英语 中的 hard 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hard 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hard 的说明。

英语 中的hard 表示坚硬的,硬的 jiān yìng de ,yìng de, 坚硬的 jiān yìng de, 有力的,重重的 yǒu lì de, 难的 nán de, 用力地 yòng lì de, 重重地,沉重地 zhòng zhòng de,chén zhòng de, 坚固地 jiān gù de, 努力地 nǔ lì de, 高低不平的 gāo dī bù píng de, 恶劣的 è liè de, 严厉的 yán lì de, 激烈的 jī liè de, 坏的 huài de, 严厉的 yán lì de, 冷酷的 lěng kù de, 线条鲜明的 xiàn tiáo xiān míng de, 高对比度的,高反差的 gāo duì bǐ dù de,gāo fǎn chā de, 无情的 wú qíng de, 吝啬的,小气的 lìn sè de ,xiǎo qì de, 硬通货的 yìng tōng huò de, 烈性的 liè xìng de, 含无机盐的,硬的 hán wú jī yán de,yìng de, 脆皮的 cuì pí de, 变硬的,不新鲜的 biàn yìng de ,bù xīn xiān de, 顺滑的,光面的 shùn huá de,guāng miàn de, 猛烈的 měng liè de, 隐蔽的,设于地下以避免空袭的 yǐn bì de ,shè yú dì xià yǐ bì miǎn kōng xí de, 发硬音的 fā yìng yīn de, 对…很严格, 专注地 zhuān zhù de, 严厉地 yán lì de, 全力地,尽力地 quán lì de,jìn lì de, 艰难地, 靠近地 kào jìn de, 陆地 lù dì, 难相处的人, 严酷冷厉的人, 处于两难境地, 吹牛的人,好自夸的人,说大话者 chuī niú de rén,hǎo zì kuā de rén,shuō dà huà zhě, 苹果酒 pín guǒ jiǔ, 钱 qián, 货币,现款 huò bì,xiàn kuǎn, 惩罚 chéng fá, 顽固派 wán gù pài, 顽固的 wán gù de, 吃力不讨好, 进行一场艰苦的谈判 jìn xíng yì chǎng jiān kǔ de tán pàn, 时运不济, 跟...过不去, 责备 zé bèi, 投入做,努力做 nǔ lì zuò, 结实的 jiē shi de, 铁石心肠的 tiě shí xīn cháng de, 努力工作 nǔ lì gōng zuò, 重击,猛击 zhòng jī,měng jī, 沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī, 煮得老的,煮过心的 zhǔ de lǎo de,zhǔ guò xīn de, 强硬的,严厉的,无情的,冷酷的 qiáng yìng de,yán lì de ,wú qíng de ,lěng kù de, 硬糖 yìng táng, 冷酷无情的人, 现款,现金 xiàn kuǎn,xiàn jīn, 恶运, 苹果酒 pín guǒ jiǔ, 硬拷贝 yìng kǎo bèi, 硬调的, 露骨的, 强硬的, 强悍的, 核心力量 hé xīn lì liàng, 现金 xiàn jīn, 强势货币,硬通货 qiáng shì huò bì,yìng tōng huò, (电脑)硬盘 diàn nǎo yìng pán, 硬盘驱动器, 烈性毒品,硬毒品, 辛苦得来的, 严酷的现实 yán kù de xiàn shí, 怨恨 yuàn hèn, 艰难的事, 耐用消费品(如汽车 nài yòng xiāo fèi pǐn ( rú qì chē ), 安全帽 ān quán mào, 建筑工人 jiàn zhù gōng rén, 保守派 bǎo shǒu pài, 保守派的, 不感情用事的人 bù gǎn qíng yòng shì de rén, 受挫的 shòu cuò de, 苦差 kǔ chāi, 艰难的任务 jiān nán de rèn wù, 现实生活中的种种痛苦经验, 挫折 cuò zhé, 苦役,苦工 kǔ yì,kǔ gōng, 硬着陆 yìng zhuó lù, 艰辛的生活 jiān xīn de shēng huó, 烈酒 liè jiǔ, 不幸 bú xìng, 真不走运!, 这就是命!, 不幸的 bú xìng de, 硬新闻,严肃新闻 yìng xīn wén,yán sù xīn wén, 听力不佳 tīng lì bù jiā, 听障者, 硬腭, 露骨的色情作品, 重金属摇滚 zhòng jīn shǔ yáo gǔn, 硫化橡皮 liú huà xiàng pí, 不妥协销售, 难以做通的说服工作, 难以说通之人, 烈酒 liè jiǔ, 经济上的窘迫时期, 困难时期 kùn nán shí qī, 难以避免的 nán yǐ bì miǎn de, 令人难以置信的 lìng rén nán yǐ zhì xìn de, 稀有的,难找到的,难得到的 xī yǒu de, 难得的, 难找的, 难以衡量的, 难以取悦的 nán yǐ qǔ yuè de, 难说的, 难以理解的 nán yǐ lǐ jiě de, 难以忍受的, 缺乏性生活 quē fá xìng shēng huó, 欲火中烧的 yù huǒ zhōng shāo de, 硬质水 yìng zhì shuǐ, 辛勤工作 xīn qín gōng zuò, 繁重的工作,累人的工作 fán zhòng de gōng zuò, 辛勤工作的人 xīn qín gōng zuò de rén, 不能更改的,不容变通的 bù néng gēng gǎi de,bù róng biàn tōng de, 不能变通的规则, 顽强的,老练的 wán qiáng de ,lǎo liàn de, 煮过心的鸡蛋 zhǔ guò xīn de jī dàn, 硬拷贝 yìng kǎo bèi, 文件 wén jiàn, 酗酒的, 喝酒成瘾的, 咄咄逼人的 duō duō bī rén de, 有棱角的,锐边的 yǒu léng jiǎo de, 犀利的,鞭辟有力的的,锋芒毕露的 xī lì de, 严厉的 yán lì de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hard 的含义

坚硬的,硬的 jiān yìng de ,yìng de

adjective (solid)

Place the stepladder on a hard surface.

坚硬的 jiān yìng de

adjective (firm)

This bed has a hard mattress.

有力的,重重的 yǒu lì de

adjective (forceful)

He struck him a hard blow to the head.

难的 nán de

adjective (difficult)

That exam was really hard!

用力地 yòng lì de

adverb (with impact)

He hit the ground hard with the pickaxe.

重重地,沉重地 zhòng zhòng de,chén zhòng de

adverb (figurative (with deep emotion)

His death hit them hard.

坚固地 jiān gù de

adverb (solid)

The lake was frozen hard.

努力地 nǔ lì de

adverb (with effort, energy)

She exercises hard to keep in shape.

高低不平的 gāo dī bù píng de

adjective (rugged)

This is a very hard hike, over rocks and boulders.

恶劣的 è liè de

adjective (inclement) (指天气)

It was a hard winter, but they survived.

严厉的 yán lì de

adjective (stern)

She gave him a very hard stare.

激烈的 jī liè de

adjective (vigorous)

They put up a long, hard fight.

坏的 huài de

adjective (bad)

We have had some very hard luck.

严厉的 yán lì de

adjective (severe)

He's too hard on his children.

冷酷的 lěng kù de

adjective (figurative (person: tough, unemotional)

The old woman rarely showed any emotion and people said she was hard.

线条鲜明的 xiàn tiáo xiān míng de

adjective (sharp, distinct)

Her face has hard features.

高对比度的,高反差的 gāo duì bǐ dù de,gāo fǎn chā de

adjective (photograph: high contrast) (摄影)

Print the photo using hard paper.

无情的 wú qíng de

adjective (figurative (unsentimental)

When I started to cry in his office, he just gave me a hard look and asked me to leave.

吝啬的,小气的 lìn sè de ,xiǎo qì de

adjective (colloquial (stingy)

He won't lend you any money? That's rather hard.

硬通货的 yìng tōng huò de

adjective (figurative (currency)

You'll need hard currency to pay for this.

烈性的 liè xìng de

adjective (figurative (drink: alcoholic) (指酒)

He only drinks hard liquor, never beer.

含无机盐的,硬的 hán wú jī yán de,yìng de

adjective (water: with minerals) (指水)

Water is hard if it leaves deposits in the shower.

脆皮的 cuì pí de

adjective (baked goods: crusty) (烘烤品)

This bread has a lovely hard crust.

变硬的,不新鲜的 biàn yìng de ,bù xīn xiān de

adjective (baked goods: stale) (烘烤品)

Ellen used the previous day's hard bread to make breadcrumbs.

顺滑的,光面的 shùn huá de,guāng miàn de

adjective (technical (textiles: smooth) (指织物)

The cloth is made with a hard fibre.

猛烈的 měng liè de

adjective (destructive)

The army made a very hard attack on the enemy town.

隐蔽的,设于地下以避免空袭的 yǐn bì de ,shè yú dì xià yǐ bì miǎn kōng xí de

adjective (military installation: protected) (指军事设施)

The location of the army's hard missiles is secret.

发硬音的 fā yìng yīn de

adjective (phonetics)

You should pronounce this word with a hard "c", not a soft.


adjective (treat [sb] harshly, sternly)

My parents were hard on me when I was growing up.

专注地 zhuān zhù de

adverb (intently)

She looked hard at the exam question.

严厉地 yán lì de

adverb (severely)

The teacher looked at him hard, and told him to leave the room.

全力地,尽力地 quán lì de,jìn lì de

adverb (nautical: to an extreme) (航海术语)

Go hard aport and make sure everything is alright.


adverb (with difficulty)

Her victory was all the sweeter for being hard won.

靠近地 kào jìn de

(near, coming up to)

It was hard upon nightfall when they arrived.

陆地 lù dì

noun (UK (solid beach)

You can access the hard during low tide.


noun (informal ([sb] difficult)

Mark is a hard one; you never know what he is thinking.


noun (informal ([sb] cold, severe)

The boss is a hard one; he is very strict.


expression (figurative (facing a dilemma)

吹牛的人,好自夸的人,说大话者 chuī niú de rén,hǎo zì kuā de rén,shuō dà huà zhě

noun (slang, figurative (boastful person)

That guy's such a blowhard! He never stops talking about his achievements.

苹果酒 pín guǒ jiǔ

noun (UK (alcoholic apple drink)

After work, we stopped by the pub to have a half pint of cider.

钱 qián

noun (figurative (making money)

He didn't care about performing a service; all he cared about was cold, hard cash.

货币,现款 huò bì,xiàn kuǎn

noun (money, not credit) (本义)

I'll sell you this bike, but you have to pay me in cold, hard cash.

惩罚 chéng fá

verbal expression (informal, figurative (punish)

顽固派 wán gù pài

noun (rigid traditionalist)

She's a die hard who believes in the old ways.

顽固的 wán gù de

adjective (rigidly traditionalist)

He's a die-hard supporter of the Republican Party.


verbal expression (make [sth] unnecessarily difficult)

进行一场艰苦的谈判 jìn xíng yì chǎng jiān kǔ de tán pàn

verbal expression (be tough negotiator)

The shopkeeper drove a hard bargain, but we eventually agreed on a price for the vase.


verbal expression (be in financial difficulties) (尤指经济困难)

The company fell on hard times and eventually had to close down.


verbal expression (informal (treat harshly)

They gave me a hard time at the interview.

责备 zé bèi

verbal expression (informal (berate)

My dad gave me a hard time about not finishing my homework.

投入做,努力做 nǔ lì zuò

transitive verb (informal (do [sth] intensely)

I started learning Italian a year ago, and I've been going hard at it ever since.

结实的 jiē shi de

adjective (tough, durable)

I can't crack the ice, it is as hard as nails.

铁石心肠的 tiě shí xīn cháng de

adjective ([sb]: tough, without sympathy)

Don't expect any sympathy from him, he is as hard as nails.

努力工作 nǔ lì gōng zuò

adjective (working hard)

Miguel was hard at work doing his history project.

重击,猛击 zhòng jī,měng jī

noun (forceful punch or strike)

Although the jab to the chin dropped him, it was the hard blow to the ribs that did the damage.

沉重的打击 chén zhòng de dǎ jī

noun (figurative (emotional setback) (情感)

The loss of his job dealt a hard blow to his self-confidence.

煮得老的,煮过心的 zhǔ de lǎo de,zhǔ guò xīn de

adjective (egg: cooked until firm) (指蛋)

How do you prefer your eggs - hard boiled or soft?

强硬的,严厉的,无情的,冷酷的 qiáng yìng de,yán lì de ,wú qíng de ,lěng kù de

adjective (figurative (person: tough) (比喻,人)

The main character is a hard-boiled private detective.

硬糖 yìng táng

noun (US (boiled sweets)

My grandmother always kept a dish of hard candies on her coffee table.


noun (informal ([sb] severe, unemotional)

现款,现金 xiàn kuǎn,xiàn jīn

noun (tangible money, not credit or check)


expression (informal, figurative (tough luck)

苹果酒 pín guǒ jiǔ

noun (US (alcoholic apple drink)

That tavern serves the best hard cider in the state.

硬拷贝 yìng kǎo bèi

noun (physical copy of data)

Can you send me a hard copy of the data?

硬调的, 露骨的

adjective (pornography: obscene) (指色情影像)

That store sells hardcore pornography.

强硬的, 强悍的

adjective (person: staunch, committed) (指人)

Mike is a hardcore baseball fan.

核心力量 hé xīn lì liàng

noun (those most committed to [sth])

The arduous ascent soon separated the wimps from the hard core.

现金 xiàn jīn

noun (coins and bills)

We accept only hard currency, no checks or credit cards.

强势货币,硬通货 qiáng shì huò bì,yìng tōng huò

noun (currency unlikely to lose value) (商业)

The price of a hard currency tends to remain stable in the short term.

(电脑)硬盘 diàn nǎo yìng pán

noun (computing: disk-reading hardware)


noun (data-reading hardware) (电脑的)

The police were able to retrieve information from the fraudster's hard drive.


plural noun (cocaine, heroin, etc.) (海洛因等)

He started off abusing alcohol and later moved on to hard drugs.


adjective (gained through strife)

严酷的现实 yán kù de xiàn shí

noun ([sth] harsh but true)

The hard fact was that I had failed, and nothing could change that.

怨恨 yuàn hèn

plural noun (informal, often neg (resentment)

When they broke up there were no hard feelings.


noun (informal ([sth] difficult or strenuous)

The climb was hard going, but the view from the top was magificent.

耐用消费品(如汽车 nài yòng xiāo fèi pǐn ( rú qì chē )

plural noun (durable goods)

There has been a slowdown in sales of hard goods such as appliances and furniture.

安全帽 ān quán mào

noun (protective helmet)

Visitors to this building site are required to wear a hard hat at all times.

建筑工人 jiàn zhù gōng rén

noun (US (construction worker)

There was a group of hard hats hanging out at the bar tonight.

保守派 bǎo shǒu pài

noun (US, informal (conservative person)


adjective (US, informal (conservative)

不感情用事的人 bù gǎn qíng yòng shì de rén

noun (figurative (unsentimental person) (比喻)

He has a hard head on him for someone so young.

受挫的 shòu cuò de

adjective (suffering setback)

苦差 kǔ chāi

noun (difficult occupation)

Long haul trucking is a hard job.

艰难的任务 jiān nán de rèn wù

noun (difficult task)

In this recession, we're going to have a hard job persuading the boss to spend money on new computers.


plural noun (figurative, informal (real-life experience)

Dan brings to the job a life-long experience of hard knocks.

挫折 cuò zhé

plural noun (figurative, informal (difficult experiences)

The advertising industry has taken some hard knocks in the recent economic downturn.

苦役,苦工 kǔ yì,kǔ gōng

noun (physical work done by prisoners) (囚犯)

硬着陆 yìng zhuó lù

noun (aircraft: descending with heavy impact)

The pilot misjudged his rate of descent and made a hard landing, which buckled the undercarriage.

艰辛的生活 jiān xīn de shēng huó

noun (difficult existence)

Working in the coal mines was a hard life.

烈酒 liè jiǔ

noun (US (spirits, alcoholic drink)

The store sells wine and beer but no hard liquor.

不幸 bú xìng

noun (misfortune)


interjection (showing compassion) (表示同情)

Hard luck, guys! Hopefully you'll do better next time.


interjection (showing lack of compassion) (表示不同情)

You didn't want that? Well, hard luck!

不幸的 bú xìng de

adjective (relating to unfavorable conditions)

Tired of all the hard-luck updates her friend kept posting on social media, Tania unfriended him.

硬新闻,严肃新闻 yìng xīn wén,yán sù xīn wén

noun (informal (information about serious and current events) (非正式用语)

This newspaper has a reputation for hard news rather than celebrity gossip.

听力不佳 tīng lì bù jiā

adjective (partially deaf)

My grandfather is hard of hearing, so don't bother talking to him from across the room.


plural noun (invariable (partially-deaf people)

Subtitles are provided for the deaf and hard of hearing.


noun (bone at roof of the mouth)


noun (figurative, informal (explicit pornography)

重金属摇滚 zhòng jīn shǔ yáo gǔn

noun (heavy form of popular music)

I prefer easy listening and jazz to hard rock.

硫化橡皮 liú huà xiàng pí

noun (vulcanized rubber)

The truck's tires were made of hard rubber.


noun (informal (aggressive sales)

The hard sell is a tactic designed to quickly close a sale.


noun (informal, figurative ([sth]: hard to make desirable)

It will be a hard sell to convince the rebels to back a plan to end the civil war.


noun (informal, figurative (person: hard to persuade)

Mike was a hard sell I, but I eventually won him over.

烈酒 liè jiǔ

noun (slang, figurative (liquor, alcoholic drink) (俚语,比喻)

Some people like beer or wine, but others prefer the hard stuff.


plural noun (financial hardship)

Both he and she are unemployed and they're going through some hard times.

困难时期 kùn nán shí qī

plural noun (difficult period)

These are hard times for those wanting to start their own business.

难以避免的 nán yǐ bì miǎn de

adjective (found or seen everywhere)

Those advertisements are hard to avoid; we see them on any page with Google ads.

令人难以置信的 lìng rén nán yǐ zhì xìn de

adjective (not credible)

It's hard to believe that this was once all open fields.

稀有的,难找到的,难得到的 xī yǒu de

adjective (rare, difficult to find)

First editions of the book are hard to come by.


adjective (rare, elusive)

First editions of this book are really hard to find.


adjective (difficult to locate)


adjective (difficult to measure or judge)

Because it is hard to gauge the depth of the water, it is dangerous to dive in.

难以取悦的 nán yǐ qǔ yuè de

adjective (fussy, not easily satisfied)

My boss has very high expectations of our work and as a result is very hard to please.


adjective (not easy to determine)

It's hard to say who will win this year's World Cup.

难以理解的 nán yǐ lǐ jiě de

adjective (not reasonable)

His motives are hard to understand.


adjective (US, figurative (person: not easy to tolerate)

缺乏性生活 quē fá xìng shēng huó

adjective (informal (poor)

I'm not exactly hard up, but I still don't like to waste money.

欲火中烧的 yù huǒ zhōng shāo de

adjective (slang (desperate for sex)

Go on a date with John? No thanks, I'm not that hard up!

硬质水 yìng zhì shuǐ

noun (water with high mineral content)

If you live in a hard water area you will get lime deposits in your kettle.

辛勤工作 xīn qín gōng zuò

noun (great effort)

We would like to commend you on your hard work for the company over the years.

繁重的工作,累人的工作 fán zhòng de gōng zuò

noun (informal ([sth]: requires effort) (非正式用语)

Riding a bike uphill is hard work.

辛勤工作的人 xīn qín gōng zuò de rén

noun ([sb] who works diligently)

Julie is a hard worker who does everything that's asked of her.

不能更改的,不容变通的 bù néng gēng gǎi de,bù róng biàn tōng de

adjective (rule: strictly enforced) (规则等)

The company has no hard-and-fast dress code, but everyone wears a business suit.


noun (rule: unbreakable)

There's no hard-and-fast rule about what makes good picnic food.

顽强的,老练的 wán qiáng de ,lǎo liàn de

adjective (figurative, informal (tough, experienced)

煮过心的鸡蛋 zhǔ guò xīn de jī dàn

noun (egg boiled until yolk is firm)

Hard-boiled eggs are frequently required for slicing and adding to salad dishes.

硬拷贝 yìng kǎo bèi

noun as adjective (data: physical form)

We sell music in digital and hard-copy formats.

文件 wén jiàn

plural noun (papers) (纸质)

酗酒的, 喝酒成瘾的

adjective (consumes a lot of alcohol)

咄咄逼人的 duō duō bī rén de

adjective (aggressive, pushy)

有棱角的,锐边的 yǒu léng jiǎo de

adjective (having hard or sharp edges)

犀利的,鞭辟有力的的,锋芒毕露的 xī lì de

adjective (figurative (personality: severe, intense)

严厉的 yán lì de

adjective (person, face: stern) (人、面部表情)

Mr Henderson was a hard-faced man who never smiled.

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hard 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。