英语 中的 drum 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 drum 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 drum 的说明。

英语 中的drum 表示鼓 gǔ, 打击乐器,敲击乐器 dǎ jī yuè qì,qiāo jī yuè qì, 架子鼓, 鼓轮,滚筒,压缩机转子 gǔ lún,gǔn tǒng,yā suō jī zhuàn zi, 圆桶, 手指有节奏地敲打, 用手指敲, 鼓声 gǔ shēng, 鼓膜 gǔ mó, 敲鼓 qiāo gǔ, 滴答作响, 将…反复灌输进去, 向…反复灌输…,向…反复讲述…, 引起 yǐn qǐ, 大鼓 dà gǔ, 极力鼓吹 jí lì gǔ chuī, 一种用手敲的小鼓 yì zhǒng yòng shǒu qiāo de xiǎo gǔ, 制动鼓, 反复灌输,填鸭式教授 fǎn fù guàn shū,tián yā shì jiào shòu, 电子鼓, 鼓手 gǔ shǒu, 把某人从某处开除, 连串的鼓声 lián chuàn de gǔ shēng, 架子鼓,鼓组, 军乐队女队长, 军乐队女指挥 jūn yuè duì nǚ zhǐ huī, 油桶, (一面绷有响弦的)小鼓, 钢鼓。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 drum 的含义

鼓 gǔ

noun (percussion instrument)

Dan beat the drum slowly.

打击乐器,敲击乐器 dǎ jī yuè qì,qiāo jī yuè qì

plural noun (percussion instrument)

Geoff plays drums and guitar.


plural noun (percussion: in a band)

Sally plays the drums in a rock and roll band.

鼓轮,滚筒,压缩机转子 gǔ lún,gǔn tǒng,yā suō jī zhuàn zi

noun (part of washing machine, etc.) (机器)

Melanie switched on the washing machine and the drum began to turn.


noun (barrel, cylindrical container)

The beer was stored in drums.


transitive verb (tap: fingers on [sth])

Linda always drums her fingers when she's thinking.


(tap fingers)

Adam drummed his fingers on the table.

鼓声 gǔ shēng

noun (drumming sound)

Glenn lay awake, listening to the drum of rain on the roof.

鼓膜 gǔ mó

noun (ear membrane)

An object had entered the ear and pierced the drum.

敲鼓 qiāo gǔ

intransitive verb (music: play beat, rhythm)

The musician was drumming.


intransitive verb (figurative (rain: make rhythmic sound) (雨)

Rain drummed against the window.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (instill by repetition)

The teacher made her pupils recite their seven times table over and over to drum it in.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (instill by repetition)

The teacher was trying to drum the information into the students.

引起 yǐn qǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (obtain or produce)

The company ran lots of TV commercials to drum up interest in their product.

大鼓 dà gǔ

noun (large percussion instrument)

Peter struck the bass drum vigourously.

极力鼓吹 jí lì gǔ chuī

verbal expression (figurative (promote)

The environmental activist goes around the world beating the drum for energy reform.

一种用手敲的小鼓 yì zhǒng yòng shǒu qiāo de xiǎo gǔ

noun (small hand drum)

My favorite Cuban percussion instrument is the bongo drum.


noun (part of car braking system) (汽车制动系统的一部分)

Evelyn took her car to the garage to get the brake drums replaced.

反复灌输,填鸭式教授 fǎn fù guàn shū,tián yā shì jiào shòu

verbal expression (instill by repetition) (教学)

Our father, a clever but uneducated man, always drummed into our heads the importance of a good education.


noun (electronic instrument: imitates drum)

鼓手 gǔ shǒu

noun (band leader)

The drum major was leading the band down the parade route.


verbal expression (dismiss in disgrace)

Edward was drummed out of the Corps following the incident.

连串的鼓声 lián chuàn de gǔ shēng

noun (fast continuous drumming)

There was a drum roll before the winners were announced.


noun (kit consisting of several drums)

It's always noisy at my house now; my brother got a drum set for his birthday.


noun (female leader of marching band)

军乐队女指挥 jūn yuè duì nǚ zhǐ huī

noun (female baton-twirler)


noun (metal drum for oil)


noun (percussion)

Tim played a drum roll on the snare drum.


noun (music: percussion instrument)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。