mǐ sǎn, 玉米皮,玉米壳, 玉米面 yù mǐ miàn, 玉米糕, 玉米油 yù mǐ yóu, 煮玉米棒子 zhǔ yù mǐ bàng zi, 鸡眼膏, 玉米须粉, 玉米须, 玉米糖浆 yù mǐ táng jiāng, 用谷物喂养的,吃谷物的 yòng gǔ wù wèi yǎng de,chī gǔ wù de, 用谷物饲养的 yòng gǔ wù sì yǎng de, 天真的 tiān zhēn de, 玉米穗轴 yù mǐ suì zhóu, 秧鸡 yāng jī, 咸牛肉,腌牛肉,盐渍牛肉 xián niú ròu,yān niú ròu,yán zì niú ròu, 玉米穗 yù mǐ suì, 玉米 yù mǐ, 甜玉米 tián yù mǐ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 corn 的含义

谷物 gǔ wù

noun (uncountable (cereal plant: maize) (植物,如小麦、燕麦等)

The children played hide and seek in the tall corn.

谷粒 gǔ lì

noun (uncountable (cereal grain: maize) (小麦、燕麦等的)

Mary scattered corn for the chickens.

嫩玉米,玉米 nèn yù mǐ,yù mǐ

noun (uncountable (maize: eaten as vegetable) (食品)

Corn is sweetest when it has been picked just before it is cooked. Corn and carrots are the only vegetables my children like.

谷物 gǔ wù

noun (UK, uncountable (cereal crop, esp. wheat)

The field was a sea of golden corn, rippling in the breeze.

钉胼,鸡眼 dīng pián,jī yǎn

noun (countable (foot condition) (医学)

Aunty’s corns hurt when she walked, so she sat down to rest.


noun (countable (individual seed)

A tea made with ginger and a few corns of pepper will cure a cold.

腌制 yān zhì

transitive verb (preserve with brine)

In those days, every butcher knew how to corn beef.


noun (miniature ears of maize)

大麦 dà mài

noun (uncountable (barley)

大麦,大麦粒 dà mài

noun (grain of barley)


noun (archaic (unit of measure) (计量单位)

noun (textiles: type of weave) (纺织品:编织式样)


noun (US (traditional American sweets) (传统美国糖果)

玉米粉面包 yù mǐ fěn miàn bāo

noun (bread made with cornmeal)

I bake my corn bread with jalapenos mixed in it.


(corn bread)

玉米片 yù mǐ piàn

noun (savoury snack food)


noun (US (thickened soup containing maize)


noun (US (battered sausage)

玉米片 yù mǐ piàn

plural noun (breakfast cereal: flakes of corn) (常用于早餐,用牛奶冲泡食用)

Corn flakes is a very common breakfast in America.

玉米粉 yù mǐ fěn

noun (flour made from corn)

玉米糁 yù mǐ sǎn

plural noun (US (semolina made from maize)


noun (shell of an ear of maize)

Tamales are cooked wrapped in corn husks.

玉米面 yù mǐ miàn

noun (flour made from corn)

Corn tortillas are made with cornmeal.


noun (soft bread made of cornmeal)

玉米油 yù mǐ yóu

noun (cooking oil made from corn)

Corn oil, or maize oil, is mainly used for cooking.

煮玉米棒子 zhǔ yù mǐ bàng zi

noun (cooked ear of sweetcorn)

I always have to floss my teeth after eating corn on the cob.


noun (foot dressing)


noun (powder from maize stigmas)

Cornsilk is used to treat infections of the urinary and genital system.


noun (maize stigmas)

I love corn on the cob, but I hate trying to get the corn silk off the cobs.

玉米糖浆 yù mǐ táng jiāng

noun (liquid fructose)

用谷物喂养的,吃谷物的 yòng gǔ wù wèi yǎng de,chī gǔ wù de

adjective (UK (poultry: raised on corn) (家禽等)

用谷物饲养的 yòng gǔ wù sì yǎng de

adjective (US (beef: raised on corn) (牛)

天真的 tiān zhēn de

adjective (US, informal, figurative (naive, unsophisticated)

玉米穗轴 yù mǐ suì zhóu

noun (hard core of ear of maize)

秧鸡 yāng jī

noun (grain-eating bird) (一种鸟类)

咸牛肉,腌牛肉,盐渍牛肉 xián niú ròu,yān niú ròu,yán zì niú ròu

noun (US, Can (preserved salt beef) (美国、加拿大用法)

On St. Patrick's Day, Irish Americans enjoy a dish of corned beef and cabbage for supper.

玉米穗 yù mǐ suì

noun (seed bearing spike of corn)

She was so hungry that she ate three ears of corn.

玉米 yù mǐ

noun (cereal: maize)

Multi-colored Indian Corn is often used in the fall for decorations.

甜玉米 tián yù mǐ

noun (maize)

Sweetcorn can be eaten on the cob, or the kernels can be cut off.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。