英语 中的 sitting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sitting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sitting 的说明。

英语 中的sitting 表示开会,开会期间 kāi huì,kāi huì qī jiān, 一次就餐时间 yí cì jiù cān shí jiān, 坐着活动的时间, 摆姿势坐着被拍摄或绘画的时间, 在任期内的, 孵蛋的, 坐 zuò, 就座, 在 zài, 闲坐着 xián zuò zhe, 停落 tíng luò, 位于 wèi yú, 摆姿势 bǎi zī shì, 开会 kāi huì, 临时帮别人照顾小孩 lín shí bāng bié rén zhào gù xiǎo hái, 合身,适合 hé shēn,shì hé, 使坐 shǐ zuò, 为…引座 wèi yǐn zuò, 参加…考试 cān jiā kǎo shì, 替人看家, 看管宠物, 易被击中的目标,易被欺骗的对象 yì bèi jī zhòng de mù biāo,yì bèi qī piàn de duì xiàng, 起居室 qǐ jū shì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sitting 的含义

开会,开会期间 kāi huì,kāi huì qī jiān

noun (committee, etc.: session)

The committee sitting will end at 6:00.

一次就餐时间 yí cì jiù cān shí jiān

noun (restaurant: serving period) (饭店等)

The cafe has two sittings: one for breakfast, and one for lunch.


noun (seated activity: continuous period) (连续一段时间)

My legs are stiff from three hours of sitting.


noun (posing for an artist)

The portrait required three two-hour sittings.


adjective (holding office)

He will be the first sitting president to speak at our university.


adjective (hen: brooding) (母鸡)

We have six sitting hens right now, and soon we'll have lots of chicks.

坐 zuò

intransitive verb (sit down)

Come and sit next to me.


intransitive verb (be seated)

Tell me where you'll be sitting so that I can find you easily.

在 zài

intransitive verb (be placed)

The glass is sitting on the table.

闲坐着 xián zuò zhe

intransitive verb (do nothing)

Don't just sit there and pout.

停落 tíng luò

intransitive verb (perch)

The hummingbird sat on a branch.

位于 wèi yú

intransitive verb (lie, be situated)

London sits on the River Thames.

摆姿势 bǎi zī shì

intransitive verb (pose)

Helen is going to sit for a picture.

开会 kāi huì

intransitive verb (be in session)

Parliament is sitting now.

临时帮别人照顾小孩 lín shí bāng bié rén zhào gù xiǎo hái

intransitive verb (informal (baby-sit)

Mr. and Mrs. Brown asked Julie to sit for their son.

合身,适合 hé shēn,shì hé

intransitive verb (clothing: fit) (指衣服)

That coat sits very well on you.

使坐 shǐ zuò

transitive verb (cause to sit)

She sat her baby in his high chair so that she could prepare the lunch.

为…引座 wèi yǐn zuò

transitive verb (seat, provide seating)

The usher sat us in the front row.

参加…考试 cān jiā kǎo shì

transitive verb (UK (take: an exam)

I'm sitting my proficiency exam next week.


noun (minding [sb]'s home in their absence)


noun (minding [sb] else's pet)

Ruth is doing some pet sitting for her parents while they are abroad.

易被击中的目标,易被欺骗的对象 yì bèi jī zhòng de mù biāo,yì bèi qī piàn de duì xiàng

noun (figurative (easy target) (比喻)

With nothing to protect himself from the enemy, he was a sitting duck.

起居室 qǐ jū shì

noun (lounge, living or family room)

Your mother's waiting for you in the sitting room.

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sitting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。