英语 中的 duck 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 duck 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 duck 的说明。

英语 中的duck 表示鸭子 yā zi, 鸭肉 yā ròu, 忽然低头躲避, 忽地低下头 hū de dī xià tóu, 躲避 duǒ bì, 躲闪 duǒ shǎn, 躲进, 扎入, 零分 líng fēn, 亲爱的 qīn ài de, 细帆布, 逃避 táo bì, 溜走 liū zǒu, 偷偷离开 tōu tōu lí kāi, 巧妙地避开 qiǎo miào de bì kāi, 龙头鱼, 龙头鱼, 鸭尾发型, 很可能会失败的事, 鸭绒 yā róng, 弯下身子, 鸭蛋 yā dàn, 避开 bì kāi, 低下头, 鸭嘴形的, 鸭嘴兽 yā zuǐ shòu, 打水漂, 强力胶带 qiáng lì jiāo dài, 鸭嘴龙, 无能的人(或物),不中用的人(或物),废物 wú néng de rén huò wù,bù zhōng yòng de rén huò wù,fèi wù, 即将届满卸任的从政者, 秋沙鸭 qiū shā yā, 鸭嘴兽 yā zuǐ shòu, 橡胶鸭子 xiàng jiāo yā zi, 潜鸭,斑背潜鸭, 易被击中的目标,易被欺骗的对象 yì bèi jī zhòng de mù biāo,yì bèi qī piàn de duì xiàng, 怪人 guài rén。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 duck 的含义

鸭子 yā zi

noun (aquatic bird)

Do you see the ducks in the pond?

鸭肉 yā ròu

noun (food: meat)

We ate Peking duck at the Chinese restaurant.


noun (movement to dodge [sth])

Larry made a quick duck to avoid hitting his head on the door frame.

忽地低下头 hū de dī xià tóu

intransitive verb (bend, lower head)

He ducked when the ball came flying at him.

躲避 duǒ bì

intransitive verb (dodge)

He ducked to the side when the ball came flying at him.

躲闪 duǒ shǎn

transitive verb (blow, missile: avoid)

The players had to duck a shower of various missiles as they left the pitch.


(dive, hide)

To avoid saying hello, he ducked under a desk.


(plunge into water) (水下)

Ryan ducked under the water and resurfaced a few seconds later.

零分 líng fēn

noun (cricket: nought) (板球)

He was out for a duck.

亲爱的 qīn ài de

noun (UK, informal (dear, darling)

Cup of tea, duck?


noun (fabric)

The hammock is made of duck.

逃避 táo bì

transitive verb (informal (obligation) (责任等)

She ducked her appointment and went to the cinema instead.

溜走 liū zǒu

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (leave secretly)

I deliberately sat at the back of the room near the door so I could duck out if the meeting was boring.

偷偷离开 tōu tōu lí kāi

(informal (leave secretly) (非正式用语)

She managed to duck out of the lecture without anyone seeing her.

巧妙地避开 qiǎo miào de bì kāi

(informal, figurative (avoid inclusion) (非正式用语)

He would often try to duck out of his boss's motivational meetings.


noun (fish: Bombay duck) (生物种类)


noun (food: Bombay duck) (食物)


noun (initialism (1950s men's hairstyle: duck's ass)

The movie is set in the 1950s, and all of the actors have DAs.


noun (informal, figurative ([sth] that will not succeed)

鸭绒 yā róng

noun (soft feathers of a duck)


(bend, crouch down)

鸭蛋 yā dàn

noun (egg laid by duck)

避开 bì kāi

verbal expression (informal, figurative (avoid obligation)

He always tries to duck out of talking to my parents.


verbal expression (lower your head)

I ducked my head to avoid hitting it on the lintel.


adjective (animal: with a bill like a duck's) (动物)

Paleontologists have found the skeleton of a duck-billed dinosaur.

鸭嘴兽 yā zuǐ shòu

noun (Australian aquatic mammal)

When the duck-billed platypus was first described in Europe, everyone thought it was a hoax.


noun (skipping stones on water) (游戏)

强力胶带 qiáng lì jiāo dài

noun (strong adhesive tape)

Duct tape can be used to repair almost anything.


noun (type of dinosaur)

无能的人(或物),不中用的人(或物),废物 wú néng de rén huò wù,bù zhōng yòng de rén huò wù,fèi wù

noun (figurative ([sb] or [sth] ineffectual)

That guy is such a lame duck; he's never going to make anything of his life.


noun (US, figurative (politician before handing over power)

George W Bush was a lame duck from Election Day 2008 to January 20th, 2009.

秋沙鸭 qiū shā yā

noun (type of duck)

鸭嘴兽 yā zuǐ shòu

noun (Australian aquatic mammal)

The platypus is an endangered animal.

橡胶鸭子 xiàng jiāo yā zi

noun (duck-shaped bath toy)

Children often play with rubber ducks at bathtime.


noun (diving duck)

易被击中的目标,易被欺骗的对象 yì bèi jī zhòng de mù biāo,yì bèi qī piàn de duì xiàng

noun (figurative (easy target) (比喻)

With nothing to protect himself from the enemy, he was a sitting duck.

怪人 guài rén

noun (figurative, informal (odd person)

What a strange duck he is.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。