英语 中的 felt 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 felt 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 felt 的说明。

英语 中的felt 表示毛毡 máo zhān, 毛毡的 máo zhān de, 把…制成毡, 用毛毡覆盖 yòng máo zhān fù gài, 感受到,察觉到,感知到 gǎn shòu dào,chá jué dào,gǎn zhī dào, 触摸 chù mō, 感觉到,感受到,觉察到 gǎn jué dào,gǎn shòu dào,jué chá dào, 感觉到,意识到 gǎn jué dào,yì shí dào, 认为,觉得 rèn wéi ,jué de, 觉得 jué de, 感受到,觉得 gǎn shòu dào,jué de, 认为自己,觉得自己, 给人某种感觉 gěi rén mǒu zhǒng gǎn jué, 手感 shǒu gǎn, 特有的气氛 tè yǒu de qì fēn, 触觉 chù jué, 触摸 chù mō, 触摸 chù mō, 感受(到某种情绪) gǎn shòu dào mǒu zhǒng qíng xù, 感同身受 gǎn tóng shēn shòu, 受…影响 shòu yǐng xiǎng, 体验到 tǐ yàn dào, 深切的 shēn qiè de, 毡头笔, 毡尖笔 zhān jiān bǐ, 毡头笔。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 felt 的含义

毛毡 máo zhān

noun (fabric)

The blanket was made of felt.

毛毡的 máo zhān de

noun as adjective (of felt fabric)

He wore an old felt hat.


transitive verb (turn into felt)

You can felt a piece of knitted fabric by washing it at a very high temperature.

用毛毡覆盖 yòng máo zhān fù gài

transitive verb (cover with felt)

The ornament was felted on the base to protect the table.

感受到,察觉到,感知到 gǎn shòu dào,chá jué dào,gǎn zhī dào

transitive verb (sense by touch) (通过触觉)

He felt her hand on his shoulder.

触摸 chù mō

transitive verb (examine by touch)

She felt the cloth to see how good it was.

感觉到,感受到,觉察到 gǎn jué dào,gǎn shòu dào,jué chá dào

transitive verb (sense, detect: not by touch) (非通过触觉)

I felt hostility in his voice.

感觉到,意识到 gǎn jué dào,yì shí dào

transitive verb (be conscious of)

He could feel her gaze on him.

认为,觉得 rèn wéi ,jué de

transitive verb (with clause: think)

He felt that her actions were unfair.

觉得 jué de

intransitive verb (+ adj: experience condition)

I'm over the worst of my flu but I still feel a bit weak.

感受到,觉得 gǎn shòu dào,jué de

intransitive verb (+ adj: experience emotion) (某种情绪)

I felt really embarrassed.


intransitive verb (+ noun: perceive self as)

I felt a fool when she pointed out my mistake.

给人某种感觉 gěi rén mǒu zhǒng gǎn jué

intransitive verb (+ adj: have detectable quality)

The floor felt wet.

手感 shǒu gǎn

noun (quality perceived by touch)

I like the feel of silk on my skin.

特有的气氛 tè yǒu de qì fēn

noun (impression)

It's a café but it has the feel of a pub.

触觉 chù jué

noun (sense of touch)

Without electricity, he had to move by feel.

触摸 chù mō

noun (touching with a hand)

A quick feel of the fabric was enough to tell Ellen that it wasn't what she wanted.

触摸 chù mō

intransitive verb (search by touch)

She felt below the chair but could not find her pen.

感受(到某种情绪) gǎn shòu dào mǒu zhǒng qíng xù

intransitive verb (have emotions)

He is a man who feels strongly.

感同身受 gǎn tóng shēn shòu

intransitive verb (have compassion)

When I see suffering, I really feel.

受…影响 shòu yǐng xiǎng

transitive verb (be affected by)

He felt the full force of the crash.

体验到 tǐ yàn dào

transitive verb (detect)

He felt her anger at the other end of the phone.

深切的 shēn qiè de

adjective (condolences, sympathy: sincere)


noun (fiber-tipped marker pen)

You can write on anything with a felt pen -- paper, wood, even metal.

毡尖笔 zhān jiān bǐ

noun (informal (fiber-tipped marker pen) (非正式用语)

Mark the position on the wall using a felt tip. My daughter loves colouring with felt tips.


noun (fiber-tipped marker)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。